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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 3: Chaos over Chronos(closed)

Ace (played by Ace)

James went back to his bartending, now serving the card players that didn't feel like another game. A goblin runs into the bar "Hey fellows! It looks like there is a competition going on sometime soon!" Some of the patrons seem a bit entertained by this, not all of them heard the news from Sorna.
Ace had his arms crossed at the front door and did not seem to want to boast any further and he nods to the door while looking to Decemi before he leaves. Decemi points to Ace and walks out of the bar past the patrons, allowing Ayline to follow.

The nobles all scurry about, some stare at Rea as they pass. Nobody seems to want to directly help Rea. Rea must talk to someone or have some perception of the surrounding area. Rea may just have to miss the dinner or wait until they find her.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea sighed as she couldn't find the place were she could speak with the nobles.She tapped a gentleman with a brown trenchcaot on the shoulder."um excuse me, im looking for some nobles that invited me to dinner. I think one might have been a dwarf. I am not sure and i am a bit lost." she said with a slight sigh and a bit embarresed.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline followed quickly behind Decemi. She watched the people bustle about, excited about the competition. That was one thing people around here liked for entertainment. "What kind of competition could it be this time?" Ayline wondered out loud. Her mentor had liked taking some time off from his work to attend competitions, and he would always bring Ayline along with him. She had seen many different kinds.
Ace (played by Ace)

The man stopped and heard out Rea, but as soon as she finished talking then he just walked away rudely, perhaps talk of dwarfs around this city was not something he would be enthused about. More people seem to walk around, a group of casual inventors all stand around in a small circle talking and laughing, they seemed like young scholars.

Ace would see Decemi and he would meet by Sorna and cross his arms as he said "Just point me in the right direction." Sorna would point in the direction and wait there before walking off. Ace would look to the direction and walk that way. Decemi would follow with Ayline and they would all be met with small crowds of people waiting for the show. Ace found his way pushing through the crowd and getting to the main stage that was set up for all to see. Ace stepped up the stairs and a man stopped him "Hey wait a moment there! You're an elf!" Ace nodded to the man and gave him a serious look "Yes and I am the elf that they are waiting for on that stage so back off!" Ace was ready to walk past the man with Decemi.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea frowned the second the man gave her a cross look. She sighed she was in the wrong place and she knew it.She looked around and thought about just skipping the meal with the nobles and maybe taking some time to herself. She looked around absolutely lost in the vast dwellings on the nobles. She really resisted the urge to steal and cause trouble.considering how out of place she felt, it was almost alien feeling.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

"Wait, you guys are part of the competition?" Ayline sounded surprised, "but, don't you have more important matters to attend?"
Alyine stopped short of the stage. She felt it odd to be up there when it was meant for these newcomers. She let herself be swallowed up in the crowd as she watched the two try to get onto the stage. She stood with her arms folded in front of her. Was this group even able to handle a job like the investigation, or were they just like all of the other clowns in the city? She was starting to question herself.
Ace (played by Ace)

The nobles walk around and go about their business when a gnome walks about the streets with a very large crate in his arms, it seems like too much for him to handle with all of the people around him, bumping him around. "Excuse me! Pardon me!" There is no telling were this gnome gentleman is going.

Out on the stage the gnomes and goblin look up to Ace "Well well it is about time you show up. We are going to start the show soon!" Ace looks to Decemi "Prepare yourself." Another tall human man stands in glorious chrome armor and he seems to be Decemi's opponent.

A goblin stands at the main stage "Ladies and gentlemen! prepare for another example of why chrome is superior to all other elements!"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea notcing the dwarf struggling she shoved her way through the crowd as she picked up the heavy crate."hey sir, ill assit you. You make way through the crowd ill help you with this." she said with a smile
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline saw the man in the chrome armor, and wonders, what could they be doing? She finds herself a high perch to sit on to watch the competition take place. she rolls a marble in her hand, trying to decide what she will do. Should I leave and scout out the other members from their group? should I just keep hanging with them? Or should I try and get back into the council and give them a piece of my mind? No, I'm beyond that point now, looks like I'll need to start taking this into my own hands, I can't always wait for people to help me, She spun the marble around in her hand as she waited to see what the travelers were going to do.
Ace (played by Ace)

The gnome boosts up the boxes to Rea "Oh thank you very much! I need these breadsnacks delivered to the dinner but it's hard carrying them." The gnome looks up to Rea "Hey! you're the blademaster we invited to dinner.

The goblin stage announcer yells to everyone "We have these foreigners here that state that they have a material that can outlast our best lazor beams!" The goblin motions to Ace "This elf here challenged us to have lazors fired at both his contestant and our best suit of armor! of course being Chrome!" The crowd starts to cheer louder. Some men get on stage and present Decemi and the chrome armored man with a button on a pedestal. "The rules for this duel are: Lazors will be aimed at each of the targets chests and both have the same capability for damage. If one of the contestants moves out of the way then they lose. If one of them passes out and or dies, they lose. If one of them presses the button then both lazors will be deactivated and that contestant will lose."

The goblin puts on his goggles "Eye protection would be a good idea if you plan to watch this gruesome challenge made by this elf." Many of the crowd members put on goggles and eyewear.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea blushed as she let out a small laugh."yeah it was me that you invited as well. I got lost trying to find you gentlefolks. And well I didn't think to ask you were you would be at before. But lets get these to the dinner party. Ill follow your lead." she said with a warm smile, relived she ran into one of the nobles that invited her to the dinner.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Whoa, they're going to use the lasers? Ayline thought in surprise, this is pretty serious. She new that the chrome armor was the pride of this little underground city, but could they both stand up to the lasers? She didn't want to see anyone get blown to the under...under world.
Everyone in the crowd put on their goggles, so Ayline pulled them down off her head and over her eyes. She quit playing with the little marble and sat attentively above the crowd. Waiting, like everyone else, to see what was going to happen.
Ace (played by Ace)

"Take your positions!" The armored man equipped his helmet and nodded to Decemi. Ace walks over and pats Decemi's back "You will do fine, don't worry about pressing the button for your safety." Ace runs off and dives behind the stage, he didn't care enough about witnessing the whole thing without goggles to check for cheating. Decemi and the armored man stand before the lazors on Xs on the floor and the goblin yells "Three! Two! one!" Big red lazors shoot out to the contestants chests and they both brace themselves and nobody topples. Decemi gets pointed angry looking eyes on his face as he continues to brace and his overall color diminishes.

thirty seconds pass and Decemi's face fades and her clearly passes out yet stands in the exact position. Unknown by the crowd a small red circle forms on his back like the lazor was going through him. The man against Decemi cries out in pain as the chrome armor gives in and he promptly presses his button and the lazors fade.

The man runs in pain as the circle starts to light on fire and he yells for a fire extinguisher, the man seems fine enough from it all yet seems very uncomfortable and agitated. Decemi stands there in his dead stance and some men go up on stage to see Decemi as his opponent gets frosted. Decemi looks down to the people as he smokes from his chest and the people jump back "Woah we thought he got incinerated!" Ace gets up on the stage and asks Decemi "Are you alright?" Decemi looks to Ace "I am not happy."

A goblin goes to the mainstage "Ladies and gentlemen! The winner is chrome!" The people cheer "The man from the surface passed out just before our contestant pressed the button! This is not the end for chrome tho since it is such a useful metal!" Ace seems mad about this "What gives?" The gnome looks to Ace "Under the definition of the challenge we all saw the man fade out of it, even though he was pretty tough." Ace groans and takes out his money bag and the gnome shakes his head no to Ace "No you keep your gold." Ace asks "What for?" The gnome replies "Because nobody could have ever been thought to come that close to beating us, I personally thought it was a tie, and for teaching us something you get to keep your gold. You still don't win." The mainstage goblin goes up to Decemi and asks him "Where did you get metal this tough anyways my large friend?" The gnome goes up to Decemi aswell. Decemi points to the sky. Everyone asks "The surface? not from the depths?" Decemi shakes his head no "From above the surface, beyond the sky." The people all looked to each other "The sky holds the future, this much I know."

Out in the noble district the gnome Earnest Blitzbaron hands Rea the boxes "I am glad you were able to find me! The dinner is off in the regal district so we should hurry!" The gnome starts running off quickly but still waits for Rea to keep up and he begins using back alleys, annals, and other unusual paths.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline watched the whole challenge closely from her perch. As she saw the light dim from Decemi's face, she felt a little worried for his safety. But once the challenge finished, and she saw both the travelers conversing with the gnome, she jumped down and quickly pushed her way towards the stage. She didn't want them leaving without her.
Once she got to the foot of the stage, she yelled out, "that was amazing! You've got some great armor there, big guy," she said from the bottom of the stage.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea as she kept ahold of the boxes as if they were nothing. She smiled as she followed the gnome as he took different routes. She smiled and kept following the route careful holding the boxes as she kept up with the gnome remebering the routes.
Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi holds his lazor scarred chest as people walk around the stage. The main goblin goes to shake Ace's hand and they both shake hands "Yer alright around here, Ace." Ace then wraps his arms around Decemi to hold him up, he looks like he might tumble down "Come on big guy, lets find Sorna and get you somewhere safe." Ace looks around for Sorna and spots her on the other side of the crowd. Ace tries to maneuver to Sorna.

Earnest gets to a nice looking building with a cyan colored metal roof, tan cream colored metal sides, the whole thing looks quaint and royal yet modern. Earnest smile back to Rea "Hey thanks! Now you are a guest here, let me take those boxes in, I wouldn't want them to think I made you carry them all the way here." The door opens and a goblin in a fancy suit stands on the other end "Ah the rogue, and mister Blitzbaron, welcome to the Caulry estate. We have been expecting you both,and the snacks. Please come in."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked at the different styled house. It was a royals house after all she looked to the butler and she sighed and shook her head."Please call me Rea. You do not need to be that formal." she said with a smile at the butlers remark as she still held the boxes full of snacks.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline scurried behind Ace and Decemi. Decemi didn't look to well, she hoped he was ok. For all she knew, if it was her up there on stage, she would've been halfway up to the heavens by now.
Ayline pulled ahead and walked beside Ace, "do you guys have a place your staying at?" She asked him.
The Crow Lord (played by Ace)

On the surface a dark crow flies from the air and lands on one of the towers looking over the Chronos walls. It calls out "CROW!" One of the guardsmen look up and go back to just staring forward before hearing another "CROW!" The sounds sounded like a crow but normally they don't sound exactly like the word 'crow' it sounded like one saying 'crow' The guards look around and the gatekeeper looks up and sees a crow and he points to it "It's a!" Then the gatekeeper and the crow yell "Crow!" The gatekeeper yells "We have a flyer!" The guards run to get their ranged weapons and the gatekeeper shoots a bolt of flying electricity at the crow and misses. The crow flies off "CROW CROW CROW!" The other guardsmen aim their guns to the air and they all shoot and just because they are not the best aim, most of them miss their shots but one pegs the crow and it falls to the metal floor, dead. The gatekeeper smiles "Dead!" "CROW!" Yells another crow landing on the gate, while more circle around the skies.

Deep underground another crow flies down to nearby lamp post, that buzzed with energy. It 'Crow's' Not many people notice it in the crowd. The crow looks around and flies off to the roofs. A small flock of crows fly down to a rooftop and eye a performing Jester-bot and one flies down and lands on it's shoulder.
Ace (played by Ace)

At the Caulry estate, Rea and Earnest are welcomed inside. Laughing can be heard once they walk in. They walk into a room with light smoke around them as if someone were smoking. A group of ten people all sit in a large, fancy enough looking room with a metal table in the middle and they pour drinks and talk with one another, many engineers and gentlemen. Mistress Caulry smiles and stands in her outfit from before, goggles,tophat and jacket off this time around her long brown hair flows down to her shoulders "Blitz and The rogue." Arthur smith, a tall human with a rough beard and a monocle that Rea met before, smiles at the people walking in "Auh good to see the snacks made it here in their various pieces of flavor filled glory. Arthur stands "This is Rea Selyore, a blademaster from far away lands. A human girl with dyed cyan hair, wearing a short sleeved button up white shirt with suspenders, a long tie, and long black pants, laughs at Arthur playfully "Heh So a foreigner?" She laughs and smiles at Rea kindy "Pleasure to meet you, come join us." Goblin and gnomes and other human sit at the table and all look friendly towards Rea.

Ace smiled as he looked like he was holding up Decemi as he shuffled through the crowd "I think so, Sorna said we would have some." Sorna met Ace on the other side of the crowd and greeted him "Your show was very...proud. Will Decemi be alright?" Ace nods "Heh he will be fine" Ace knew full well that Decemi couldn't of been human. "I think we just need to get to a place to stay, and some food." Sorna nods "We will get you housing and you will be eating frog legs and poultry in no time." Ace Laughs"Great, I can't wait." Sorna leads Ace and Decemi off but stops before she gets too far and notices a Crow "That's not right." Ace waits "What is it?" Sorna replies "Crows can't be here."

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