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Forums » Looking for RP » Ristic, 2089 (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Ristic. One of the biggest cities on the face of earth. You came here for opportunities. After you get off the hypertrain, you look around yourself. You're in the downtown area. Tons of enemies, thiefs, junkrats and homeless people. As you walk out of the station, you see billboards and skyscrapers everywhere covered in neon. Then you see a normal policeman. He's covered in all metal. His left hand is extendable and works as a tazer. You can hear his footsteps clearly, but you're 20 meters apart. If you are caught for doing something illegal, these guys and drones with nets will come after you. So, here you are. Filled to the brim with determination, you take a step forward. Your adventure begins.
Magic 30%
Some magic. Few can use it, but most of the players probably won't have it. Magical characters will likely believe that they are all alone.
Technology 60%
Near future, perhaps cloning and genetic manipulation
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.
Thou Forten (played by TheHoboKingdev) Topic Starter

"Let's get to it"-said Thou. He scratched his nose with his right hand, then headed to the nearest tavern."The tavern will be the best place to find recruits for Sinner's Light."He had a mission. A mission, to recruit people for this group. They are the modern Robin Hoods.And Thou is the scout, and the Boss' right hand.
Here we go - Ristic, the place where criminality and police violences are frequent enough to allow a private security agency to make good profit.
The people seemed quite poor in the district he had arrived in, yet policemen were still patrolling in this area. An example for too many towns.

He called a taxi, and checked his mail with his eye augment.
"Can you get me to Tesla Street?"
He asked the driver.
((shouldn't this be continued in the Sci-fi forum?))
((so should I post this again in the other forum?))
((Is it too late for me to join up?))
Thou Forten (played by TheHoboKingdev) Topic Starter

Daniel Jensen wrote:
((so should I post this again in the other forum?))
if you want;)
Thou Forten (played by TheHoboKingdev) Topic Starter

Arcol wrote:
((Is it too late for me to join up?))
Anybody can join.And whenever.It's a virtual city.Yes,there will be a main story, but you can be a side charcter too.It's like detroit:become human
Thou Forten (played by TheHoboKingdev) Topic Starter

Arcol wrote:
((Is it too late for me to join up?))
Also,This is continued on the sci-fi roleplay forum.I tink it's better there.
Good to hear; thanks.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Ristic, 2089 (closed)

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