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Forums » Epic Week 2019 » Collection2 symbol (Super Slugs) (COMPLETED)

Kim Site Admin

This topic is for coordinating collection of the required resources to unlock the collection2 symbol in Epic Week 2019. Please stay on topic. Remember, these challenges are designed to require many people to work together to complete them!
and added!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I had 2 I put in! :)
I'm 7th! Only had 1 saved up
Gave 1:)
Cass Moderator

Put in two!
Finally got a slug to add to the collection
Oh snap! didnt know slugs were one of the collections! I gotz 1!!!!
Donated mine

I have a spare 1, if anyone wishes to donate it and didn't find one, PM me
Cass Moderator

Tossed a couple more slimy friends in. :D
Another slug has been gently added to the pile
Lobbed another slug on.
It says I can't give mine because a monster chased me off! D :
Never mind! I defeated two monsters, the first one with a group of people! Yay! I added one slug.

I added 3 :3
They are pretty hard to find, I see more crystals than slugs so far
29 to go. We can do this. :)
Dragonfire Moderator

One, two, three, four, four slugs!

We only need 18 more. Man!
2 more have been handed over

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2019 » Collection2 symbol (Super Slugs) (COMPLETED)

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus