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Forums » Epic Week 2019 » Doubutt PSA!

For all you doubutters out there, this is a PSA to say that you should focus on Ray Guns, Grenades or essentially anything that is NOT Electrowhips, battle axes or noble rapiers. The armory has an overload of those three items so the warriors would really appreciate getting some other stuff out there.

Thank you!
Gonna help bump this up, we're swimming in pierce and slash weapons right now! With the wealth of blue-type enemies about, we need all the high-power weapons we can get!
On it!
Grenade incoming to some lucky person! :)

Edit: x2
Gonna boost this back up.

Also, please try to repair your guns before they break. It's okay to deposit low-use guns in the Armory for others to fix too, so you don't end up with the system thinking you're hoarding items! (It'll give you less if it thinks you're hoarding.)

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