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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 3: Chaos over Chronos(closed)

Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea unused to such an event she gulped and tried to keep herself polite. After all any social gathering like this usually was in a pub. and she would have someone flipped over on the table right about now. "Yes I am a foreginer and though i might not be from your lands, my past heritage, i have lived in a underground city quite like this one before. But of course it will be an honor to join you." She said as she let a smile grace her face unaware of the danger coming outside.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

"If you need some place to stay, I have lots of room at my place now, since I've been alone for the past month or so. I don't have much food, but plenty of room and free space." Ayline said. Then she also noticed the bird, "What is it?" She asked. "I haven't seen a bird like that before." She tries to get a closer look.
The Crow Lord (played by Ace)

Crows begin swooping down and attacking the Jester-bots! The engineers owning them try to shoo away the birds. Others just shoot the birds down with short burst lasers, turning them into a blackened treat. The crow looks down at Ayline and waits a moment, just staring before 'crow'-ing and swooping down to her and flapping it's wings in her face. A small group of crows fly over the city and swoop down to cause havoc throughout the city.
Ace (played by Ace)

Sorna looks to Ayline "Well I don't see why not, but Lupe is already staying at the housing we have prepared." Ace laughs "Perfect, then lets leave Lupe on her own for a while, you just make sure she is safe and bring by food." Ace laughs some more and looks up at the crow "It's a crow." Sorna says "That's impossible, there is no way they could get in here." Sorna Ace looks around the skyline or the lack there of and say "Yeah I see what you mean but didn't you say you serve poultry?" Sorna looks to Ace "Obviously not crow..." Then once the crow attacks, Ace and Decemi both go to react but Sorna does so first and takes out a crimson pistol and aims it at the bird and shoots a burst of crimson energy out in a line and it strikes the bird and goes right past Ayline's head. Ace says "Not the most friendly of birds."

Inside the Caulry estate the friendly guests all welcome Rea in. Caulry says "Oh you will have plenty of time to meet everyone, just take a seat." Caulry sets down the box of snacks and opens it up and passes some onto the plates on the table for everyone. The human with with the cyan hair, button up shirt and suspenders holds out her hand for Rea to shake "My name is Faux, pleasure to meet you Elfy." Caulry smiles to Faux "You had better watch out, I still have yet to tell you about her threats to take my panties."
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline flinches and throws her arms out instinctively to protect her face as the crow flaps it's wings in her face. Ayline feels the crimson energy's force as it passes by her and hits the bird. She freezes in place, and slowly turns around to see the weapon in Sorna's hand. "I'd like to keep my head, thank you very much..." Ayline's mind goes back to all the near death encounters she's had in only the past hour or so.
She starts looking around, trying to keep her eyes on the birds and keep her distance from them. There are so many!
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea about to take the snacks as she let it fall from her lips. As she smiled and shook Faux's hand as she smiled and chuckled hearing Caulry's comment later."nice to meet your Faux, Rea please call me that." she said with a wide smile. Rea then looked to Caulry as she knew what he meant from her comment earlier. She giggled and lifted up a brown ascot. "oh yes i am quite skilled at it Mr. Caulry, and Ms. Faux but Don't worry your undergaments are quite safe." she said with a happy smile.
The Crow Lord (played by Ace)

The crows torment everyone at the front gates even more, so much that they send to the leaders in the heart of the city for assistance. The gatekeeper yells "We are under attack!" Even tho the crows are just flying around and 'crow'-ing.

Crows seem to come out of nowhere underground and they pester people all around town. People at the trading district duck down, scramble or just shoot weapons in the air and just cause more damage than the crows themselves. They crows fly in a formation to where the food is grown for the people.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace says "We should probably get inside." Sorna nods "I need to get this information to the leaders, we have to deal with this." People begin to panic all around the group. Ace lets go of Decemi and goes over and asks Ayline "Are you alright? Listen, where is your place? We should get there quick." Decemi falls to the floor and makes a bit thud on the ground. Ace looks down to Decemi "Oh come on! I was hardly even holding you up!"

The crows make their way to the food production annex at the edge of the dome pocket that the city inhabits and begins through a large tunnel where carts can come and go. The leaders of Chronos all sit in the center of the court room but most of the other representatives have left, it is only Jax, Amy, Vegas, and three others from their branch and they all just sit casually while they are not in session. Jax sits in his chair, thinking and recalling the deaths of his friends, thinking what should be done next. Amy draws up plans, working on a deadly approach to snuff out whoever is behind this. Vegas casually draws pictures like before but gets up and leaves the room. A runner comes inside the courtroom and says "The main gates send word of an attack." Jax gets up and looks to him. The runner says "It is by black birds, they pose no threat but there are many of them, he requests help." Jax nods "Then we shall send more guards out." The runner says "Yes sir but...there are some in the city now." Amy questions this "Who-what-how now?"

Inside the Caulry estate they have no signs of crows inside and no mention of them either. The snacks taste of bean-like breads and nothing sweet, almost bland, cookie cakes. The air smells of motor oil, smelly people, and lovely winter scents of holy or some other plant, but not enough to hide the other smells that one would be used to in a world like this. Faux seems lost but smiles along without a hitch and nods. Caulry laughs "Heh well Rea here threatened she could have my wrists and ankles tied and my panties stolen before I would have even been able to stop her. She is a devious one." One of the male gnomes with long blue hair comes behind Rea, stares right at her rear and says "Woah check out that blade!" He points to Rea's Blade of the tyrant "Where did you get that one?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea chuckled as she opened one of the snacks her eyes opening wide as she enjoyed the lovely taste, even though they were bland. She looked to the Gnome as he saw her Blade of the tyrant. She looked to him as she pulled it from her back and held it. "Well lets just say a certain tyrant met his death from my blades. And I took this as well...loot." she said with a smile as she giggled and Caurly had his wrists tied with his own tie.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

Ayline prepared herself better to fend of any more crows that decided to take a dive at her. She looked to Ace when he spoke to her, "Yes, I'm fine now. My place isn't too far from here, just down the next bend, this way." She pointed the way and indicated for them to follow her. "This is crazy, I've never witnessed something like this.
Ayline pulled her goggles up from around her neck. They would protect her eyes from more attacks. She reached into a small pouch tied to her belt, and brought it back out, holding something small and round, like a marble.
The Crow Lord (played by Ace)

The crow formation flies past people walking along the path through the tunnel to the food source of the city. The crows look for food storage and raw food to pick at and eat. Crows begin flying around the city, they just scare people into their homes and heat up the need for security. A crow flies down and Pecks at Decemi's head and squawks "CRoW!" to the adventurers.
Ace (played by Ace)

Additional guards are called out and begin going to the surface and others take to the city streets and roofs to protect their city. Guards get to the surface and clear out the rest of the crows bothering the gates. Goblin, gnome, and human guards in chrome or crimson metal armor start roaming the streets with their eyes to the sky's and ranged weaponry of all sorts on hand. Some guards usher people to their homes "Everyone get inside your homes or to your respective sectors!"

Deep inside the tunnel a whole ecosystem lay! strange arctic plants and ponds with birds flying around and frogs dipping into the waters. Workers keep the ecosystem and the rest of the city safe from each other through a not too thick metal wall and a gate. Workers cower and run at the site of the crows, some others just naturally punch the crows down from their work experience. Guards assigned to guard the ecosystem rush to lockdown the tunnel and close a series of gates. Many crows get inside of the outer system but the gates keep more crows from entering.

As guards run through the city, Ace says "I see why you call yourselves the Chromoknights." As what looks like Chrome knights run around the city. Sorna shoos the crow from Decemi's head. Ace tries to pull Decemi up but fails "Decemi, Get up!" Decemi rises. Ace looks to Ayline "Let's go." Sorna says "I need to go my separate way." Ace nods to Sorna as he follows Ayline "We will see you soon." Ace said reassuringly. Sorna runs off to her own tasks.

On the rooftops the dark female human spy in goggles looks down to the Ace, Ayline, and Decemi. The spy is bothered by the crows and stabs some of them as she tries to remain hidden and she silently shoots them and stumbles on the rooftops as she does. "What are these crows doing here?"

At the Caulry estate the party continues with stories. Miss Caulry continues to host the party and talk with everyone at the table. The curious gnome behind Rea gasped in amazement "Woah! what kind of tyrant?" Others at the table that knew very little about Rea asked "Yes, tell us about some of your adventures, or about yourself." "We would certainly like to hear!" "Have you ever killed a Centaur?" The strangers all added questions. They all wanted to know more about an epic blade master.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea still unaware of the impedning mess of crows she looked to the group of nobles as she opened the bag of the snack and still munched on it. She smiled and chuckled looking to them. "Well then, i suppose he was a gnome tytant that corrupted part of the forest and turned everything into gems. but nonethless it is quite the tale. ME and my fellow comrades helped take down the tyrant. Well i had to distract for the most part to let the others disable his throne. And to your question, no I have never killed a centaur. I dont see the need to. Most just mistake them for lustful brutes, but really they are quite kind once you get to know them. well minus them make passes at you all the time. But if one was to attack sure i would spar with him or her. They mainly like the challenge of being able to spar with a worthy partner. Now imps on the other hand, I wont hesitate to dispatch them." she said with a smile as she began to tell part of her adventures.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

"There is a path between some buildings down this way," Ayline points to the right, "the alleys aren't completely out in the open, so it should limit the birds' attack." She hurried down the alley, making sure that the group of travelers weren't falling to far behind. "Look there," Ayline said, "That's my place, we aren't very far." the house that loomed up in the distance had an old feel to it. It seemed just a bit to big for one girl to live in. They still needed to pass through some alleys before they reached it.
The Crow Lord (played by Ace)

As the crows fly through the city, they are shot down by the guardsmen and don't give much of a fight after that. The number of crows in the well guarded places in town drop and the remaining pockets of crows fly around shops and any place with food to chow down or tear apart.
Ace (played by Ace)

The guards didn't get too well armed, just enough to shoot down crows as efficiently as possible.
The spy looks around and stands "I've got to get back to base, we are finding the source of these crows."

Ace looks to Ayline "Well lets hurry, we need to get inside quick." Ace takes quick steps through the alley with Decemi's arm over his shoulder. Decemi walks with Ace, taking a step every time he does. Ace notices this and looks at Decemi. Decemi looks passed out. Ace and Decemi end up going just past Ayline's home in Ace's distractiveness.

Inside the Cauldry house the party listens to Rea talk all about her stories with awe in they're eyes. "Woah cool!" "Centaur are idiotic, but crafty." "I wish I was a tyrant..."
Miss Cauldry smiles to Rea but goes into the main room and smiles out the odd shaped window, seeing the crows, she noticed what all the other party goers didn't. She worried if their group would be needed.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

"oh come now you do not want to be a tyrant. Id have to hunt you down and stab you" she said with a loud laugh as she looked to him with a smile. " well now centaurs some of them are idiotic but those are the young ones. You cannot tell me you have done something dumb when you were young." she said as she stood up and put her foot on the chair. As she pulled out her daggers and twirled it around in her hand. She smiled and then noticed miss caulry staring outside she could tell she was starting to get tense. Rea smiled as let out a loud bellow as she started to renact one of her adventures to entertain the guests and distract them. "let me tell you about the time when i was neck to neck in giant cave spiders. Those things were huge i tell ya. I was in the middle of recovering an amulet that one poor sap lost to them. I still have the amulet as well." she said as she pulled out from her shirt a blue crystal necklace.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

"Wait! Not that way!" Ayline ran up and grabbed Ace's arm. She pointed to her house he just walked past. "This is it."
She pulled out her key to unlock the door. Once it was unlocked, she pushed it opened. It was a big door and creaked on old hinges. Inside the house there were a lot of crates filled with papers and books. Tables were cover completely with odds and ends.
She walked over to one of tables and pushed off the junk on top of it. "You can lay him down here," she offered.
The Crow Lord (played by Ace)

The crows begin flying high to the top of the city, far from the sharpshooters abilities. The crows look around the city as they zoom about. One crow looks up to where the snow is coming from and goes to reek havoc on the source of the cities beloved snow.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace goes inside with Ayline with Decemi by his side. Ace looks around and feels at home with the vast amount of papers and clutter. Ace looks to Ayline "I don't claim to be that strong but I can barely hold up Decemi, I don't think a table will hold him up." Decemi hops onto the table and lays down, he looks like he begins taking a nap. Ace crosses his arms "Well... quite a nice place you have here, what was your name again?" Ace tilts his head to Ayline.

Inside the Caulry estate. The gnome says "But gnomes never get to do anything important!" The gnome pouts.
Faux asks another human "Hey marquis, didn't you fight centaur a long while back?" The human nods, a bearded older human in a more rugged attire rather than a dapper sort of look. "I fought twenty years ago when Chrome city was being attacked after a group of surface workers has gone and stolen lumber and supplies. I got to see the pretty looking centaur attack and some of the gruff ones attack too." Caulry walks in and smiles to Rea and puts her hand on Rea's shoulder. "Marquis has been in the most fights we have ever heard, not many veteran-ed fighters like him around, which is why we knew we had to invite you here to see what you were made of!"

Up at the very top of the city, two guards stand and look down from their scaffolding that lead to the core that rained snow on the city. The looked down hopelessly at the crows.

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