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Forums » RP Discussion » IC Twitter

I'm on a hunt, doodoo doo doo doo, I'm on a hunt...

Does anyone else besides me use Twitter for IC purposes? I'm asking both because I have a burning curiosity to know if I'm the only "Twitter RPer" here or not, and because I had a question relating to it development wise.

So yeah, if you DO use it, feel free to pipe up here. What type of RP do you do? What/who do you play as? Why'd you join up with whoever you rp with? I'm dying to know~!

Oh wait, me:
Type of RP-- Pokemon, yo
What/Who-- Lauren Wilhelm & Cain/Taunter (they have pages on here-- LOOK AT THEM, DO IIIIT please? :3)
Why-- two friends had joined up with this one community on Twitter, and I got curious and decided to join 'em.
I never would've thought of that application of Twitter. I don't have an account on there because so far I've found it pretty pointless. I have no internet on my mobile phone, so the only thing I could possibly write is "I'm on my desktop at home, being internet-addicted," or "I'm on my laptop at my parents, being internet-addicted." Nobody would care. XD But, if it can be used for roleplay purposes, I'm suddenly interested. :D I have no clue how it would work, but I'd like to see it!
Copper_Dragon Topic Starter

Haha, I know, I was pretty surprised when I found out folks used it for IC purposes too. XD It's pretty much tweeting as your character's daily business or in response to others' (with some actual typical face-to-face rp on IMs, like Skype or MSN-- most of us already on there use Skype).

For example, last night all four of the Rocket Execs were online discussing something, and Lauren tweeted, "My feed is so full of execs that I'm not sure if I should salute my screen or quiet my pencil pushing."

And then there's responding to someone else tweet via "@<Username> <messagemessagemessage>".
It's tricky, trying to get a response into 140 characters, but that's what Tweetdeck & Twitlonger are for! :D

Here's Lauren's profile, if you want to sift through her tweets and see for yourself.
(Careful though-- it's probably got a PG-13 rating for some 'adult' subjects~ and her tendency to curse).
Kim Site Admin

Copper_Dragon wrote:
It's tricky, trying to get a response into 140 characters, but that's what Tweetdeck & Twitlonger are for! :D

Ooh, cheater cheater pumpkin eater!
Darth_Angelus Moderator

What Kim said ;)
Copper_Dragon Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
Copper_Dragon wrote:
It's tricky, trying to get a response into 140 characters, but that's what Tweetdeck & Twitlonger are for! :D

Ooh, cheater cheater pumpkin eater!

Actually on TD I keep to 140 charas anyway-- it just has a nifty lil Twitlonger-esque feature that lets you post longer posts with a link leading to the whole thing in your profile/feed.
This looks interesting and fun, I might try it sometime.

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