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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 3: Chaos over Chronos(closed)

Ayline Niles (played by Music)

"The table should be fine, it's thick and made with ancient oak...or something," Ayline said, unsure what exactly the table was made of.
She turned to face Ace as she spoke, "my name's Ayline. I have to say that this place isn't the neatest, but it's clean. Just crowded," Ayline scratched the back of her head, and looked at all of the high piles of things. "I don't think I caught your name either," She mentioned.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to Caulry as he put a hand on her shoulder. "I see but really some.centaurs cant help the way they are. Most of the ones that attack people are the younger ones trying to prove themselves. But hey it seems hes a pretty good fighter too. But i sont he has mavic hands like me."she said with her smile her hand raised. Of course she meant her swift hands and her theiving hands sometimes.
The Crow Lord (played by Ace)

The crows land on the railing, next to the guards that stand watch on their scaffolding in the sky.
The crows tilt their head and eye the guards standing on duty.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace holds his stomach and looks around the dark loomy room. Ace sits on the table facing away from Ayline "It's pretty nice oak, is it an heirloom?" Ace begins to open the front of his robe "My name is Kalor but I normally have people call me Ace." Ace has a bare white chest, lightly muscular with a big purple glowing circle goes over his stomach, like a tattoo. Ace slips off his backpack and robe and he touches his purple mark and it stings him a bit. "Ah- if you don't mind, I have to treat this here." Ace opens up his backpack and takes out a few potions. He sets them aside on what freespace on the table he can.

Caulry laughs at Rea and puts her hand on Rea's shoulder "Rea your a great guest, we should introduce you to the blastmaster in Chronos." Faux looks over to Rea and Caulry "The Red Rapier? She is ill right now, you should know Caulry." Caulry sighs "Oh yes, I sent my respects to her... but still, you should meet her when she gets better Rea." Caulry smiles brightly to Rea "How long will you be staying again?"

The two guards look at the crows and they look to each other. They would both guard the orb emitting snow, preventing anything from touching it.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to caulry and then nodded. "well I am not sure how long i will be staying. and I will definatly meet the blades master once she is well again. But surely im a blades master when it comes toa few blades mainly daggers and throwing knives. But when it comes to a long sword, im pretty savvy with it.
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

"Well, I don't know if the oak is an heirloom or not, all I know is that my mentor has had it around for quite awhile." She watches as Ace starts opening his shirt. She catches herself staring, and blushes. She scolds herself in her mind that it isn't polite to stare.
When Ace mentions patching up the wounds, Ayline quickly leaves the room for a moment. The sound of something heavy tumbling to the floor comes from the other room. After a second more, Ayline comes back. She is holding a dusty box in her hands. "I'm not much of a knowledgeable person with wounds and stuff, but this is our first aid box, it should be of some use...I hope." Ayline hands Ace the dusty box, trying not to seemed bothered.
The Crow Lord (played by Ace)

A overhead the great city, a dark figure lands on the scaffolding hard enough to make it shake. The Crow Lord is large white human man with a black beard. He wears a dark hooded robe with big crow feathers all along it, making the man look like he has a crow costume on with big wings on his back. The crowlord stands before the two guards and holds out his arms, he summons two big, dark red, murder crows to attack them.
Ace (played by Ace)

The guards look to the Crowlord "You there! Stay right there and don't move an inch or you might meet your doom to...something!" The two guards hold up their Chrome spears and poke at the MurderCrows as they come at guards."Ready your weapons!" "What kind of bird is that?!" "Just attack whatever those things are!" The guards suffer damage but protect the Core and damage the MurderCrows.

Ace smile to Ayline "Thanks but this sorta thing happens alot...and I need a special ailment for it." Ace poors some sort of black Ooz onto the dark circle on his chest "I got this from a fight I was in the other day... I got impaled by a blasted sand elemental." Ace looks up from his wound to Ayline "Pardon the language." Ace Rubs in the Ooz and it seems to singe his skin a bit and bring it back to the color of his normal skin slowly. "It should only last a few weeks but it is still better than a hole in my chest." Says Ace. Decemi seems to sleep on the table. Ace looks to Decemi "I wounder if he dreams."

Caulry nods to Rea "So Selyore...Do you like guns? Or machinery? We are responsible for testing out a ton of gadgets and things, if you would like to try them out." Earnest smile to Rea "Literally a single ton needs to be tested this quarter!" Faux looks up and puts a finger to her chin "Let's see, we have rockets and a new type of lazor, a beam, a beam launcher, a launcher that launches beams, support beams, rockets again." Earnest pulls out a sheet of poor quality paper "The constructors league sure does have a lot of beams they want launched." Faux goes on, listing items on her fingers "And goggles, drills, a new type of explosive material, and a new type of stick."Earnest says "A Pogo stick!" Caulry raises her finger "The Paugoo Stick Earnest. Pau-gooo."
Ayline Niles (played by Music)

"If that happens a lot, that can't be good," Ayline said, motioning towards his chest. "Have you gone to see a healer?" She asked him. "And about this guy here, he mentioned coming from a different place, like another world? Are you guys not..." Ayline paused, trying to come up with a different word, but failing to do so, just finished with, "from this world?"
The Crow Lord (played by Ace)

The Crow Lord Swoops to the guards and push them off the edge for them to fall down onto the city. The Crow Lord grins a giant grin and lifts the core above his head "Now...I...bring...." The Crow Lord can't hold the core and he tilts to the side and just drops it off the edge and he falls off too "DOOOOOOOOM!" The Crow Lord yells. The Crow Lord uses the wings of his armor to gain a safe fall for himself. The Crow Lord lands in the center of the city and sends out more crows to swarm the whole area. "DOOOOM!" He echos through the city.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace looks down to his chest as the Ooz travels down to his chest and sizzles like it was just dropped on a hot frying pan. Ace looks to Ayline with his twilight purple gaze "I am the willing bearer of this. It is my way of staying alive." Ace drops to his side and stares off in quiet pain. "I guess you could say I am from another world.... nothing quite like this place. I come from a far off land over seas and other lands. I assure you that we come from the same earth." Ace looks over to Decemi "Decemi tells us that he is from the sky." Ace puts his head in his palm and rests his elbow on the table and looks to Decemi "How far from here to where you are from?" Decemi looks to Ace "Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten..." Decemi continues endlessly. Ace looks to Ayline "This is puzzling." Ace watches Decemi for a moment as Decemi continues. Ace looks back to Decemi "I am normally drinking potions to keep the pain away but I need to stop at one point or I will begin down a rough path." Ace looks back to Decemi, then back to Ayline "Uhm..." Ace shifts "Do you sing or play instruments in this city?" They do not as it were but Ace has a musical culture that he enjoys. Due to Decemi repeating the word "Ten" then these adventurers cannot hear the cries of doom.

The two guards fall through the roofs of buildings and safely get incapacitated by the buildings. The Core of snow shatters on the ground and the people scramble away from it and they look up to the lack of snow falling on the city. The Crow Lord channels crows and people in the area scramble away from them.

Now most everyone hears of the Crow Lord and know there must be some trouble.

Rea, Caulry and her group leave the experimental armory with weaponry and recreational devices.

The Dark Spy and two unknown assistants from the shadows look to the center of the city.

The Three leaders of Chronos stand outside of their council and look out to the lack of snow.

"The snow."

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