Hey, fellas, how's it going? I stumbled upon this website while browsing through the internet, and I couldn't help but notice how promising it appeared to be. And since I finally decided to utilize it, I figured now would be a perfect time to write an introduction for myself. Anyway, I've been roleplaying for quite some time now; a good few years, specifically. I've written with a wide variety of genres, though I've found that I particularly enjoy horror, science fiction, and gritty realities, often combined with a decent amount of smutty goodness, but only when I'm roleplaying with someone either eighteen or above! I'm not really used to forum roleplays, of course, but I'm really pumped to try it out, almost as pumped as I am to meet potential new friends and more astonishing writers who are just as into this hobby as I am. Well, that's all, for right now. Also, I do hope that no one here is the type to randomly ask someone to be their boy/girlfriend... I've had a surprising amount of trouble with that in the past and it really sets my teeth on edge...
Welcome to RPR!?
Welcome, welcome, welcome !
Welcome to RPR Mariner!
You'll find that the rules here discourage use of this platform for dating I believe and there is the Adult side of seeking RP for those over 18+.
And I am sure if you have any issues the moderators are more than happy to help!
Since horror is your favourite, what kind of characters do you tend to enjoy making in that genre?
You'll find that the rules here discourage use of this platform for dating I believe and there is the Adult side of seeking RP for those over 18+.
And I am sure if you have any issues the moderators are more than happy to help!
Since horror is your favourite, what kind of characters do you tend to enjoy making in that genre?
Mellute wrote:
Welcome to RPR Mariner!
You'll find that the rules here discourage use of this platform for dating I believe and there is the Adult side of seeking RP for those over 18+.
And I am sure if you have any issues the moderators are more than happy to help!
Since horror is your favourite, what kind of characters do you tend to enjoy making in that genre?
You'll find that the rules here discourage use of this platform for dating I believe and there is the Adult side of seeking RP for those over 18+.
And I am sure if you have any issues the moderators are more than happy to help!
Since horror is your favourite, what kind of characters do you tend to enjoy making in that genre?
Ah, that's exceptionally relieving to hear. I've had issues with flirts in the past, and I like seeing platforms where I won't have to worry and/or put up with that kind of stuff. Also, when it comes to the horror genre, I often like to combine it with the cruelty of life. I like to make dark, rather "unstable" characters; the type we as humans fear in reality. Putting my knowledge of psychology to use, of course.
Hey there! I just joined RPR, but I wanted to go ahead and say hello! Coming into forum RPs may be daunting at first, but it's all about dipping your feet in the water and giving it a try! I hope we both find what we're looking for here.
Hullo! o/
Welcome to RPR! Fingers crossed you don't experience any creepers here I'm confident you'll have a lovely experience!
Welcome to RPR! Fingers crossed you don't experience any creepers here I'm confident you'll have a lovely experience!
Hey, welcome to RPR! Hope you have fun here!
Welcome to RPR! And, I doubt anyone is particularly that type.
Welcome, Welcome!!
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