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Forums » Introductions » Hello Again!

Uhm, erm...ahem yeah hello.

So, its been quite sometime since I last entered this realm. I believe I was more active back in 2014?? Like when I was still a very hot headed, passionate know it all! I'm older now, fell in love with Dungeons and Dragons and tabletop in general, and yeah. I think I just miss a community to poke my head into and see whats the hubub bub. So haii!

1. I like reading other character's stories very much. Gimmie that sweet sweet character development!
2. Oh, I am active duty military so yeah.
3. I can read and write in Korean, but have yet to find anyone to RP with in Korean xD
4. I do art better than I did last when I was here!
Welcome to RPR!


Welcome to RPR! I'm super glad you've joined us here! What branch are you in? Are/were you stationed in Korea? What's your MOS?

I really recommend checking out the Looking For RP boards, and I definitely recommend hitting up the OOC Chat as a place to get to know some of your fellow roleplayers!

Thank you SO MUCH for coming to us and helping us make our community great!
Mellute Topic Starter

Thanks for the warm welcome. I will be in korea by the start of next year and Im an army Korean linguist.
Hello! Welcome back! Hopefully you'll find a Korean speakin' partner! The only other language I know is spanish, so sorry. *Laughs nervously* But, I'm sure that you'll find someone! There are so many different kinds of people here after all. :)

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