This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
The carnival was in town. Its colorful tents stand tall and proud in the fairgrounds cleared in the forest. In the evening, it hosted spectacular shows. Acrobats, ribbon dancers, trapeze artists enchanted onlookers. Fire-breathers, sword-swallowers, and lion-tamers amazed the crowd. Clowns entertained, musicians played, and the people cheered. And, when that was all said in done, visitors were left to browse the carnival’s vendors and oddities. Children were allowed to ride on the backs of tame beasts. Clowns painted patrons’ faces to match their own. Mimes, fire-breathers, and sword-swallowers kept their acts going on the side, carrying on the festivities.
A wall of cage carts made a semi-circle around the circus. Dozens of beasts were displayed in each cage. They ranged from exotic - lions, zebras, okapi and a dozen of colorful birds - to fantastical - gnolls, pegasi, hippogriffs, and a single unicorn. A well-dressed man led a tour and explained each creature to guests. Some creatures were capable of talking, but they said precious little to their onlookers. When meeting one that said a bit more, the man encouraged guests to ignore what it said, as it was often crude, mischievous or otherwise unpleasant.
The tour had entered the end of the tour. A section that the well-dressed man had called ‘the killers of man.’ Behind the group, a tamed griffin with clipped wings passively walked by, led by an elvish carnie. It was ridden by a giggling child, that hugged it around the neck and pet its head. An accordion was just ending its song in the distance where the mimes had been boxing themselves up and roping each other together.
The man stopped at a cage to explain the simple, aging bear that laid on the hay-covered floor of the metal cage. A plaque on the edge of the cage declared this bear ‘Brownmaw the Ruthless.’ The man warned not to trust elderly, scarred appearance. It had been caught in the deep north, where it spent ten years terrorizing a village named ‘Vis.’ It stole livestock, children, and farmers until it was finally captured by a local hero and donated so kindly to the carnival. The bear only regarded the crowd lazily with it single remaining eye.
An accordion picked up again somewhere near the tents, and the man moved on to the next metal cage. This plaque said ‘Cindertroll,’ and inside sat a tall, humanish figure. It had a sleek, glossy black mane that rivaled that of the aging lion a few carts down. On either side of its widow’s peak were two, stubby horns. They spiraled shortly, and were well ground and closely maintained to ensure that they did not get any longer. Its hairy hands were blackened with the soot that dusted the hay around its cage, and its nails were filed into dull points. It sat in the shadiest corner of its cage and watched its observers with a small frown, its pupil’s narrowed into thin slits in the light, the green irises shining brilliantly like little forest-colored emeralds. Its face was that of any other young human man’s. Handsomely narrow and youthful.
It wore torn, dusty clothes. It slowly switched the leg it sat on as the well-dressed man spoke. “This troll was found far out of their natural range. It killed a young man by the name of Clyde Velit in Corigle several days east of here, in the plains. Then, it stalked on. It slaughtered several young men, women and children from Coridle to Idelford,” The man went on. The cinder-troll listened to him only half-interested, its head tilted to its shoulder. It scoffed silently as its crimes were listed, it turned to stare through the bars on its other side, its tail curling around its feet. “The bodies of the children were never found. Villages were left assuming that it had ate them entirely! How savage! Thankfully, a brave, merciful hero captured it and it was donated it quite charitably to our carnival!” The well-dressed man chirped.
He tapped the bars of the cage with his cane, and began to explain the nature of the Cindertrolls, “They’re typically found in the rolling plains in the far south! They live deep within caverns. They’re often times found with the local dragons, picking around in the embers of their kills. Dragons allow them to follow along like little vultures, and even the best of scholars cannot figure out why. Now - Cindertrolls don’t start out like the uncouth creature you see here. They’re born little, itty-bitty balls of fur, but don’t ever let their softness deceive you! They’d eat you alive given the chance! We’re all just lucky they don’t move in packs, or they’d devour entire villages!” The well-dressed man laughed and leaned into his cane, staring up with a wide smile at the cindertroll. “Take a good look at its horns. They’re usually much longer, but these beasts love to gore their victims, so we couldn’t let it keep them. Too dangerous, even for us,” He sighed warmly. He spoke with a joyful enthusiasm all through the tour, seeming to enjoy his job very well. It kept most of the crowd entertained and jovial.
The tour moved on, meeting a cage containing three chained gnolls, and another with a muzzled drake. He explained them all with dear enthusiasm and chipperness before letting the tour go once they reached the end. He waved them all on to go browse the animals, or take part in another part of the carnival.
I stayed up way too late and impulsed together a character and then spit together this h a h a. His name is Lucas Churchhill and he’s the Cinder-troll!! I’d love to do a little, private 1x1 or 3 person roleplay with him in messages. He’s got a pretty sparse profile, but it’s not super relevant here as its just his backstory and some mechanical things.
I sort of set this up with the midnight carnival scene in the Last Unicorn in mind, and with everything going on, this should fairly obviously imply that Lucas is going to be freed in some way. Likely relatively illegally. After that, I imagine it’s mostly just an’ adventuring pair/trio. Maybe to find other Cindertrolls or something, who knows.
Any races allowed!! Preferably *humanoid* and not particularly monstrous, because that likely would’ve ended with them being apart of the circus. The setting is deeply fantastical and influenced by the middle ages but certainly has room to be just about all over the place depending on where the characters end up!!
Multi-paragraph of 3+ paragraphs required. Preferably someone(s) willing to talk OOC, too, and be fine with slower response times aaa. I’ve got more information in my Roleplay section on my profile if you’re particularly interested.
Feel free to comment below!! Note, i am likely going to immediately go to sleep after this. I stayed up all night putting Lucas and this together h a hh.
Eta: this will probably have some DND inspired aspects, unless you really don't want it to. I've never personally played DND, but i would Like To and am trying to homebrew together some stuff for Cindertrolls
A wall of cage carts made a semi-circle around the circus. Dozens of beasts were displayed in each cage. They ranged from exotic - lions, zebras, okapi and a dozen of colorful birds - to fantastical - gnolls, pegasi, hippogriffs, and a single unicorn. A well-dressed man led a tour and explained each creature to guests. Some creatures were capable of talking, but they said precious little to their onlookers. When meeting one that said a bit more, the man encouraged guests to ignore what it said, as it was often crude, mischievous or otherwise unpleasant.
The tour had entered the end of the tour. A section that the well-dressed man had called ‘the killers of man.’ Behind the group, a tamed griffin with clipped wings passively walked by, led by an elvish carnie. It was ridden by a giggling child, that hugged it around the neck and pet its head. An accordion was just ending its song in the distance where the mimes had been boxing themselves up and roping each other together.
The man stopped at a cage to explain the simple, aging bear that laid on the hay-covered floor of the metal cage. A plaque on the edge of the cage declared this bear ‘Brownmaw the Ruthless.’ The man warned not to trust elderly, scarred appearance. It had been caught in the deep north, where it spent ten years terrorizing a village named ‘Vis.’ It stole livestock, children, and farmers until it was finally captured by a local hero and donated so kindly to the carnival. The bear only regarded the crowd lazily with it single remaining eye.
An accordion picked up again somewhere near the tents, and the man moved on to the next metal cage. This plaque said ‘Cindertroll,’ and inside sat a tall, humanish figure. It had a sleek, glossy black mane that rivaled that of the aging lion a few carts down. On either side of its widow’s peak were two, stubby horns. They spiraled shortly, and were well ground and closely maintained to ensure that they did not get any longer. Its hairy hands were blackened with the soot that dusted the hay around its cage, and its nails were filed into dull points. It sat in the shadiest corner of its cage and watched its observers with a small frown, its pupil’s narrowed into thin slits in the light, the green irises shining brilliantly like little forest-colored emeralds. Its face was that of any other young human man’s. Handsomely narrow and youthful.
It wore torn, dusty clothes. It slowly switched the leg it sat on as the well-dressed man spoke. “This troll was found far out of their natural range. It killed a young man by the name of Clyde Velit in Corigle several days east of here, in the plains. Then, it stalked on. It slaughtered several young men, women and children from Coridle to Idelford,” The man went on. The cinder-troll listened to him only half-interested, its head tilted to its shoulder. It scoffed silently as its crimes were listed, it turned to stare through the bars on its other side, its tail curling around its feet. “The bodies of the children were never found. Villages were left assuming that it had ate them entirely! How savage! Thankfully, a brave, merciful hero captured it and it was donated it quite charitably to our carnival!” The well-dressed man chirped.
He tapped the bars of the cage with his cane, and began to explain the nature of the Cindertrolls, “They’re typically found in the rolling plains in the far south! They live deep within caverns. They’re often times found with the local dragons, picking around in the embers of their kills. Dragons allow them to follow along like little vultures, and even the best of scholars cannot figure out why. Now - Cindertrolls don’t start out like the uncouth creature you see here. They’re born little, itty-bitty balls of fur, but don’t ever let their softness deceive you! They’d eat you alive given the chance! We’re all just lucky they don’t move in packs, or they’d devour entire villages!” The well-dressed man laughed and leaned into his cane, staring up with a wide smile at the cindertroll. “Take a good look at its horns. They’re usually much longer, but these beasts love to gore their victims, so we couldn’t let it keep them. Too dangerous, even for us,” He sighed warmly. He spoke with a joyful enthusiasm all through the tour, seeming to enjoy his job very well. It kept most of the crowd entertained and jovial.
The tour moved on, meeting a cage containing three chained gnolls, and another with a muzzled drake. He explained them all with dear enthusiasm and chipperness before letting the tour go once they reached the end. He waved them all on to go browse the animals, or take part in another part of the carnival.
I stayed up way too late and impulsed together a character and then spit together this h a h a. His name is Lucas Churchhill and he’s the Cinder-troll!! I’d love to do a little, private 1x1 or 3 person roleplay with him in messages. He’s got a pretty sparse profile, but it’s not super relevant here as its just his backstory and some mechanical things.
I sort of set this up with the midnight carnival scene in the Last Unicorn in mind, and with everything going on, this should fairly obviously imply that Lucas is going to be freed in some way. Likely relatively illegally. After that, I imagine it’s mostly just an’ adventuring pair/trio. Maybe to find other Cindertrolls or something, who knows.
Any races allowed!! Preferably *humanoid* and not particularly monstrous, because that likely would’ve ended with them being apart of the circus. The setting is deeply fantastical and influenced by the middle ages but certainly has room to be just about all over the place depending on where the characters end up!!
Multi-paragraph of 3+ paragraphs required. Preferably someone(s) willing to talk OOC, too, and be fine with slower response times aaa. I’ve got more information in my Roleplay section on my profile if you’re particularly interested.
Feel free to comment below!! Note, i am likely going to immediately go to sleep after this. I stayed up all night putting Lucas and this together h a hh.
Eta: this will probably have some DND inspired aspects, unless you really don't want it to. I've never personally played DND, but i would Like To and am trying to homebrew together some stuff for Cindertrolls
Magic is very common. Magic-tech, grand floating islands, forests that sing, magical creatures may be an every-day occurrence.
Industrial revolution
Small possibility of combat, usually brief and not detailed.
Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.
Changed the combat amount because there really isnt supposed to be a lot, but it will probably be decided by dice roll.
I might go ahead and move this to the Fantasy RP forums : o
Any of these characters might work? 

- Dulirn has a spell that requires cindertroll horn dust. He'd be willing to make some deals that might include breaking Lucas out.
- Lucas is sold to someone far away and Rook is part of a mercenary company that takes the job of getting him there.
- Jip thinks it would be great fun to witness all the chaos caused by releasing several of the more dangerous or chaotic animals after hours, which would likely lead to his own life being endangered. Perhaps Lucas has to save him?
Oh hey!! I imagine all of them would work, and each of them bring some really interesting ideas to the table!! I think Rook would be neat for here if you've not got your heart set on any specific character out of the three of them
The buyer would likely be another, richer fellow with their own menagerie, if that's important information to start with
The buyer would likely be another, richer fellow with their own menagerie, if that's important information to start with
Ohhh this looks like such an interesting idea. I'd love to RP it if youre still looking? (I'm always a sucker for fantasy and/or circus themed RPs, haha), I have a character in mind that I'll use, but theyre not listed on here so I'll have to type them up
Hey! Yeah!! A sparse little detail of who they are is fine!! Juls and I sort of have a little mercenary transport thing going on that was explained below if you'd like to get in on that?
If not, that's fine!! We can also do a 1x1!!
Imma assume Ruix has moved on and close this thread since I've found a partner. Ruix, if you see this though, feel free to Pm me!!
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