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Forums » Epic Week 2019 » Warrior Reference

I'm not sure why I haven't posted this as its own topic yet, so here it is. Just be aware, I'll probably be faster to update the version in The Epic Armory. ^^;

Corrections, confirmations, and updates are appreciated. <3

It's good to target the hardest enemies first! This way, attackers have more resources to take them down with, and if enemies end up left over until the next wave, we'll have easier enemies taking up spaces that stronger enemies might have otherwise filled.

If you're having trouble navigating the treasury in the Epic Armory, with a keyboard you can search the page using ctrl/cmd + f or through mobile Google Chrome, using the built in dropdown menu and tapping "Find in page"

Starting with info scraped from last year. Will be updated with this year's info.


Fists - Infinitely usable, but only deals straight 1d4 damage and may be resisted by any enemy.

Using the wrong weapon against an enemy allows the enemy to resist some of the damage.

Piercing Type - Includes Noble Rapier, Energy Sword (2017), High Tech Whip (2019). Slightly improved accuracy and dodging. Ideal against green enemies.
Max uses: 40
Attack bonus: 3
Damage Dice: 1d8
Damage Bonus: 2
Crit Threshold: 18
Crit Multiplier: 2
AC Bonus: 4

Slashing Type - Includes Wicked Battle Axe, Alien Honor Blade (2017). Ideal against red enemies. Has most uses.
Max uses: 50
Attack bonus: 5
Damage Dice: 2d8
Damage Bonus: 3
Crit Threshold: 20
Crit Multiplier: 3

Energy Type (Gun Type) - Includes Ray Gun, Flintlock Pistol (2018). Ideal against blue enemies. Most damage potential but fewest uses among multi-use weapons.
Max uses: 20
Attack bonus: 5
Damage Dice: 3d8
Damage Bonus: 4
Crit Threshold: 19
Crit Multiplier: 3

Single-use items for high damage

Pineapple Grenade - One-use high-damage item. Equally useful against all enemies.
Damage type: All
Attack bonus: 10
Damage Dice: 6d8
Damage Bonus: 5
Crit Threshold: 20
Crit Multiplier: 3

Portable Cannon - One-use high-damage item. Equally useful against all enemies. A 2018 item.
Damage type: All
Attack bonus: 10
Damage Dice: 8d10
Damage Bonus: 5
Crit Threshold: 19
Crit Multiplier: 3

Rocket Launcher - One-use high-damage item. Equally useful against all enemies. A 2017 item.
Damage type: All
Attack bonus: 10
Damage Dice: 8d10
Damage Bonus: 5
Crit Threshold: 19
Crit Multiplier: 3


Party Hat of Healing - Heals 5-15 health.

Super Party Hat of Healing - Heals half your total health and a small bit of stamina.

Stimspray - Recovery from blight and poison. A 2017 item.

Medicinal Plant - Recovery from blight and poison.

Walrus - Not a usable item. A walrus in your inventory may randomly absorb some of the damage meant for you. There is only a 3% chance of this.


A player can give another active player a boost from inside combat once per 10 stamina (after you've used 10 stamina total, you can give another boost so long as you have at least 1 stamina). Boosts replace each other, but those with oil boosts already will not be listed as an option.

Red (Throwable, Fish) Oil - +4 to melee damage.
"Buffy the Goblin Slayer" Blend Buffing Oil - Slay with confidence and puns! This blend will make you more dangerous in melee combat.

Blue (Throwable, Fish) Oil - +4 to defense.
"Sweet Flips" Blend Buffing Oil - This blend will make you feel so nimble and dextrous, you can do backflips out of the way when a foe tries to hit you!

Yellow (Throwable, Fish) Oil - +4 to damage reduction.
"Ultimate Tanking" Blend Buffing Oil - Useful when you want to be able to withstand multiple blows.

Oils/potions are a craftable item. Crafting them requires an empty bottle. Blue and red oils/potions require 2 of the matching-color item. Yellow oils/potions require one of the colored item, plus two medicinal plants.

A +1 defense boost can be given without oil.

Status Effects

Poison - Reduces accuracy, making it harder to hit enemies. Can be removed with a medicinal plant or stimspray.

Blight - Prevents normal healing users get every 5 minutes. Can be removed with a medicinal plant or stimspray.

Bleed - Drops HP by 1-5 points per round for 3 action rounds after infliction.


Most enemies require multiple people to kill it. All enemies except boss types will fully heal every 5 minutes (so don't start attacking a healthy one if there's just a minute or two left!). New enemies spawn at the top of every hour and whenever a symbol is correctly answered.

Labyrinth Sentinel Green. 25 HP. Probably weak to piercing damage (noble rapier, energy sword, high tech whip). Probably resistant to energy damage (ray gun and flintlock pistol).
AC: 10
Attack bonus: 0
Damage: 1d4

Angry Labyrinth Sentinel Red. 75 HP. Probably weak to slashing damage (battle axe and alien honor blade). Probably resistant to piercing damage (noble rapier, energy sword, high tech whip). Requires minimum 3 appropriately armed players working together in a round.
AC: 11
Attack bonus: 1
Damage: 1d6
Crit Range: 20

Advanced Labyrinth Sentinel Blue. 100 HP. Weak to energy damage (ray gun and flintlock pistol). Probably resistant to slashing (battle axe and alien honor blade), and piercing (noble rapier, energy sword, high tech whip) is also not very effective. Requires minimum 4 appropriately armed players working together in a round.
AC: 11
Attack bonus: 2
Damage: 1d8
Crit Range: 20

Robot Scorpion (Non-arachnid image) Green. 125 HP. Inflicts poison. Weak to piercing damage (noble rapier, energy sword, high tech whip). Resistant to energy damage (ray gun and flintlock pistol).
AC: 11
Attack bonus: 1
Damage: 1d6
Crit Range: 20

Angry Robot Scorpion (Non-arachnid image) Red. 250 HP. Inflicts poison. Weak to slashing damage (battle axe and alien honor blade). Resistant to piercing damage (noble rapier, energy sword, high tech whip).
AC: 12
Attack bonus: 2
Damage: 1d8
Crit Range: 20

Blue Robot Scorpion (Non-arachnid image) Blue. 375 HP. Inflicts poison. Weak to energy damage (ray gun and flintlock pistol). Resistant to slashing (battle axe and alien honor blade), and piercing (noble rapier, energy sword, high tech whip) is also not very effective.
AC: 13
Attack bonus: 3
Damage: 1d10
Crit Range: 19

Sword Automaton Green. 75 HP. Inflicts bleed. Weak to piercing damage (noble rapier, energy sword, high tech whip). Resistant to energy damage (ray gun and flintlock pistol).
AC: 11
Attack bonus: 1
Damage: 2d6
Crit Range: 19

Angry Sword Automaton Red. 150 HP. Inflicts bleed. Weak to slashing damage (battle axe and alien honor blade). Resistant to piercing damage (noble rapier, energy sword, high tech whip).
AC: 12
Attack bonus: 2
Damage: 2d8
Crit Range: 19

Advanced Sword Automaton Blue. 225 HP. Inflicts bleed. Weak to energy damage (ray gun and flintlock pistol). Resistant to slashing (battle axe and alien honor blade), and piercing (noble rapier, energy sword, high tech whip) is also not very effective.
AC: 13
Attack bonus: 3
Damage: 2d10
Crit Range: 18

Labyrinth Guardian Green. 200 HP. Inflicts blight. Weak to piercing damage (noble rapier, energy sword, high tech whip). Resistant to energy damage (ray gun and flintlock pistol).
AC: 11
Attack bonus: 1
Damage: 2d6
Crit Range: 19

Angry Labyrinth Guardian Red. 400 HP. Inflicts blight. Weak to slashing damage (battle axe and alien honor blade). Resistant to piercing damage (noble rapier, energy sword, high tech whip).
AC: 12
Attack bonus: 2
Damage: 2d8
Crit Range: 19

Advanced Labyrinth Guardian Blue. 600 HP. Inflicts blight. Weak to energy damage (ray gun and flintlock pistol). Resistant to slashing (battle axe and alien honor blade), and piercing (noble rapier, energy sword, high tech whip) is also not very effective.
AC: 13
Attack bonus: 3
Damage: 2d10
Crit Range: 18

Minor Judgement Bot 900 HP. No specific weapon weakness/resistance.
AC: 12
Attack bonus: 4
Damage: 4d6
Crit Range: 20

Robotic Boulder 8000 HP. Boss (does not recover full health every 5 minutes).
AC: 15
Attack bonus: 5
Damage: 5d6
Crit Range: 17

Mechanical Riddle Beast 30,000 HP. Boss (does not recover full health every 5 minutes).
AC: 11
Attack bonus: 4
Damage: 4d6
Crit Range: 18

Zelphyr Topic Starter

Also, Tusitala was good enough to make these, featuring images I don't have!


Countering Poison

Using Boosts

And Dragonfire shared an excellent strategic PSA!
Zelphyr Topic Starter

Ooh! Looks like I'm caught up on monster info for the moment. At least until something new appears, whether another monster after the Guardians or another boss after the Riddle Beast.
Zelphyr Topic Starter

Just gave the weapons section and overhaul.
Zelphyr Topic Starter

Trying to make sure I've got links to other helpful things folks are posting too. I might reorganize later to get those links by the sections they relate to, and to make editing easier for me.
Zelphyr Topic Starter

Added a quick reminder on how to do in-page searches to make navigating the Armory treasury easier. :)
Zelphyr Topic Starter

Just boosting this to greater visibility. Not had a chance to rearrange yet, and I should probably add info about repairs... Would also like to know if I'm missing info about the Judgement bots, like infliction or better/worse weapon types or anything.
Dragonfire Moderator

The Judgment bots don't seem to have any damage reduction, so any weapon works about as well (guns are still best for damage output, though). Likewise, it doesn't appear that they do status effects - they just hit like trucks. ^^;

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Moderators: Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus