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Forums » Looking for RP » Shōnen-Style Fantasy Adventure (1x1) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

The nation state of Alambeir strongly believes in education through practical experience. From a young age, children are inducted into apprenticeship schemes alongside their academic education. Though often dangerous, the independence and practical skills that are developed provide prospective employees with everything they need to gain a solid career; and employers with assurances of skill in their workers. Even with the dangers involved, the resulting decrease in poverty levels caused by this early-life investment has gifted Alambeir with a surprisingly low mortality rate amongst children.

Amongst the apprenticeship programs available are courses specific to exploration and adventuring. A key part of Alambeir's economy, given its adjacency to the semi-wild stateless reserve known as Azuraia, and the wilds beyond that. The city of Bastion's Borderlands Adventuring Academy is particularly prestigious and offers ample opportunity for excitement, riches and experience for children aged 8-15.


Players aged 16+ are preferred. If you're a year or so younger than that and feel you're more mature than average, we can discuss things, but there will be extra limits set on RP to keep everyone comfortable regarding the age gap.

This is a multi-paragraph RP. If you feel you can't maintain a pace of about 2 paragraphs average per post, this might not be for you. Also, expect long posts from me early on - don't feel obligated to keep up with them and don't expect them to persist throughout; it'd be mostly due to me setting the scene.

Reminders. If we agree to RP and start discussing the scenario in detail and I don't hear back from you for a week, I will drop a reminder. If I send you a starter post (or reply to your starter) and you don't reply back for 3 days, I will drop a reminder. In each case, I will only remind once, as I don't want to be a bother.

Ixon waited behind his desk patiently. It was rare to see a wood elf such as him amongst 'civilised' folk. Their connection to nature was above all else in their society. Yet here he was, the academy's highest rated instructor, awaiting the arrival of two students who were ready to progress to practical excursions. He had missions lined up for them. Missions that tested their prowess, intelligence, independence and wisdom. Hopefully, these promising students would get along with each other and maintain the academy's reputation. Though Ixon was quite sure of their readiness for adventure, finalising the pairing of adventuring companions was always with some risk. Even in the case of students who were already great friends prior to the pairing process, something could go wrong. There was more to life on the open road than the ability to maintain a platonic relationship in a non-threatening environment, after all.

The sound of the door's handle turning caught Ixon's attention. The students he had summoned were about to enter his office. He sat up straight and straightened the papers piled in front of him. It was time to send these kids on an adventure!

* * *

So here's an idea for a steampunk-level fantasy adventure with magic, fantasy creatures and plenty of adventure... with cuteness sprinkled in as well as playful antics. It's a setting influenced by Final Fantasy, Dungeons & Dragons and various shōnen anime/manga.

I'm looking for someone with a character aged 8-15 to join one of my characters on adventure. I have a selection of characters available to use for this setting, and each one has an effect on the tone and direction of the RP. Be sure to choose which one you want me to play before replying. For more information on each character, be sure to check their character page.

The choices are:


An impulsive thief and possible sociopath, 9-year-old Deril is in it for the money... and the opportunity to pinch some shiny things along the way. He doesn't often form friendships, but he can form loyalties out of trust and usefulness just like anyone else. If you're lucky - or unlucky, depending on your outlook - he might even get possessive. Expect thievery, rules-bending and covert activities with this four-armed boy. (Naga form option is available if you request it).


A helpful and cheerful 11-year-old wood elf whose love for nature is only matched by his fondness for firearms, Kyricx loves making new friends. He has a generally optimistic outlook on life and likes to see the best in people and cultures. He enjoys exploring new lands and helping people out and makes the perfect good-alignment adventuring companion. Just be sure not to do anything to disrespect nature in his presence.


Half-feral, poorly-educated and physically weak, on the surface, this genderless genetic construction doesn't seem cut out for adventuring life. But behind his lack of academic knowledge lies a keen intelligence. Behind his instinctive nature a strong emotional moral compass. Behind his lack of strength, a fantastic agility. Despite appearing as though he is seven years old - and perhaps biologically resembling a ten year old in actual physiology - Riik can unleash great power when pushed. He tends to be more of a sidekick with occasional animal-like behaviours and a timidness that makes it impossible for him to take the lead of a situation.


On the outside, this 10-year-old dark elf seems cruel, cold and uncaring. But inside, he is driven to a great need of securing freedom and liberty for those he comes across. He might appear evil and heartless, but he is a force for good, even if he finds enjoyment in the darker side of things at times. On balance, he is chaotic good with the occasional bout of evil; but such behaviour isn't unsurprising for 1) a dark elf and 2) someone who has already committed one of the acts no child should ever be forced or allowed to do: he has killed. His dark and twisted ways do not interfere with his ability to adventure toward the goals of goodness; but they might cause discomfort for the more pure of souls. Expect darker more mature themes where Vildryn is involved. Because of his nature, I will only use him with players aged 16+ as a hard limit. (Naga form option is available if you request it).

Though there aren't any strict mechanics for this RP, there will be a level system. This is to ensure that your character isn't overpowered and creates a more interesting narrative than "I beat everyone up". It also makes other tactics like sneaking or talking more viable. There will be 40 levels in the RP, and levels will be gained by completing a mission (side quests don't count - only the missions given by the academy. I am well aware it's unlikely that level 40 would be reached before the RP stops, but given this RP is about children learning to become adventurers, it's probably more realistic they don't get too strong anyway). Potential threats will be given a level in their description. The levels are OOC ONLY, and thus won't be talked about ICly by the characters.

Starting level is dependent on which character you want me to play as. You can make your own character either equal in level to my character or on a lower level. But not higher (to avoid OP characters). The starting levels are as follows: Deril: Level 1 / Kyricx: Level 2 / Riik: Level 3 / Vildryn: Level 4.
Magic 70%
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Technology 40%
Industrial revolution
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

I am quite interested
Riik Topic Starter

PhantomRabbit wrote:
I am quite interested

I'll need a little more information then.

What character you want to use. Which character you want me to play as. What level you want your character to be...
Kazuichi (played by kaziuchihara)

I'm interested but what would you like me to do? I'm new here so I'll give you whatever info you need but I'm still learning how this works...
Riik Topic Starter

Kazuichi wrote:
I'm interested but what would you like me to do? I'm new here so I'll give you whatever info you need but I'm still learning how this works...

Well there are options that my post requires a choice from that I'll need before we can do this RP. Also, you'll have to be willing to play your character as aged 15 or younger for this RP.
I’d like to join this as it sounds really cool but would it be okay if I used my own character? It’s easier to rp (at least for me) if you are playing as your own character. Because you know what they would do in every situation.
I'm interested in doing this with Deril. Which of my characters do you think would work with him?
Riik Topic Starter

AmaraV2 wrote:
I’d like to join this as it sounds really cool but would it be okay if I used my own character? It’s easier to rp (at least for me) if you are playing as your own character. Because you know what they would do in every situation.

Of course - I mustn't have made it clear enough: the character options I listed are for you to choose which of my characters I play as.
Roxy_FNAF wrote:
I'm interested in doing this with Deril. Which of my characters do you think would work with him?

Most of your characters' ages seem to be 21+. If you're happy to play any of them in the age range of 8-15 though, I'm sure we can work something out.

As for choosing between them, I'm used to dealing with character profiles with a little more information. Thing about Deril (and a lot of my characters really) is that compatibility is mostly down to personality. I don't think I can really make a choice without knowing the personalities of your characters.
Evelyn is 10+. Her age is changeable. I'm sorry about the lack of personality. I don't put personality but I realize I need to. If you're really interested in a certain character, PM me. I will explain their personality the best I can.
Riik Topic Starter

Roxy_FNAF wrote:
Evelyn is 10+. Her age is changeable. I'm sorry about the lack of personality. I don't put personality but I realize I need to. If you're really interested in a certain character, PM me. I will explain their personality the best I can.

Vampires are tricky... it would depend on the mechanics of how you believe they'd work. Something OP or something that would be overly inconvenient for the plot would be an issue... but I'm not against there being related strengths and/or weaknesses if they're workable.

I may drop you a PM later (or in the morning) to continue discussions. It's getting late here and there are a few things I want to get done before retiring for the night.
Layla Bordeaux (played by BreezyDawn)

Layla here would be fun to throw into this. I haven't used her much but I'd be game if you are still looking. She doesn't have a 'level' per say though, so I'm fine with whatever level you wanna start as. I like the idea of either Deril or Vildryn, but honestly all of them would be fun.
Hello~ I’m interested in doing this with Deril.
Riik Topic Starter

Layla Bordeaux wrote:
Layla here would be fun to throw into this. I haven't used her much but I'd be game if you are still looking. She doesn't have a 'level' per say though, so I'm fine with whatever level you wanna start as. I like the idea of either Deril or Vildryn, but honestly all of them would be fun.

The whole level thing is basically there for character progression and deciding when the characters can and can't take on an enemy or challenge. With this being an RP with a fair bit of adventure, some level of combat or exploration ability will probably be required. If your character doesn't really have any combat abilities, level 1 would be best, as it's the 'absolute newbie' level.

I could very much use Deril or Vildryn, though keep in mind that Vildryn isn't afraid to kill.

If you still want to discuss this further, drop me a PM.
FallingSTARISH wrote:
Hello~ I’m interested in doing this with Deril.

What you got in mind? Got a character ready for this? We can continue this discussion in that old PM thread if you'd like and still have it in your inbox.
You have my interest. If you wouldn't mind to play the dark elf (I don't want to misspell their name). Start at Level four. I'll have to figure out what kind of class/role my character will have. I'll also have to figure out his/her personality and appearence as well.

I'm probably will be running with a custom made character for this. My age is 17 by the way. PM me if interested.

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