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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 3: Chaos over Chronos(closed)

Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe picks out some normal looking large goggles and puts them on Decemi, fitting them over his big head and he stands still. Sorna looks to Rea and takes out a metal cylinder from her pocket pouch and points it to the floor and a small line of red light shoots out and slightly singes the floor and then turns it off "It's that." Decemi looks to the lazor with his goggles on.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to the bright red light with amazement as she touches the ground still intrigued."So that is what a lazer is, but what do you use it for?"she looks over to Decemi as he has the goggles on as she lightly giggles.
Ace (played by Ace)

Sorna raises her hand "Well to shoot through people or their armor or thick material or for entertainment." Lupe puts on goggles and smiles "I would like to buy this pair, and I think Decemi will pass on the goggles." Lupe takes Decemi's goggles off and hands it to the shopkeeper and hands over some gold. Ace comes back to the group with nothing "I need some more money for one of those cold things." Sorna asks "A tomb of cold?" Ace nods "I want cold drinks."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to Lupe with a smile as she looked over and smiled laughing as she saw how happy lupe was. But the sound of cold drinks made Rea look on curiously."Oh cold drinks? man I would love that right about now. how about you lupe?" she asked curious
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe opens up her wallet and buys the goggles for a handful of gold. Lupe puts on her goggles and smiles to the group. Sorna smiles to the group and puts her hands together "Well...maybe we can all get a drink after we meet with the council?" Ace crosses his arms "Let's go ahead and get that done then. I'm dieing to see the specifics are what they need us for." Lupe looks up to Ace " they need us for?" Ace smiles to Lupe "In time...lets go see them."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea smiles again as she looks to the both of them."sure lets go there quickly so we don't miss anything." she said with a grin as she looked to them.
Ace (played by Ace)

Sorna leads the adventurers to the center of the city. above all of the buildings stands a large hexagram shaped building with colorful textures of glass and paint along each side. One side of the building is green and has a big green bomb on the side with a skull on it. Another side is red and has a shining red sword on it. "It may seem scary or it may seem overly colorful strangers, but this is the hall of the council of Chronos." Says Sorna. Sorna walks the group to the doors and they rise up and open for Sorna. Sorna salutes up to the workers as she gets inside and brushes off the snow from her outfit. Inside there are echo's of people talking aloud for all to hear, it gives off the feeling that everyone should be quiet.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea keeps her mouth shut as she sees the giant colorful display of a council she rolled her eyes to the sight of it as she looks around the council. She looks around as part of her body seems to fade in the difference of the light. She smiled as she looked around watching it as she smiled and followed Sorna.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline couldn’t believe it. After trying so hard to get in to see the council, these foreigners were able to just waltz right in. She watched from a distance with an incredulous look on her face as the doors closed behind the group. “I’m not sitting around one moment longer…” she thought to herself.
Ayline, being the girl she was, strapped on some light climbing gear and climbed the wall and onto the roof. She encountered a man up there working. Before he could confront her, she showed him her Master’s badge. “I’m just her for maintenance,” she tells him. Ayline makes sure he’s gone from sight before prying open one of the roof tiles, and watches the group below.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe looks astounded at the sight of the building itself. Ace mentally prepares himself for his part in all of this. Decemi... is Decemi and continues on as such. The whole group goes inside the building, following Sorna, around them it is like a colosseum or an arena. Crowds all wearing their proper colors all sit on their own sides. Before each sector of people are big swiveling chairs for leaders to sit, but there are only three leaders on the council. The crowd stays quiet as someone stands in the center of building, he speaks aloud to all of the council. "And there is no way you can keep us from investigating this further when you don't send your best teams to do the same." The leader from the silver side stand from his chair, he wears a long chrome trench coat, gl-24358-1376152369.jpg
The Chrome leader says reasonably; "If I might say, you are right, our people are ingenious and will find ways to investigate, however we protect our citizens from harm, if whatever murdered the others then other great geniuses are in danger aswel if they go out looking on their own for some sort of revelation as to whom these killers are now... If some of our higher up council members are to blame for these murders then nobody can be trusted, thus we are not allowing anyone from any branch to enter any area under investigation, we are dealing with the problem, so deal with it." He sits back down.
Sorna looks to the adventurers "There, on the Chrome side." Sorna points "That is Jax, he is one of the leaders." The person in the center of the council walks off, unhappy with what he was told. the other two thrones filled are that of a gnome girl with bright red to pink hair in Crimson armor gl-24358-1376154214.jpg
And what looks like another Jester-bot but he looks human and looks bored with his palm on the side of his
Sorna motions her hand for the adventurers to approach Ace and Lupe seem nervous but prepare to step forward.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea shrugs as Sorna motions them with her dark skinned hand to come forward. She boldly steps forward and watches the council folks and the leader in the middle. She raises a brow and then shakes her head letting her white hair shake in it braid. She wondered what this meeting was about and why they were brought here as well. She smiled as she crossed her arms smiling.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Up on the roof top, Ayline grumbled to herself. How long were these people going to take, why couldn't she have talked with the council before they came? They certainly took their good old time coming.
Feeling it was going to take awhile for them to finish, Ayline moved from her crouched position onto her hands and knees. Ayline gasped as a tile her foot had previously been on slipped out from beneath her. The tile clatter down the side of the building. The sudden movement from above sent dust flickering down into the council room. "they really do need some maintenance up here," she thought to herself.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace seems very calm and collective as he steps up. he is prepare for all of this until a small puff of smoke came into the room and he jumped back, noticing there is construction or what looks like it he calms and dismisses it outright. Ace looks to The Chrome leader and bows. Chromio looks down to them "I am Jax, you may call me Chromio. I am the representative of Chrono's league of Chrome." He smiles and motions to his left "This is Amelia, representative of Crimson fury, a very powerful league here." Amy smiles and bows before the adventurers, she wears glowing red armor, all shiny and bright and a big glowing red sword, she is very scary tho she is a gnome. Chromio motions to his right "And this is Master engineer, sir Vegas, Recidio the first, inventor of the jester-bots." Vegas sits in his chair, looking entertained with a hilarious outfit that resembles the jester outfits.

Chromio motions to where Sorna was a moment ago "And I am sure you have met Sorna, our agent and that she has welcomed you to our great city." Sorna is nowhere to be found. Chromio smiles down to the adventures "Now I was informed to go over every part of the mission and we have all agreed to go over it. About a month ago one of our leaders went missing, and was later found killed, we found no living criminals around, only fully operational jester-bots. Then a few weeks later another one of our leaders went missing. weeks later and one was killed in sight of many citizens, we found humans that we had never seen before commit the crime dressed as jester-bots, the jester-bots killed them before we could question them." Chromio leans forward "We have investigated the jester-bots and where they were controlled, we investigated our dear friend Vegas and found nothing, putting him into a bit of a bad mood you see. A few of our citizens have gone looking for the missing leader in many secret area's of the city, they went missing aswel, we now have all area's celled off and we are forming a team to go investigate these area's and your king told us of your expertise and offered us help, I opted into accepting your help, we will lodge you up for the night and tomorrow we will sent you in to find out what you can, and bring resolve to our people." Chromio stands and looks to the adventurers "Think you can do it?"

Vegas seems to perk up after hearing or seeing the adventurers and that they are going to be doing this tomorrow and he begins writing something on a notepad.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea's nose twitched as she saw dust flittering down into the council room. She looked to Ace whom at the moment didn't seem to notice anything. She on the other hand knew that very same trail of dust before. Especially from that height. She knew something or someone was there. She happened to look around and notice and see that Sorna was gone. She sighed and heard the knew conversation of leader's disappearing. She boldy crossed her arms and looked to the man who adresed himself as Chromio. "well of course Chromio, My friends and I would be up to the challenge. After all i should be able to help as well, because of my "past" hobbies. And if there is any chance is their blueprints to the secrect part of the city, I do better in the dark because of my lineage. And I like the rest of my commrades will assist you as much as we can. So no more blood shed will be thrown." she said with a smile drawing the attention to her, after all she wanted to find out whom was the cause of this. She wasn't about to let her friends be harmed. If anything brining the attention to her would let the other foucus. She smiled as she kept her strong stance showing confidence and if not arrogance.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline listened as the echoes of the voices reached her ears. It wasn't perfect, but she understood basically what the council was asking of the travelers. Who were these people that even the council wanted their help? Well, she was going to find out. Forget the old people in their fancy chairs, she was going to go directly to the travelers. If this group was going to be investigating, she was going to tag along, she needed too. "I must find him..." the words left her lips sadly.
Ayline fluffed her short reddish hair and pulled up a pair of goggles from around her neck and fastened them to her eyes. She stood up and grabbed her gear, preparing to go back down. "I'll just wait for them at the front gate..." and she disappeared over the edge of the building.
Ace (played by Ace)

Chromio smiles to Rea "I'm sure we can go about giving you all of the information you will need. Right now we need all of the help we can get. Amy looks down to the adventurers "What can these people help us with? This one wears robes like a 'Mag', this one is completely closed from everyone else, he is probably a coward. This one is probably nothing but a thief and a temptress. And this one lacks qualities about her that could even remotely help us. Chromio speaks up "That is enough Amy! he stands and points to Amy "We have all lost great friends and leaders in this crisis. Chromio looks to the adventurers and he bows "I am very sorry about this, We have all lost alot through all of this, we are all on edge... tell me, what are your names?" Lupe retains her composure and steps forward "Selandra Lupe Arwick." she salutes. Ace steps forward nervously "Sir..Kalor." Ace salutes. Decemi mimics the others "Decemi." he salutes.

Amy retains her charisma even when being told off and she points her gauntlet to one of the guards "Have the plans ready by tonight, we will go over them once more before we travel out." Ace mummers to himself "What time is it in this place?" with no sunlight, it is not apparent.

Outside of the building a woman in a full dark leather suit and goggles covering her face and eyes stands next to Ayline as she reaches the ground, she has her arms crossed "Where are you off to?" "They are keeping an eye on you in there, they didn't notice on the roof but if you talk with the adventurers when they leave here then they will know something is wrong."
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline, startled suddenly, jumped so hard she bumped her head against the wall. Rubbing the injured area, she spun around to see the dark figure standing behind her. "Are you trying to kill me?" she sounded exasperated, "and why should I tell you where I'm going, it's none of your business...and what do you mean 'keeping and eye on me'?"
Ayline tried to scoot around this person so she could continue on her way. "And I wasn't going to talk with any adventurers, I'm very busy and don't have time to just converse with anyone, even now, so if you don't mind, I'll take my leave." For now, that is...
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea heard the arrogant Amy as she began to spout out nonesense about her friends. Rea's brow twitched uncontrollably as she heard the gnome. She never liked gnomes and hearing the main leader Jax telling her off let a smile come to her lips. She then bowed and looked up asuming a grace the elven species were notorious for having. "Ah forgive my bold behavior, It has been a tumultuous day and they call me Rea, Rea Selyore." she said with a smile as she stood up again and saw the gaurds. "oh and is there any access to the roof? I would love to see a good overhead view of the city and gain my bearings." she said with a smile, she was going to find out what was on the roof, after all she was a theif.
Ace (played by Ace)

Chromio points to the guard and smiles to Rea "And get Miss Rea access to the roof and to the Yrsa area. Make sure you stop by their post and ask to see the skyline of the city, but remember that most of the area's where we will be looking are under the city." Ace puts his hands on his hips and sighs, looking away "An underground undercity." He looks back to Chromio "So is that all you need of us? what next on our plan?" Amy speaks up "We leave at fourteen and we begin our assault, look over the plans we give you, tell none of these plans. Besides that Sorna had a place to take you, I advise you go with Sorna and prepare yourselves, see the city, look over the plans, get a good night sleep and be ready as soon as possible." Lupe nods "Then we find Sorna?" Lupe looks back "Sorna?"

The Dark spy says to Ayline "They will be at the bar at the B.L.A.S.T. Sector, you helped there as a kid I am told..." She shout to Ayline as she gets some distance "The leaders of this city are keeping an eye on anyone wanting to get into the locked off area's you best keep quiet around the council!"
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

People weren't supposed to trust spies, that's what Ayline thought. But she had no better plans to get what she wanted. The spy was right, she had worked at the bar when she was younger so she could get more materials when she worked with her master. If the spy said they would be at the bar, she might as well give it a shot. She jogged down the street, taking the familiar alleyways she remembered taking millions of times before. "I'll just wait for them at the bar, and listen in on whatever it is they will be doing.

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