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Forums » Introductions » =^-^= Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Hi Hi!!!!!
My name is Nene-Chan!!

My goal on here is to make new friends!!
I will Rp certain topics.

I don't really have any characters yet but I can make them up for any Rp!!!!!!!!!!!

Um.. If you can't tell, I get excited really easily WHICH! Can make me annoying sometimes.

I suffer from anxiety and clinical depression so if I don't reply in a day or two, I'm busy. :)

Hopefully me and YOU can become best friends!!!

Hello and welcome to RPRepository. The best roleplaying website ever thanks to Kim❤❤.
Hello! Welcome to RPR!
Welcome to RPR. Hope you have fun. and if you ever get characters to RP, my door is always open. ;)

Welcome to RPR Nene-chan! It's good to have you here, and I hope you find your stay here welcoming and warm! Happy roleplaying! <3
It's a pleasure to have you in this community! Welcome.
Hewo I'd like to roleplay with you if that's okay?

Now I know who to give all the sugary snacks and candy to! I think the site never can have too much excitement.
What is your favorite story you have written?
Nene_Chan Topic Starter

Isa21k wrote:
Hewo I'd like to roleplay with you if that's okay?

Of course!
Nene_Chan Topic Starter

Mellute wrote:

Now I know who to give all the sugary snacks and candy to! I think the site never can have too much excitement.
What is your favorite story you have written?

Hmmmmmm, favorite story I've written. Probably a fantasy war. I know it sounds boring but we had like 8 different people and it worked out great!
Hi there! Overly excitable just means fun. And never boring, right? ;D welcome to RPR! :) I hope you'll have a great time here. It's good for practice, experienced role players, or just casual hangouts. So, welcome!
:) :) :)
Welcome to RPR!?

You are on: Forums » Introductions » =^-^= Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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