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Forums » RP Discussion » Pern RP! Want to be a dragonrider?

Dragonfire Moderator

Hey, dudes. I finally am trying to get over that silly case of writer's block I have, and decided to begin again with the first sorts of RPs I was seriously involved in - Pern. I found a nifty Weyr setting: it's fairly new, so you can get in on the action nice and early, and hatchings and other fun things are coming up on the horizon soon.

Oh, and it's pretty definitely non-canon, so if you like your Pern traditional, probably not the best place for yer. If you don't know the base canon and still would like to join, it's usually pretty easy to get the hang of things, and there're lots of resources online about the world and setting, so I encourage you to check it out anyways, if you're interested.

Other than that, a more formal advert:


Twelve turns ago, they came.

Ten turns ago they changed us forever.

Four turns ago they returned to finish the job.
The arrival of the Intrepid took Pern by surprise. A fourth Dawn Sister appeared in the sky over Southern Weyr, accompanied a sevenday later by a freak Threadfall that tore through Southern's population. The next day, the new Dawn Sister put forth a slim, cigar-shaped craft that descended to Landing and disgorged its content: humans. The rediscovery and reactivation of AIVAS, along with the subsequent alteration of the Red Star's orbit had set into motion events that led to the rediscovery of Pern. A small exploration team was sent to investigate the long-forgotten colony.

They couldn't believe what they found. A whirlwind year passed as the crew from the Intrepid began an intense study of the planet and its lifeforms. At the end of it, most of the crew departed, leaving behind only a small team of geneticists and the promise of another ship to come. The geneticists were relocated to Fort, where they began a study of Pernese dragons. Inspired by the recently-discovered silver mutation, they created their own: first pearl, then bismuth, and later garnet and tanzanite. Seven years passed. Tensions between the offworlders and the dragonriders grew. Talk began of setting up a weyr where the geneticists could experiment in peace.

And the Peregrine came. Crewed with the best science officers the galaxy could offer, they arrived prepared to live and work on Pern for ten turns - studying the planet and its people. The talk at Fort became a reality, and with the help offered by the Peregrine's core of engineers, a new weyr was founded. It was named Peregrine, for the ship, which was stripped and incorporated into the Weyr itself. The crew settled in. They interacted with the Pernese, grew friendly - some Impressed dragons of their own. But all of them deferred to the genetics team from the Intrepid.

There is a mission at stake among these offworlders - a mission that nobody seems willing to admit to. And only time will reveal the primary mission behind these offworlders' arrival - if anything reveals it at all.
We don't know what they want from us.

We don't know why they're here.

All we know is that Pern will never be the same.

Peregrine Weyr is a semi-to-non-canon Twelfth Pass Pern roleplay set in a canon where AIVAS' discovery set the ball rolling to Pern's rediscovery by the rest of the human race. A team of scientists has returned to Pern to unlock its secrets - and they have been changing the face of Pern since their arrival more than a decade ago. Only time will tell what the real goals of this scientific team are, and what their arrival will do to the planet.

What we have to offer:
-A flexible, noncanon Pern environment - Impression no longer based on sexual orientation, and exciting opportunities available for riders of all colours
-Noncanon colours - two new clutching females and four other new dragons
-Plenty of potential for new mutations and species in the future
-Plenty of available leadership roles
-A chance to play an outsider - a technologically-advanced researcher from beyond the stars
-A long-term plot with plenty of exciting events along the way
-A chance to get involved from the get-go - your characters and their actions will shape the game!
-Friendly staff committed to making the most fun game possible for all players
-A laid-back, easygoing game with fantastic members

Current events:
-A six-month-old weyrling class is available for immediate adoption and play!
-Clutch in the works! Gold Nostromoth has been caught by silver Normandith - with a pairing like that, a gold egg is nearly inevitable. Candidates are desperately needed.
-Salvador, the head offworlder geneticist, has been holed up in his lab for over a month - he's undoubtedly up to something.
-Tensions are rising between the Weyrleaders and the fellis-addicted Weyrsecond, and only time will tell how this will affect Weyr politics.


PERN!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG. I've been reading Pern ever since I was a little kid!! (My mom loved the series and got me hooked at an early age)

I might look into this after school ends. And I'll need to brush up on my Pernness. It's been forever. ._.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Man, this really makes me want to do Pern RP again! But I can't find one that's both mostly-canon and not super rigorous and well-established (so it would be hard to get my foot in the door).

I must say, as noncanon Pern RPs go, this one seems to have a really interesting plot!
Heimdall wrote:
Man, this really makes me want to do Pern RP again! But I can't find one that's both mostly-canon and not super rigorous and well-established (so it would be hard to get my foot in the door).
Me too. :( I want canon colors, but without some of the gender/sexuality uck. We should totally start one, in our copious and overflowing free time.
Dragonfire Topic Starter Moderator

The unfortunate thing about canon is that, yeah, it tends to be pretty problematic, both homophobic and sexist, especially if you take McCaffery at her word about a few things. At this place, Impression is determined by personality and sexuality is the last thing taken into account. There's quite a few women riding around on male dragons - and in fact, the Weyrwoman/Weyrleader pair are both ladies, and the Weyrseconds are both men. (Yes, even the Jr Weyr'woman'. :D)

It's been about forever for me, too, Celestina. XD I don't think I've played in a Weyr setting for... five years, probably. But it's been fun making up characters - or remaking, in some cases - and anticipating what sorts of dragons they might get.

Except for Rydia, anyways, because she wouldn't be the same without her trusty green. :3

You are on: Forums » RP Discussion » Pern RP! Want to be a dragonrider?

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus