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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 3: Chaos over Chronos(closed)

Ace (played by Ace)

The robot jester finishes by throwing the bombs into the air one by one with each one exploding in the air like fireworks and the jester does a robotic bow. The crowd cheers in enthusiasm "Woo! Yeah! Supertastic! Marvelous!" Sorna seems exhausted from all the cheering and comes back to the tour group laughing "Haheheh, that was one of our Jester-bots!" Sorna regains her composer "A fine invention of the group here: BLAST." Ace asks "What's wrong?" Sorna looks to Ace "No that's the name, B L A S T, Builders Logistically Assembling Stupendous Things." Lupe giggles "That's funny." Sorna looks to her with disappointment. Lupe looks to Sorna "No really it is very amusing." Sorna gives a kind smile "They make all sorts of inventions like these Jester-bots."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a small snicekr hearing all the acroynms for the names of the civilzations. She looked to Lupe putting a hand on her shoulder with a smile."oh well that is intresting having shortcuts for names like that. But no doubt about it that robot is an amazing thing. But tell me can a human or a mortal do the same thing?" she asked wondering if it would be possible.
Ace (played by Ace)

Sorna smiles to Rea "Not as fantastically as our Jester-bots." Two of the Noblemen and a Noblewomen were around from the Jester-bot show and they come up to Rea "I say" says the nobleman looking through his monocle as he inspects Rea "Are those blades on your back?" The noblewoman inspects Rea from behind "I say they are. Marvelous things." The gnome gentleman speaks "She must be a deadly assassin!"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea began to clench her fists hearing one of the noblewomen come around and start to size her up. She growls and turns to them as she coughed."Yes I am a deadly assain come here by the king to slight your throats and steal your undies, now if you please Id rather not get fiesty with your folk." She spoke in a dominating manner as she crossed her arms and looked to the people."ah yes perhaps if it were better that you not agitate me, i am drae. And if you have problems Sorna here will take them." she said as she walked away and took out one of daggers and elegantly spun it using the tip of her finger.
Ace (played by Ace)

The noblewoman and nobleman watch closely and silently as Rea speaks her warnings, the noblewoman's tophat falls off when Rea mentions 'panties' and continues to listen. As Rea finishes and turns around in front of her stands a Gnobleman standing tall about about her waist height like a child and he smiles up to her with goggles on "So you are an Assassin!" The noblewoman steps infront of Rea with her hat in her hands "You must join us for an afternoon dinner!" The people seem exited to meet an assassin like it has never happened before. Then nobleman gets in front of Rea aswel "Our treat of course, you don't have to worry about a thing!"

Sorna and Ace seem to be off, not with Rea or Decemi and Lupe, but they all remain in sight. Ace asks Sorna "So Blast is here?" Sorna nods "There are tons of workshops and a factory just on the edge of the dome." Ace asks "The one with smoke coming from it." Sorna nods "That's the one." Ace asks "Then where is the smoke going?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea's blood boils seeing the noblefolk, she was not one for the elaborate words nor the fancy things. She let out a sigh and then looks to them and calms down."ahem I am not an assassin, I am a warrior and a fighter and right now...."she stops looking around for the rest of her group as she moves away from the two."Now I have a tour to get back on and I do thankyou for the afternoon dinner offer, but my group needs me." she said again as she started to walk around the group she sighed she didn't like being an assasin but seeing the people so excited about seeing something different she stopped and smiled back to them."So you people have never seen someone like me? hmm perhaps a small dinner with you folks and maybe demonstrating to you guys. But no more and no less."She said with a smile
Ace (played by Ace)

The Nobles stand around listening and smiles intently at Rea "A blade master such as yourself will get everyone's ear at dinner, you can tell us some of your epic stories and explain your expertise." The Nobles stand in a line in front of Rea "We are the consorts of knowledge for power." The gnome holds out his hand to Rea and smiles "I am Earnest Blitzbaron, we are all in charge of regulating prototype weapons and heralding new weaponry into mainstream use."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea coundn't help but smile and continues to chuckle looking to them."perhaps i can join you after all I wouldn't mind telling some of my adventures. And part of the adventure that I am partaking now." she said with a smile."A pleasure to meet you Earnest Biltzbaron, Rea Selyore." she said with a smile.
Ace (played by Ace)

Earnest looks down to his hand and puts it down. The noblewoman steps up and bows her head "I am mistress Caulry. The nobleman steps up aswel and bows "And I am Arthur smith." Earnest tugs on Mis Caulry's jacket "We need to be off now consorts." The consorts smile and nod to Rea and walk off in a line. Sorna walks up to the side of Rea. The whole tour group joins them, Sorna motions to the Consorts "Those gents are part of consorts of weaponry, a really nice bunch of nobles." Lupe smiles to Rea "And they were talking to you? you must have gotten better at talking all proper." Sorna smiles to Rea "Oh that's nice, they must have been welcoming you, not many people around here welcome newcomers." Ace asks Rea "What did they say?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a laugh as she looked over to Sorna and Lupe."Well at first they thought I was an assassin, and they were all excited to meet one. I told them I was just a warrior and was with Sorna and the group of newcomers to help. They invited me to dinner and I told them I would just show them some of my skills and tell them of our adventures." she said wtih a grin giggling.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace asks "They invited you? why?" Lupe smiles and cheers for Rea "Awesome!" Sorna smiles to Rea "That is certainly an honor, to be invited to an afternoon dinner with a bunch of nobles." Ace look to Sorna "But why?" Sorna says "Rea is a great blademaster, and that is something our culture has tons of in our ancestry but we don't have any anymore, just other weapons, bombs and those that can use single swords but not as many as Rea here, it is Rea right?" Sorna smiles to Rea. Rea seems to have alot of respect and glory around this place. Lupe looks to Decemi "But he has a sword and stuff...he is pretty big too..." Sorna looks to Decemi "He is just a big lug with inferior armor, anyone who needs armor isn't as great as someone who only needs her blades." Sorna bows to Decemi "I don't mean to be rude but being in all of that armor makes you look more afraid and the armor isn't as good as chrome or Crimson fury." Ace looks to Sorna "Hey, I have seen Decemi live through alot of damage, him and his armor are pretty powerful." One of the BLAST engineers in leather laugh at Ace "You are just a stupid elf, what have you seen of great Chrome or Crimson fury?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea's brow twitches at the insults thrown as she grabs the enginners throat and the pulls him up by his collar. "Oui you punk, how dare you insult my friends. You are just a sniveling enginner that has never seen the light of battle.Now I suggest you not throw another insult or I will show you how good of a blades master I am. Granted I know how to use knives but my comrades are equally as you say 'competent' now as much as i looove the glory of it all. I was a thief as well, now please do not insult my friends, Decemi has saved me and he has saved numerous people. Now don't writhe my anger, I am a Drae and I am one of the few that actually can use my ancestors gifts. Now please kind sir while we are here no insults or i will be sure to visit your place and demonstrate my blade skills. And yes that is a threat." she said as she dropped the engineer and calmly smiled to Sorna."ahem I am not a master of blades just a drae that knows how to use blades."She said with a smile as she wanted to tour to continue.
Ace (played by Ace)

The engineer gets picked up and he sneers at Rea "Go 'head then, do your worst." The engineer showed no fear, even with Rea's blades. "Thief's around here end up like all of the other criminals around here, dead." The engineer gets put down and he points a spanner at Decemi "His armor is simply scrap." The other engineer steps forward aswell "It is though, so many scars and some inferior dark metal." Ace steps forward and looks to the engineer "Oh? and what do these Chrome things and this Crimson fury have? and what is Crimson fury anyways?" The engineers pull out two handheld sized bars, one of silvery white chrome and the other of red shining metal that looks almost like blood red marble with shiny sparkles of even more crimson colors. "Both strong and ever so useful." Ace picks up the two metals in both his hands and holds his arms up and down before tossing them in the air and catching them. "I bet you Decemi's metal is better than this." the first engineer asks "A challenge?" the second asks "How much?" Ace looks to them "What sort of way do you have to test Decemi and....a suit of your best material with a man inside?" The engineers look to each other "A cutting lazor!" Ace points to the two "I bet you both five hundred gold pieces that Decemi will last longer than any chump in a suit of that armor." Sorna leans to Rea "You know, you shouldn't go around threatening people."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to the engineer as she looked to him with a laugh as she lifted the engineer higher and then dropped him to the ground."yeah whatever Sorna, but i won't have your people insulting my friends. After all I will die for them. Unlike yours would do for us, we are just strangers, they are all i have. And dear boy, enginner or what ever name you have called yourself, I have slit countless throught stabbed several people. i am an adept and skilled warrior. Best not to reckon. and decemi will defeat you in this challenge after all he looks like this after fighting enchanted golemi given life through Magicka." she said as she crossed her arms unamused.
Ace (played by Ace)

The engineer that had been picked up had a safe landing to his feet. The other engineer pointed his finger to Ace "Have him ready within the next few hours with the gold." Lupe comes up next to Ace "Ace! Why don't you risk your own life instead of Decemi's!?" Ace looks down to Lupe "Because I didn't take five or so blades to the chest and survive or have special armor." Ace looks and points to Decemi "I will get you a core for this, weather you win or lose." Decemi looks down to Ace in an innocent stare. Lupe comes up to Decemi "Do you think you can do it Decemi?" Decemi looks down to Lupe "I could complete this task only if the competitor is not as good as I am." Lupe stares at Decemi in silence......"What?" Decemi smiles to Lupe and gives a thumbs up "I can do it." Lupe jumps in the air and cheers "Yay!" Sorna stares at the bunch "Shall we continue our tour? anyone?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let her laugh and looks over with a smile and then turns to Ace and then hugs Lupe around the waist again."Hey don't worry Lupe, it will be quite alright, if all else fails and those engineers don't hold up ill swipe the gold from them. But I bet that Dece will be able to make it."She said with a smile and then let out a laugh and then kissed Lupe's cheek.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace walks to Sorna and points his thumb behind him "We are ready to go." Sorna leads the adventurers through the quarter of the sector to the next, passing another Jester-bot and some scientists and engineers. Sorna motions to the more urban buildings in the area "This is our industrial quarter, some of the best engineers and works, work and stay here, forging Chrome and gathering and managing a lot of our resources." People in leather helmets and working clothes walk by, some with leather armor on and goggles. Others stand with their wares behind shops with awnings up to keep their wares away from the snow falling on the city. Sorna stands in the middle of the quarter with shops all around and people from all around the city shopping around. "Here is where most of the shopping in the city goes, feel free to shop around before we head to the council in the center of the city." The adventurers look around. Lupe asks "Shouldn't we hurry to the council?" Ace looks at a shop "Hey I could use some cool stuff and I have enough money from everything." Sorna smiles to Lupe "Nothing to worry about."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked around the shopping district with growing cuirosity as she saw the leather armor as well as the goggles. "Well this is fairly intresting, so are those gogglesfunctional or a fashion statement." hShe said with a curiosity and let out a laugh turning to Sorna not even intrested in the council.
Ace (played by Ace)

Sorna smiles playfully at Rea and simply points behind her to the shop keeper who starts talking "These goggles protect your eyes" it seems that the shop keeper is an old man who has a happy smile on his face, he motions to the next set "These have lenses on the corners and are a bit harder to grasp if they are your first." The shop keeper takes goggles off his shelf and shows them to Rea "These protect your eyes aswel but mostly from the lazor they can fire out of the side, requires a charge of course." The shop keeper then motions to the wall to a set of goggles in pink with gems and feathers and it shines brightly and the lenses are colored lightish red with a sign for them that says "Elton's finest." The shop keeper says "Those are a fashion statement." Lupe asks "Can we try these on?" The shop keeper smiles and nods.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea titled her head at the second the old shop keeper spoke the words lazer. She looked to him almost as if he was speaking in another language. But hearing Lupe excited voice seeing the pink gem encrusted goggles with a red tint and feathers."Lazers? Sorna i might be ignorant in saying this. But what on this earth is a lazer.?" she said still confused.

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