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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Supernatural highschool

I want to start an interesting high school RP and I couldn't find one like this. Also I want people to help me with this since I haven't done something like this before.
((So what you thinking about...?...))
Dante Frances loveless (played by Jamie_anne) Topic Starter

((I need a map mostly))
((For the school or for the whole city...?...))
Dante Frances loveless (played by Jamie_anne) Topic Starter

((Both I guess))
((So tell me about this the city/school. Location on the planet what kind of people live there?))
Dante Frances loveless (played by Jamie_anne) Topic Starter

((It will be in America. Anyone is allowed there, including but not limited to vampires,werewolves, angels(that arent too op),demons(that arent too op), fishpeople, like merpeople, and demigods(that arent too op).))
Dante Frances loveless (played by Jamie_anne) Topic Starter

((Should I put the character template ooc or not))
((It’s not needed if they are going to use a character from the site here that they’ve already created a page for. No point making them type everything twice...))
Dante Frances loveless (played by Jamie_anne) Topic Starter

((Guess you're right))
((So before I start on the map of the school is there anything else I need to know about the story...?...))
Dante Frances loveless (played by Jamie_anne) Topic Starter

((I dont think there is except for that it's located in Virginia for refrence))
Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

((is there anything I can do to help))
Dante Frances loveless (played by Jamie_anne) Topic Starter

((You can do the city map while he does the school map))
Dante Frances loveless (played by Jamie_anne) Topic Starter

((You can also come up with events for us))
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Could I join in?

I would like to join
I would like to join!
I'd also like the join after I make my character.
I would also like to join in :)

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