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Forums » Epic Week 2019 » Puzzle6 symbol discussion (SOLVED)

Kim Site Admin

This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the puzzle6 symbol in Epic Week 2019. Please stay on topic. Remember, these riddles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people noodling together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help. Research is not cheating; it is expected!
Three interlocking pieces added up
A piece near animals
One piece is a lucky strike

I'm stuck on the second clue, racking my brain and the site for what could be "near animals"...?
Dragonfire Moderator

There's a number of animal silhouettes in the Princess Jones video - snake, bird, dragon, whale - and some more in the most recent video. I noted a squirrel, bat, cat, and monkey.
This is getting buried under solved ones. ^^;
Dragonfire Moderator

Added up... I wonder if the Atlantean numbers in the latest comic has anything to do with this? It looks like they're on a fragment that could be part of something larger.
Dragonfire Moderator

fCAHJQQ.png for reference! (it's not at all speculative, I just haven't updated the text from last year, LOL)
Dragonfire Moderator

In the comic, the numbers are '7854'.
Dragonfire Moderator

Oh hay what's this


A lucky strike indeed!
Dragonfire Moderator

And then over by the animals, there's


Unfortunately, I can't get a good look at that one, hrm.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Those slabs definitely look like they fit together. :D let me squint here...
Dragonfire Moderator

I'm pretty sure the order goes comic/animal/falling piece! Now just to figure out whether we need to add up all of the numbers, or whether it's line-by-line (and if the latter, which way should the whole tablet be oriented?).
Sometimes when I look at these puzzles and the work going I to slicing clues apart and examining every piece, and trying again with different light, and then sticking it in the microwave, and seeing how it moves to rock music vs classical, and grating it into dust to mulch into paint...

And I'm like, nah, it wouldn't take that to figure it out, that'd be crazy, Kim's not that mean.

But it works. And Kim is that mean.

And we love her anyway, because she's kinda the perfect sort of mean. XD
Is it possible that it's the puzzle pieces themselves? Three interlocking puzzle pieces, and the sum of their numbers? "Nearest to the animals" could be Puzzle5, "A lucky strike" could be Puzzle7.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Question, because I've been kinda absent-- when the hero has laser eyes and blows holes in the floor and wall, revealing animal symbols, is that pertinent to this?
JayBird wrote:
Is it possible that it's the puzzle pieces themselves? Three interlocking puzzle pieces, and the sum of their numbers? "Nearest to the animals" could be Puzzle5, "A lucky strike" could be Puzzle7.
Good to keep in mind in case the path they're on now doesn't pan out. Or you could simultaneously work out different ways that could be entered as an answer.
Ilmarinen Moderator

I reckon we will also have to be sure we are reading these pieces the right way up!
Dragonfire Moderator

I don't think so, Heimdall - but that probably has something to do with Puzzle8, which we haven't unlocked yet.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Ilmarinen Moderator

Quick question while I play catchup and ignore my real work (LOL), the non-comic pieces, which videos are they from?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Novalyyn wrote:
And I'm like, nah, it wouldn't take that to figure it out, that'd be crazy, Kim's not that mean.

But it works. And Kim is that mean.

And we love her anyway, because she's kinda the perfect sort of mean. XD

Credit where credit is due: Darth_Angelus and I work together on all these puzzles, so make sure to throw some mean shade/love his way too ;)

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2019 » Puzzle6 symbol discussion (SOLVED)

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus