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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 3: Chaos over Chronos(closed)

Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea took the mug from the bartender and then nodded with a sigh. "yes i am an adventurer. I earned that ruby though. I was dungeoun crawling when i discovered that ruby i gave you. I have more, and call it my weakness to valuble things like that i often put myself in harms way " she said with a small laugh. "you are an honest bartender, coming to find me to give me my monies worth. I guess you get all kinds of folks running a bar. She said with a happy laugh and turned to him once more with a smile hiding the pain and fustration, the battle going on within her mind. Conflicting ideas of wanting to do the right thing or her usual more questionable means of getting things.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline hissed in annoyance that their opponents victory at the death of their minions. Ayline drew a card and then discarded a card to allow her to draw another. Non of the cards seemed to be good at the moment, so she placed down a "silent Assassin" card to use as damage. Hopefully one of here face down cards could help it get back at their opponents.
"We need to beat them, big guy," Ayline tried sounding encouraging, she wasn't the best at this game, but she wasn't the worst.
Ace (played by Ace)

The bartender sits down next to Rea and sighs "You sound so cool how you insult me and threaten to get me naked." The bartender looks up to the ceiling of the city. "It seems so fascinating for all of you up there. I've been up on the surface when I came to the city and it was just so hot and sandy. I never got the chance to go out and see everything." The bartender looks down to the gem "I can see why you would go after stuff like this." The bartender keeps looking down "Yeah all of my dreams of going out there has been buried over the very successful hammer and spanner." The bartender looks distraught by his lack of fulfillment.

The cards thrash and crash on the table! In someone's imagination they picture the great gnome Wark's castle complete and the king sat on his throne and he plots against his foes, hunters and crocs stand in the castle, protected as well. On the other end of the field war machines with spikes and defender and assassins stand ready to charge. Decemi stands on his battle field as a general and he waves his hand forward giving no vocal command and engineers come and give his allies reinforced armor and they all run off after they are paid. Decemi's and Ayline's minions keep them from taking damage when attacking that turn only. Decemi points his hand to the castle and they completely raise it to the ground and the king and the other units stand on the rubble plotting their attack. The human Marco stands on this imaginary battlefield looking impressive and cool on his own. He drops a card and two 1/1 warlords come next to him and they begin channeling their one turn summoning, as long as one of them remains on the next turn they summon a 2/5 and sacrifice themselves to give him +1/+1 each. Marco point and yells "Go get em you crocs!" The croc goes and attacks the siege defender and dies itself and the croc tamer kills off the defender and goes down to 1 health. The great gnome Wark thinks and sets up a fortification with 0/2 but on defense it deals 2 damage. The gnome then thinks keeps his king sat on his throne, less lose him for sure.

In reality none of this was real and it was just four people playing cards with a few people watching them however this imaginary way seemed more dramatic.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a a sigh as she scooted closer to the bartender and then gave him a rough pat on the shoulder and smiled to him."Oh hey don't worry, the surface world has some intresting things that go on here and there. But it is cool down here too. How this advanced society can be underneath the ground. Don't worry I used to live in something like this while I was young. Being a dark elf and all, we stayed in caves and built pretty advanced societies using the natural rock formations to build our cities. But hey bartender whats your name? and don't feel distraught, maybe one day you will be able to go to the surface world once more and adventure. And you make me blush saying how i sounded cool after threatening you. "she said as she let out a sigh of her own."But i understand not fufilling your dreams. me i wanted out of a my town just to adventure and find my own. Find a person of my dreams and have tons of adventures together. It doesn't seem like it is going to happen that way. Well the person of my dreams any way."she said with a laugh as she took a drink of the dark liquid as she felt the heat rise to her cheeks."Ah well dont worry don't be so down. Im half tempted to buy you a drink." she said with a chuckle.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Having everyone get into the game, Ayline couldn't help but get serious...
She imagined herself clad in dark tight armor fit for the deadliest of assassins. She watched the Human standing oh so smugly between his warlords. Ayline knew those two weren't good news. She commanded one of her assassins to take out one of the warlords. The assassin consented and flew towards the warlord, jumping and flipping over the other enemies. It sacrificed its self, taking one of the warlords with it.
Ayline then rose from her side one of the cards laid face down. If she took down an enemy through sacrificing one of her warriors, she could activate the dark cloud to cover her allies.
Now her and Decemi's army could be hidden from the enemies sight.
Ayline smiled thinking her move wasn't too shabby. She unconsciously tugged at her goggles around her neck.
Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi's engineers not only reinforced his own units from attacking but they did the same or Ayline's and her assassins were able to take out one of the warlords without dieing but it was still too much work to kill both of them. Decemi himself, standing as he normally looks but with a cape and his hand placed on his chest, he knew something that nobody else could know, perhaps Decemi was cheating! but with no way to tell. Decemi discarded all but one of his cards to draw a gadget card and a goblin a long ways away shoots himself from a cannon and drops something from the sky that parachutes onto the field but did nothing right away. The goblin himself forgot his own parachute and fell a long ways away. Decemi sends his war machine to siege the fort that the kingly gnome had set up so his king did nothing. The war machine was destroyed and Decemi had no more units left and ended his turn. The gnome, only drawing one card, had supply wagons come behind him and give him two cards. Marco laughed that Decemi did not kill off his last warlord and the warlord summons and sacrifices himself for a great 3/6 Demon. Decemi's gadget from the sky then shakes and shoots a bolt of electricity to the Demon and causes it to switch sides to a random other player. The Demon looks to the gnome, Decemi, and Alyine and picks Ayline to go to be her own minon. At the table Marco was pissed and they settled how the creature would be randomly assigned to one of them and Ayline wins! Back on the epic battle field Marco sends his weakened tamer to Decemi to hit him for 2 damage directly, Decemi with nothing to stop him, takes the damage and the tamer lives.

The bartender laughs "My name is James. We don't know much about elves around here, I didn't know you lived underground too." James seemed to look at Rea like an alien, amazed that she traveled out in the distant space of the surface when he wouldn't dare himself. "So what are you doing here in this place? come to see what life is like for us or are you here for a certain reason?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea smiled as she looked ro James with a big smile. "well then James. I here with a group of companions undertaking some big issue with the city and the council. But for the most it is like this everywhere i go. Becuase im a dark elf and we are somrally chaotic evil or choatic neutral were arent very well liked. And especially the people in the coty give me a strange eye. But thankyou i suppose being a dark elf has its advantages. Unlike other evles we are trained from when we are small to be warriors. Those that didnt make the cut were killed usually. But hey James so you own this bar? if so then your doing a bang up pretty good job."she said with a smaile and a hearty laugh.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline wears a triumphant smile. She is now in charge of the demon. She gives the demon armor to make him stronger.
Ayline then took a moment to think what she should do. If they lasted any longer, they might lose, and Decemi had no more cards. She had played one of her face down cards on the demon to make him 5/7.
Ayline commanded her other assassin to give up his blade to the demon, then she sacrificed a chunk of her life. She then sent forth the dark spirit to attack the Marco. Because Ayline sacrificed part of her life with the blade of her assassin, the demon could attack Marco and the gnome couldn't aid his partner. Ayline hoped this would take him out.
Ace (played by Ace)

James asks Rea "Is your business here about the missing council members? Why aren't you out saving them now?" James seems pretty livid when it comes to talk over the council members. James does nod to answer Reas question "Yes I built the Hammer & Spanner from the ground up."

The demon smote Marco but Marco was not beaten so easily. Wark draws more cards because of his king and thinks. He places down a face-down card in front of Marco and plays a 5/2 stealthed sniper that lurks around the castle. Decemi turn comes around and he plays the old swordsman that dies in three turns but is an 8/4. The old man smiles with his sword in the ground and it looks like he might be sleeping... Marco thinks a moment and scratches his head. Marco then plays a 1/1 flock of bunnies with charge and the ability to attack twice! Marco sends his bunnies at Decemi and deals 1 then another 1 damage. Marco then sends his tamer to hit the demon for 2 damage and dies bringing the demon down to 5/5. The moderator comes by "The health that remains are..." He shows the sheet to everyone.

Wark 15
Marco 10
Decimi 11
Ayline 15
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

"Well to be honest James, not many like the skills that i can do. I am supposed to be having dinner with the nobles. But honestly i do not like that kind of attention. Even if it had gold and jewels in it for me. I should be out looking for them, but i imagine that things will come to light when needed."she said as she let out a sigh and a sad smile."But oh well i figured if i drew enough attention to mysel fi could find out ....wait how do you know about the missing council memebers? is it that important the news spreads?"she looks to him surprised.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline draws a card and lays it face down. Then she summons a ninja to guard Decimi so he doesn't lose life too quickly. She sends her assassin, the one without the sword, which is now a 2/2 to attack the flock of bunnies.
Ayline was unsure of the sniper card that Marco played, so she kept the demon by her side. She glanced over at Decimi, and then whispered so the other team couldn't hear her. "Do you have a plan?" she asked a bit worried.
Ace (played by Ace)

The weaponless assassin runs at the bunnies and explodes into a bunch of bit on the way there. Mine launcher! 'It's like a minefield but you hit in the face instead!'

Decemi looks to Ayline "I plan on reducing their health points to zero before the both of us lose our health points." Decemi's way of saying 'I'm planning to win.'

Wark draws a card. Wark then uses a missile barrage that hits everyone on the other side for 1 damage. Decemi 10, Ayline 14, Demon 5/4, Old swordmaster 8/3, Ninja 3/4. Wark uses his sniper to shoot the ninja.

The sniper fixes aim on the ninja and shoots a bullet, the ninja jumps from the shadows to the sniper and kills it, the ninja then jumps back to where he was in the split second and dies.

Wark then summons a building 'Fort K.A' 0/6 Then Wark summons a Castle Inspector 2/2 gains +1/+1 for every building turning him into a 4/4 for the fortification and Fort K.A. Decemi holds his weapon for another turn.

Decemi draws cards and plays twin shadows. Two 2/2 stealthed rouges and he them plays magic blade to give all minions +1 attack and it gives Decemi a 2/1 weapon. Decemi now has a 3/2 and another 3/2 both with stealth and his 9/4. The Demon gets +1 attack aswell. Decemi attacks with his buffed sword master and hits Fort K.A. and topples it over.

The old sword master just smites the whole castle down in one hit but starts coughing due to his old age and he falls to the ground in pain. He only has 2 turns left.

Marco draws a card and smirks and he quickly plays the legendary card! Ex-Demonologist Edward! 2/10

A dark figure in tall dark shoulder and a menacing cowl stands behind Marco on the field and lords over him and steps out and holds his evil hand out "Slay the Demon! Slay them all!"

Everyone crowds around to read the card "Lets see! He does two damage to all demons on the field and if a demon dies then he gets plus two attack! but if he dies then the opponent gets a three/three wild demon, split if multiple people." The moderator looks at the rules in his leather handbook "If against two people then give a one/one to them both."

Edward does his opening spell and deals 2 damage to the demon, bringing him down to 6/2. Marco attack with the bunny once to bring the demon down to 6/1 but the bunnies are eaten by the demon before they can attack again.

Outside the Hammer & Spanner:
James looks surprised "Dinner with the nobles too? And who wouldn't notice three of the council members go missing...and the mangled corpse of Bannette." James sighs and stands up; looking up to the bar he says. "This place may keep me from my dream but...would you say a dream is something to want to do or what you actually do and pour your heart into?" James looks back to Rea.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

REa let out a sigh as she shook her head."well to be honest I am not sure to. I have no idea what I want. What i do what is adventure and excitement." she said iwth a smile as she looked to him.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline was upset at the loss of her assassin to the mines, and the other to the sniper, but she couldn't afford to ponder over them too long, there was still a battle taking place.
Ayline drew another card, and liking this one, sacrificed one of her already face down cards to place the new one face down. She then summoned a Tree of Darkness and Light. Each turn it grows a fruit that can either give her and her ally one life, or take one life from an opponent.
As her last move, she summoned a Resting Ninja.
Ace (played by Ace)

Sorna walks up to the bar and looks down to Rea "What are you both doing out here?" Sorna looks to her pocket watch "You should go find out when you should meet the nobles." Sorna looks to the bartender "James, you should be in the bar before people steal your drinks again, I will not bail you out again." Sorna continues looking down to her watch as she walks into the bar. James walks into the bar behind sorna and they both find Ace with an apron on, cleaning the drinks as if he worked there. James thought of questioning Ace but Sorna tells Ace "You need to be at the exhibition area, now." Ace looks to Sorna "Exhibition? for what?" Sorna points to Decemi "For you and your gaming friend." Sorna walks over to the card table and flips Decemi's remaining health sheet over and stares at Decemi "Decemi forfeits. Now meet me by the street in no less than three minutes." Sorna walks out to the street.

The players at the table look less then happy. Wark packs his things and Marco walks off to the bar. The moderating gnome sighs "Well isn't that a bummer!"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea sighed as she got up and unhappily walked over to the nobles district. She sighed as she continued to walk not sure how the dinner with the nobles would go. She found the conversation with James rather enjoyable and she began to question whether or not if she still wanted to be with lupe.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline's mind had been dragged into the game, she had completely forgotten her plan of "pulling information out of the newcomers" that is, until the game was interrupted.
Feeling a bit disappointed by the sudden finish, Ayline shrugged it off and quickly jumped to Decemi's side. "So, mind if I tag along for a bit, I would love to hear more about your travels and stuff," Ayline said. She then stopped for a moment, thinking, then quickly spun on her heels and faced in the direction of the two opponents. "Good game!" She says as she makes a quick little bowing gesture. Although she didn't much care for the attitude of the guy Marco, her mentor had taught her to be respectful, even to enemies, or just particular people she didn't like, which could be a good number.
Ace (played by Ace)

Rea walks off to noble district and passes the exhibition area setup with gnomes and goblin setting up a stage and lazers and big signs that read stuff like "Challenge accepted!" and human in chrome and crimson fury armor walk around talking with one another. It looks like they are all busy and there is no show yet. The noble district is just bordering the area and there are dozens of nobles all walking around the snow capped streets, does Rea remember the nobles that spoke to her?

Ace Sighs, hops over the bar and gives the apron back to James. Ace goes up to Decemi and notices Ayline and waves "Decemi, say goodbye to your girlfriend or bring her along, we gotta go." Ace walks away and waits at the door for Decemi. Decemi looks to Ayline "Are you coming with me?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked around the noble district as she couldn't remeber exactly what nobles she previously spoke to . She blinked and sighed as she searched more. She sighed and looked around rather intrigued."dam. were in this place was the dinner i was supposed to have be? should have asked." she said as she rolled her eyes and looked aorund.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline ignored the comment of "girlfriend" as her eyes lit up at Decemi's question. "Yes! I want to go!" Yes! Ayline might be able to finally start getting some information on the incidents, and start her search for her mentor. I'm coming to find you, she thought.
"So where are you headed too?" she asked curiously. She pulled her tight fitting jacket around her more comfortably, and moved her goggles onto her head, making some bits of her reddish hair stick out.

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