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Forums » Looking for RP » Camp Half Blood needs your help! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

m00n (played by m00nsGaming) Topic Starter

I'm not sure entirely. solely for the fact that I don't want to be held back by what happened in the books.
I would very much like to play Grover. If not, I'll work up a demigod background for my boy Benji.
m00n wrote:
I'm not sure entirely. solely for the fact that I don't want to be held back by what happened in the books.

Well I should clarify what I mean by ‘cannon compliant.’ I mean does it operate by the same rules as established by the series, does this take place canonically before or after the series? Are Artemis, Hestia, and Hera still maiden goddesses or did they find a way around their oath like Athena?
m00n (played by m00nsGaming) Topic Starter

Clockwork you can do that if you'd like. And Raider Id says it's after the books that way we don't need to worry about running into the character of the books. And id say they are still in their oaths but we can always change that later.
Well if it’s flexible I’ve got an idea for later. We can talk in pms if you want to know more.
m00n (played by m00nsGaming) Topic Starter

Here's a dicord link for anyone else that would like to join.
Joshua Harrison (played by HybridRoleplayer23)

Heya can I join with this shy lil half-blood?
m00n (played by m00nsGaming) Topic Starter

Joshua Harrison (played by HybridRoleplayer23)

Are we doing it here on rpr?
Nova Calliban (played by _Apollo_)

Hey! Count me in!! Sounds awesome!!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Camp Half Blood needs your help! (closed)

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