This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Hiyo, I'm usually down for some high fantasy, but am not opposed to something else if it interesting—deffo open to discussion. Heads up, I work a lot of hours and have other hobbies, so don't expect super fast replies all the time. Probably every few days on average with variance if I have more free time.
I am not opposed to romance, but I simply prefer it as part of the sum—not the whole.
With that, here I go:
Tamloruun: Linky linky.
Tamloruun is a high fantasy setting, wip. I've used two settings/"campaigns" in it in the past. One started as a more straightforward goblin uprising, taking place around Harrowlet. (I no longer have the initial introduction.)
Lastly, I had a setting not from Tamloruun, and it was originally more of a modern fantasy (but it can easily be adjusted). Fundamentally it was about vampires and vampire hunters—but neither side necessarily good or evil. The rp usually takes place with descendants of the two. Of course, can be discussed further.
In terms of fandoms, I generally prefer OCs, and I have interest in:
What I'm interested in trying:
1. A plot involving a cursed heir, likely in an asian setting.
2. A plot involving an android.
I am not opposed to romance, but I simply prefer it as part of the sum—not the whole.
With that, here I go:
Tamloruun: Linky linky.
Tamloruun is a high fantasy setting, wip. I've used two settings/"campaigns" in it in the past. One started as a more straightforward goblin uprising, taking place around Harrowlet. (I no longer have the initial introduction.)
Second involved trying to find a cure for an unnatural plague, of which I do still have my super dated introduction.
Basyr did not much close his sunken eyes. Nightmares followed him ceaselessly… though they were no false phantasms but memories of thirty years hence—of when Tynona rent asunder Duenn with no just cause. Cities crumbled into the sea, the lands broke into irreparable fragments. A thousand and more lives silenced, his human wife included.
No, Basyr Hightower did not much close his eyes.
Murmurs in the dark fueled his roiling rage, never allowing him to forget what was lost. But they need not bother for the scars littering his deep blue flesh were a permanent reminder. Once a proud aquatic elf, he now was a frail and bitter remnant of his former self. He used to think he long went mad, but such thoughts… he stopped caring for.
“Her Tyvonde,” he uttered tenderly to the bleached skull aglow with supernal flames in his slender webbed fingers. “They need a taste of our pain.”
The skull cackled in joyous consent.
Through the skull focus, he felt his brethren lost and lifeless beneath the churning seas, and he knew he could wake them.
“Just a sip.”
Behind the high walls of the grandest basilica dedicated to Tynona, the Cathedrale de la Seignelle Bataille, the priests and priestesses prayed.
But their goddess did not so readily allay their troubles.
Every night scores or more of water-logged undead invaded Tyvonde through the Sable Shores… and reports indicated more undead have been seen elsewhere in the vast kingdom.
And a plague running rampant through the capital, Querellonne, only added to their surmounting woes! Thus far, no divine magic or remedy cured the sudden illness. The clergy believed that maybe another deity, more suited for healing than the Lady of Battle, might offer succor.
Quidel and Tynwyn, high priest and priestess of Tynona, were only able to get three words from their goddess after many fortnights of prayer: aberration, war, and regret.
Not long after, a proclamation was issued. The crown offered coin to any who ended the endless undead and also to any cure for the sudden, seemingly incurable, plague.
She tapped on the open door, alerting Basyr of her presence. Or rather, hoping to. He remained hunched over a large map, muttering incoherently.
He always heard the whispers more than she did.
“Father,” The dark-haired half-elf stepped into the barely lit room.
Finally, he looked up, a smile spreading across his once handsome features—a smile she hadn’t seen in a decade. “Tasserah… How fares your fetish?”
She shrugged, “Querellonne festers under the cualac.”
“Good, good. I have another task f—” Her father suddenly shifted his yellow gaze to his skull-focus, nodding and muttering.
Shrugging helplessly once more, she looked upon her writhing snake whip. “You have something to say?”
Tasserah Hightower heard nothing.
Basyr did not much close his sunken eyes. Nightmares followed him ceaselessly… though they were no false phantasms but memories of thirty years hence—of when Tynona rent asunder Duenn with no just cause. Cities crumbled into the sea, the lands broke into irreparable fragments. A thousand and more lives silenced, his human wife included.
No, Basyr Hightower did not much close his eyes.
Murmurs in the dark fueled his roiling rage, never allowing him to forget what was lost. But they need not bother for the scars littering his deep blue flesh were a permanent reminder. Once a proud aquatic elf, he now was a frail and bitter remnant of his former self. He used to think he long went mad, but such thoughts… he stopped caring for.
“Her Tyvonde,” he uttered tenderly to the bleached skull aglow with supernal flames in his slender webbed fingers. “They need a taste of our pain.”
The skull cackled in joyous consent.
Through the skull focus, he felt his brethren lost and lifeless beneath the churning seas, and he knew he could wake them.
“Just a sip.”
Behind the high walls of the grandest basilica dedicated to Tynona, the Cathedrale de la Seignelle Bataille, the priests and priestesses prayed.
But their goddess did not so readily allay their troubles.
Every night scores or more of water-logged undead invaded Tyvonde through the Sable Shores… and reports indicated more undead have been seen elsewhere in the vast kingdom.
And a plague running rampant through the capital, Querellonne, only added to their surmounting woes! Thus far, no divine magic or remedy cured the sudden illness. The clergy believed that maybe another deity, more suited for healing than the Lady of Battle, might offer succor.
Quidel and Tynwyn, high priest and priestess of Tynona, were only able to get three words from their goddess after many fortnights of prayer: aberration, war, and regret.
Not long after, a proclamation was issued. The crown offered coin to any who ended the endless undead and also to any cure for the sudden, seemingly incurable, plague.
She tapped on the open door, alerting Basyr of her presence. Or rather, hoping to. He remained hunched over a large map, muttering incoherently.
He always heard the whispers more than she did.
“Father,” The dark-haired half-elf stepped into the barely lit room.
Finally, he looked up, a smile spreading across his once handsome features—a smile she hadn’t seen in a decade. “Tasserah… How fares your fetish?”
She shrugged, “Querellonne festers under the cualac.”
“Good, good. I have another task f—” Her father suddenly shifted his yellow gaze to his skull-focus, nodding and muttering.
Shrugging helplessly once more, she looked upon her writhing snake whip. “You have something to say?”
Tasserah Hightower heard nothing.
Lastly, I had a setting not from Tamloruun, and it was originally more of a modern fantasy (but it can easily be adjusted). Fundamentally it was about vampires and vampire hunters—but neither side necessarily good or evil. The rp usually takes place with descendants of the two. Of course, can be discussed further.
This is part of the background:
In a different time, in different place, two shamans fought ceaselessly—Krsnik and Kudlak—both with the intent to kill the other.
What caused their animosity? Something foolish, something tragic?—But the knowledge of why the men sought such a violent end would not change what transpired.
For, lamentably, in strength, they were equal.
And something would break that fragile balance.
Krsnik crafted a curse most cruel—making Kudlak’s wounds fester, bleed, and never clot. Unable to remove the curse, Kudlak instead augmented it. He consumed other’s blood to heal himself, and the original curse’s effects became lessened. Silver weapons seemed to impede his newfound healing.
Kudlak’s newfound thirst for blood made him live longer, stop aging, nigh-immortal.
Krsnik, forced to take up a silver blade as he inadvertently made his foe much more formidable, resumed their endless battle with greater malice.
In a different time, in different place, two shamans fought ceaselessly—Krsnik and Kudlak—both with the intent to kill the other.
What caused their animosity? Something foolish, something tragic?—But the knowledge of why the men sought such a violent end would not change what transpired.
For, lamentably, in strength, they were equal.
And something would break that fragile balance.
Krsnik crafted a curse most cruel—making Kudlak’s wounds fester, bleed, and never clot. Unable to remove the curse, Kudlak instead augmented it. He consumed other’s blood to heal himself, and the original curse’s effects became lessened. Silver weapons seemed to impede his newfound healing.
Kudlak’s newfound thirst for blood made him live longer, stop aging, nigh-immortal.
Krsnik, forced to take up a silver blade as he inadvertently made his foe much more formidable, resumed their endless battle with greater malice.
In terms of fandoms, I generally prefer OCs, and I have interest in:
Legend of Dragoon
Legacy of Kain
The Eternal Champion Series
Kubera (naver webtoons)
Star Ocean
The Ancient Magus' Bride
What I'm interested in trying:
1. A plot involving a cursed heir, likely in an asian setting.
2. A plot involving an android.
Hey I’m new here and I’d like to try to roleplay, I’m 13 and decent at improv,
I’ll play any role you give me
I don’t know what else to put here so
I’ll play any role you give me
I don’t know what else to put here so
Ehh... generally you'd make a character of your own. I might be able to help you make one, however.
Couple things have been edited and updated--primarily fandoms.
I love FFXIV, I don't know who I'd use in that setting.
Cherry_Red wrote:
I love FFXIV, I don't know who I'd use in that setting.
Me too! The lore is so rich though. I'm on primal datacenter.
mister_pseudonymous wrote:
Cherry_Red wrote:
I love FFXIV, I don't know who I'd use in that setting.
Me too! The lore is so rich though. I'm on primal datacenter.
Lol I haven't played the actual game but I've seen others play it, I love the FF lores and stuff.
Lol I bought both Encyclopdeia Eorzea volumes. The quality legit.
I am so hype for Shadowbringers not gonna lie. Like I have goosebumps whenever I think of it. The direction of the story is going where I was hoping it would. -rolls on floor-
I am so hype for Shadowbringers not gonna lie. Like I have goosebumps whenever I think of it. The direction of the story is going where I was hoping it would. -rolls on floor-
Okay I don't know that much about the lore, other than the fact of the characters and stuff and the story of it. I first got into FF when I watched Advent Children, the movie because my uncle had it and he watched it with me and I was hooked, but there's so much background stuff I couldn't keep up after I watched the movie lol.
90% of FF is standalone games and worlds.
Yeah, I think I liked the one with Vincent Valentine, although I wish they spoke more about the girl he liked.
Oh I’d be down for something FF related! I’m in primal too, Famfrit home server :^) My main character’s a Roe right now but I usually swap between that and Lala lol. Lemme know if you’re interested!!
Shadowbringers hype *-*!! So excited for it too hahah.
Shadowbringers hype *-*!! So excited for it too hahah.
Minor update.
The plot with the cursed heir could be quite interesting and it would definitely be fun to try something in an Asian sort of setting. I'm guessing that would have fantasy leanings as well?
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