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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 3: Chaos over Chronos(closed)

Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked around as she did notice that now Sorna was missing she grumbled as she looked ot Lupe and and ACe."Ill meet you guys at the bar, im going to head onto a roof top so i can get a better glance of the city. Something is going on here and I believe it is more then these jester bots alone. "she said with a smile as she looked to the apporaching guard to escort her to a part of the city were she could see itl. She bowed before him and smiled."Thankyou sir, but ill be able to get up on the rooftop easily." she said with a happy smile as she immediatly ran to the edge of the building and jumped onto a window sill and continued to increase in her height until she got to the rooftop of the council buidling. She looked around as she saw the glass window from earlier and saw reminiscent footprints of two people. She looked at it again as she could tell one of them was female. The small shoe print and the dust remvoed from the glass was in a womans shape. She looked around for any signs of danger and or the spy or former person that could have been here. She hoped that there wasn't any of the villans responsible for the kidnapping involved.
Ace (played by Ace)

The spy now gone and Ayline off to the bar there isn't much to go off of, the snow caps all of the buildings and it is rather beautiful, there are people walking around along the streets and Jester-bots entertaining people in the streets as normal.

Ace asks Chromio "So are the people safe from the jester-bots in the streets?" Chromio says "I trust in my fellow leader, he grieves for his lost friends like all of us." Lupe walks up to Vegas and his notes, she asks politely "Do you mind if I see what you are drawing? I'm curious." Vegas looks up to her. It is strange how she knew it was a drawing and not notes or something else. Vegas turns his sketch around to show what looks like Lupe as a muscular man. Lupe didn't seem to like it and just nodded and walked back to where she stood. Ace stared silently at it, he did not seem to be caught up in the supposed hilarity of it.

Out in the B.L.A.S.T. sector bar, it was a calm afternoon, engineers and scientists and common workers drank together.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a sigh as she looked around the gorgeous view of the city, she strecthed knowing she had to get back with her companions.
She smiled as she took several steps back and broke into a sprint as she jumped off the roof of the building landing on the awning of another. She smiled as she continued to so so letting her acrobatic skills come into play. With a smile she landed at the entrance of the bar and waiting for her friends to show. She looked around and saw a female standing there, she shrugged and asumed she was waiting for a date.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline, again, had her heart leap out of her mouth as a figure fell down from the sky. She landed right in front of the bar, a little too gracefully than Ayline would have thought possible. She wasn't another spy, was shy?
Ayline quickly fled towards the back of the bar to another door. She entered and sat on the empty side of the bar. She pulled off her goggles and recognized some of the residents sitting at tables and at the bar. Just here on their break from work or casually hanging out with buddies.
Ayline thought back to the woman who flew-out-of-no-where. She seemed similar to one of the foreigners at the council. Oh well, she'll just wait for them to show, that is, if they come like the spy said they would...
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace, Lupe and Decemi continued to linger around the council a moment before Sorna came by. She asked "Have you asked all the questions you wanted? because they council will need to get back to their business." Sorna looked around "Where did Rea go?" Ace shruged. Lupe then said "Uhh the roof?" Ace waved to the council members "We will get right on our investigation when you require us." Ace walked out and the group followed. Sorna asked them all "Are you all ready to head to the bar? we should only be there for and hour or two... I would advise you all not to get too drunk, we don't need any trouble and Ace and Decemi have a challenge." Ace sighed "Today? I thought it was tomorrow!" Sorna shruged and looked down to her clipboard "Well even if you become a hero, if you don't show for the challenge which you cannot complete tomorrow then you loose two hundred gold. Do you even have that?" Ace sighed "Not really." Sorna nods "Then in a few hours the spectacle will begin and you both need to be there." Sorna kept looking at her clipboard and she walked down the street and the adventurers looked to each other and followed Sorna to the bar.

At the bar Sorna arrives with Ace, Lupe and Decemi. Sorna hails Rea and tries to speak to her when an opportunity arises. "Rea we will all be here for a few hours, Ace and Decemi has a competition but you have dinner with the Nobles in less than an hour, so keep yer Ace off the minibar, and yer Decemi and more importantly yerself." Lupe looks sort of sad when she hears she is left out from being invited to do stuff. anyone listening in could easily hear the plans and possibly be jealous that Rea was invited to dine with the nobles. Ace looks around the bar at the candles and red fused candles sparking that lit up the room, then to the drink selection and the people around the bar and Rea.

Lupe decided to go off and sit on her own and she asks the bartender for a drink. Decemi looks around and decides to go to the back of the room to some goblin and gnomes playing tech cards, a simple and creative card game. A goblin throws down a card and stands on his chair and shouts "Big Ballistic Bombardment BLAST Bomb!" The calm gnome on the other side of the table wearing goggles just watches the goblin then flips over a card "Dummy target, I only drop half cards." he shuffles his cards and discards half of his hand. Another gnome laughs "Man he is always prepared for this stuff, look at how many facedown cards he has!" then he looks over his shoulder to Decemi "Oh...hi..." Decemi smiles.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline watched from the corner of her eye as the travelers entered the bar. So they did come! She pretended to be doing her own thing, twiddling and tinkering on her little device she pulled out of her pocket. She motioned for the bartender so she could order a drink because, well, she was in a bar, it would look weird if she wasn't drinking.
The tall traveler in armor was walking towards a table closer on her end of the bar. She couldn't help but stare in awe at the armor he wore. What was it? never seen anything like it before...
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked over to the group as they arrived and Sorna spoke how Decemi had the challenge and she had to dine with the nobles. She frowned and looked over to the boasting dwarf as she shook her head. "dwarves.." she then saw Lupe frowning as she was left out of the excitement. Rea shoved her way through the crowd as she put an arm around Lupe's waist."hey Lupe, why the long face? I honestly forgot about the dinner with the nobles. this place has been enthralling I havent spent any attention to you. Im sorry my sweet" she said as she kisses her cheek.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe smiles to Rea then looks forward. The bartender gets over to Lupe and looks to her "You two elfs?" Lupe looks up to the bartender, she doesn't look happy "Look, just get us something we can drink." The bartender nods "Fine, yeah."

Sorna looks to Rea "Dwarfs?" Ace puts his hand on Sorna's shoulder "Well I may as well get a drink and go sit alone while I prepare, have a good night." Ace walks off into the crowd. Ace sits at an empty two person table with a candle in the middle and he looks over the menu, he gets strange looks as he is wearing his robe.

The gnome looking at Decemi smiles "Wanna join in next game?" Decemi nods and they both watch the others play cards and pick up from decks going head to head, a goblin and a gnome. The goblin plays some defensive cards,creative cards and minion cards and sends his minions along with bombs. The Gnome plays with turrets and spiked walls and traps and has his creative cards turn into bombs and he launches them from afar. The Goblin yells "Noooo! I lost!" but you couldn't tell from the gnome as he just gathered his cards up after winning. The gnome that invited Decemi has him sit in a chair and he brings up a manual and talks to him in hushed tones about it and Decemi listens. The gnome and Decemi sit from across each other and a human sits next to the gnome, Decemi needs a teammate to sit next to him and play.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea smiles as she keeps her arms around Lupe and then looked at the bartender rather cross. She looked to Lupe for a second forgeting the others."Lupe, you seem a little down right now. Are you okay?" she asked rather concerned.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

"Hey big guy, I'll be your partner," Ayline says as she sits down next to Decemi. She figures it could be a good idea to become familiar in a friendly way so asking questions about them wouldn't seem too suspicious. And maybe someone would start drinking and she could get some info out of them that way.
Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi, the big metal dolt, flashes light from his black flat face and makes a smile then goes back to looking at his options. The gnome assisting him tells him about the specializations he may have that is unique to him. Decemi points to a small deck of cards and the gnome smiles and picks it up "This deck is only for 'the human bulwark' set, you can use the offensive wild cards you get to draw from this deck." The gnome shows all the cards in the deck as everyone at the table picks their spec. The goggled defensive gnome picks a defensible spec, letting him use offensive wild cards to obtain and power defensive cards from their own deck, while most have to use defensive cards. The human sitting next to the gnome picks out the many minions spec, he may use any wild cards to draw and use minions. The gnome helping Decemi goes over the bulwark deck and it has many spiked attachments that go on walls or shields. Decemi nods and says "I will take that one." The gnome shuffles the bulwark deck and sets it by Decemi then he smile to Ayline "You know how to play right?" The human across from Ayline grins wildly and in his deep voice he says "Oy, don't worra' doll-face I'll go real easy on yah.

Lupe sighs and looks to Rea "Listen, your really sweet Rea, I like you around but sometimes I don't want to talk about things." Ace comes by and sits next to Rea looking at Lupe " Selan, we should talk about a few things, and this investigation we are doing." Lupe looks to Ace and then a drink is presented to her and she drinks it casually and then looks to the bartender "What is this? water?" The bartender nods "Uhh yeah, you wanted something to drink." Lupe looks to him "Well what about some wine or anything with alcohol?" The bartender puts his hands on the bar "Listen kid, this stuff costs a lot, more than you are probably used to." Lupe asks "why?" and gives a puzzled look. Ace sighs "This place is underground and isolated as far as I can tell, I doubt they have an underground vineyard." The bartender looks to Ace and motions with his hand "About time an elf around here understood that." Ace looks to the bartender "How do you get other things? water and food?" The bartender puts his hands on the back bar and leans back "We have our ways, we have snowpep's and a wildlife ecosystem and other things." Ace sighs, not understanding what ecosystem means. "I will have to take your word on it then." Lupe looks to Ace "So what is with calling me by my first name, Kalor." Ace looks to Lupe "You know I don't mind that name. The reason is that you are pretty brother shouldn't of sent you on this quest, but he didn't know who you were when he saw you at the castle." Ace looks to the side "Same reason he was hitting on you. Lupe looks frustrated with Ace "spit it out."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea almost let outa growl when Lupe didn't want to talk fusrtated her anger was going to get the bettere of her. She calmed down and then looked to Ace wondering what so important. She looked to Ace as she grabbed him by the tip of his pointed ear and put a little pressure."alright Kalor, Ace or what ever name you go by. If Lupe wants to know something then I suggest you take it somewhere private if it is important. Seeing how I am out of place in this I think I will take my leave." she said as she released Ace's ear and she looked to the bar tender."Hey you got mead or some type of alcohol? I could really use one right now, or something fermented or rotten?" she said used to living in caves often times they ate fermented fruit or meat to get a alcohol feel. She was grumpy and this wasn't a good thing, she hated getting like this but it seemed Lupe didn't want to talk to her.
Rea glanced over to Lupe purple form and wondered why she was being this way with her. But she sighed knowing she should have told Lupe about the dinner with the nobles. Really she didn't want to go and entertain a bunch of prissy high end people. She grumbled and waited for the bartender's response, she then looked over to another certain female that was at the table playing the game with Decemi she was a bit curious of that though. She sighed unhappy and then turned around and looked to the bartender rather cross.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline was a little annoyed by the comment from the guy across from her at the table. Yeah, we'll see who will be going easy on who..." Ayline pointed to a deck on the table, "give me that one," she said. Her ear pricked up at the sound of some argument from the bar. It wasn't unheard of for arguments to be in a bar, but she looked over her shoulder anyways. The rest of the group of travelers looked to be upset. One of them looked in her direction. Surprised, Ayline quickly looked away. Instead, she tried talking to the big guy in the armor, "so, your obviously not from around here. Where are you from?"
Ace (played by Ace)

The bartender looks to Rea and goes to the backroom.

Lupe seemed embarrassed almost with both Rea and Ace acting weird "You two, just stop." Ace seems to get pissy with Rea but closes his eyes and nods "So, Lupe." Lupe looks to Ace "Yeah?" Ace says "Your father." Lupe nods "Yeah..." Lupe scratches the back of her head. Ace says "The father you know wasn't...isn't your real father." Lupe puts her hand on her chin "Go on." Lupe did not seem impressed by his lies. Ace says "He was a good friend of your father, a trusting simple farmer." Lupe toys with Ace "Ah huh! do go on!" Ace looks Lupe dead in the eyes "What was his sir name?" Lupe giggles a bit and stops " your telling me his sir name is not the same as mine?" Ace nods "He isn't your birth father, I knew him and he was around you as a child, gave you the name 'lupe'" Lupe crosses her arms "Ace what is with this bull!" Ace puts his palm over Lupe's mouth "Quiet. We called him Arwick by his sir name, when we get home look him up and you will tell he is not only one of your kind but also a great guy and very famous to us." Lupe sighs "Ace...I don't believe you, so why are you telling me this?" Ace eyes Lupe down "He was a leader of ours...and a good friend, we kept you safe with family friends like the prince and me...or at least before I had to leave to be a pirate..." Lupe sighs and drinks her water. Ace says "I assumed they wouldn't have kept this a secret for you...and I am sorry..." Lupe looks down to her drink. Ace goes on "When I got back you didn't seem to know and prince was hiding it and my brother, one of Arwick's greatest friends... didn't even know. Explains why he hit on you so much." Lupe laughs a bit. Ace sighs and puts his arm around Lupe in a comforting manor and holds her. "Lupe you are important...more important than you think and I think it is my duty to take you home...this place is dangerous." Lupe punches Ace in the face and walks to Sorna and kindly asks "Sorna, could you find me a room to stay in for the night so I am not disturbed by my team?" Sorna looks to the bar and looks back to Lupe "Sure thing."

The bartender comes back with a pale of rotten food and some grog "This grog ain't cheap." The bartender looks to Ace on the ground "What happened to you?"

The moderating gnome picks up the deck and shuffles it for Ayline "The great assassins deck!" Decemi looks to Ayline "I am from a far away land, eons away from this place, high above your sky." Decemi is handed his deck and the moderator tells them to all draw six cards and he does so like a skilled player and keeps talking to Ayline "A whole world of beings that look like myself, all with different purposes but all under one rule, the rule of the creator." The human sitting across from Ayline looks to Decemi "Yea' Yea' foreigner, lots of ye' around and all worshiping yah god, bobbin around in yah black armor." He too draws cards as well as his teammate. The gnome rolls dice and points to the gnome player "Your go!" The Gnome discards his offensive card to draw his defensive card and he plays it using another offensive card "Defective yard fence." The card looks like a scary broken yard fence with the tops sharp and angled in all directions, the card gave him a small wall to protect him. Decemi goes and discards his offensive cards to draw from his human bulwark deck but plays nothing. The human uses his gadget card and draws from the minion deck and drops a goblin gunner on the field behind his ally's fence. It is Ayline's turn and perhaps she will be able draw something to help her take out some of the opponents stuff.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea still fairly upset with Lupe she overheard the conversation and knew her love more or less wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer. She groaned as she saw the bartender come back out with rotten food and the grog. She looked at the bartender, her body clearly betraying her want to hide her feelings. She was upset and angry, she grabbed her coin purse and pulled out a fairly large ruby. Giving the bartender a flirtatious look as she leaned against the bar counter."Good is that stuff strong? im a dark elf so the regular stuff wont be able to get me drunk." she said clearly wanting to forget the night. She looked to him and then to the woman that was talking to Decemi. Frankly she could care less at the moment, she smiled at the bartender as she waited for him to hand her the goods, rather then snatch it from him. And hearing the people around the table heard the words Assassin she cringed at the word and then snatched the good from the bartender and handed him the ruby and a few gold coins and headed outside. She wanted to be alone for a moment.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline's eyes sparkle at the sound of there being more people with this kind of armor walking around somewhere, although the part about being from such a place was much to comprehend.
At the comment from the other player, and the fact that everyone took a turn, Ayline was ready to make her move. She looks at her choices and discards a card so she can play one in particular that will be a nice card to use on the man across from her. "I play the Quiet Assailant," she says as she lays it on the table. The Quiet Assailant is an assassin card that can attack ranged cards while undetected. "Having discarded the type needed, I can remove your goblin gunner from play." Ayline smiles to the team across from them.
"So what brings such a man like you from such a place to a little hole in the ground like Chronos?" Ayline asks.
Ace (played by Ace)

The bartender looked down at the ruby and picked it up. He looked at the gem; he liked what he saw. The bartender was about to give an offer to Rea but by that time she was gone. He thought to himself and looked down to the gem and went back into the backroom. Ace sighed as he got up, he was alone and he felt responsible for Lupe. Ace thought to himself thinking how much time he had left before he had to face the music with his stupid bet. Ace sat back in his stool and just put his head down.

The bartender came out with a drink and walked out of the bar. Out in the cold he looked around for Rea anywhere.

The goggled gnome discards two cards and puts down the card 'build castle' over the next turn he will build a castle. Decemi discards a card and puts down a minion 'miniature war machine.' what looks like a very small tank with gun barrels shooting out the sides and a cannon and a battering ram in the front. it has attack but not much defense. The human next to the gnome plays a face down card and a goblin swashbuckler. Decemi plays his cards and looks back to Ayline "I am allowed in the city to meet with the leaders on a diplomacy mission."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea sighed as she ate the rotten food, the sharp and pungent order turned many noses away. But to her the bitter taste was a good relaxer it made her numb. She then gulped down the grog and heard footstep and turned to see it was the bartender. She was sitting on one of the roadway curbs nearest the bar . Her long silver hair out of its ponytail braid and being tossed about, by the chilly air. She took the grog again and saw the bartender with a drink. She rubbed her grey skin used to the cold and the solitude. "whats up bartender guy? Hope your not planning anything funny with me. I can slip your purse and have you naked for all to see faster then you can try anything. But you dont have to worry, im feeling rather down. "she said as a tear trickled down her face, she wondered why lupe was acting like that. Then again she let out a small laugh to herself. A night elf like lupe and a dark elf like her. Never to be, she smirked wondering if she could find a decent male. Let alone she couldnt help feel jealous from all the attention. But she let out a sigh and wondered were she could blow off some steam before her meeting with the nobles.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

After the other players made their move, it was Ayline's turn. She quickly placed down an armored minion in the hopes that it would serve as good defense for her partner's card. She ends her turn with a face down card as well.
"Wow, it must be pretty important if you were able to see the leaders about it." Ayline couldn't help but sound annoyed. "I bet it's just one of those run of the mill missions, nothing major, right?" She said, smiling while she relaxed back in her chair, flipping her short red hair away from her face.
She was doing her own work learning what she could from the big armored man, but she didn't like what was going on in the background. The other travelers who had accompanied this big man to the bar seemed to be on edge with each other. Was it going to cause her trouble if they separated? Or maybe it would be easier to get information from them if they were separated.
Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi draws then takes a look at the table and places two cards down. One card for Ayline's armored minion 'spiked bulwark' to grant it +1/+1. Decemi places a +1 defense on his own card and charges it at the picket fence the gnome has. The fence falls promptly and the war machine goes from 4 down to 3 health. The gnome draws and plays a 1/1 king and the card says for every structure he has then he gets an extra card per turn. The gnome finishes his castle but does not draw until next turn. The human guy draws and plays 'croc tamer' with 2/2. The tamer summons a 1/2 ''croc'. The human sends his swashbuckler to attack the defender and both minions die.

Ace stays at the bar.

The bartender gives Rea a mug full of something dark "I just wanted to give you this. That gem is worth a lot more than just some trash and a mug of hard to get liquid." The bartender sits next to Rea "Where did you get it? you're an adventurer right?"

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