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Forums » Looking for RP » Attack on Titan RP~? (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Please read carefully and read it all!

I am looking for a/few long term partner(s). This is basically just going to be a casual RP with a mix of lighthearted moments every so often. I just have a few rules:
    At least one paragraph. No maximum. Type as much as you feel :) But I really would love one paragraph as a minimum.
    I will play as a female character. (debating whether she should be a shifter or not) I am open for some relationship but please don't make it the main focus. I just want it to be something similar to the anime itself.
    Whether your character is a Titan shifter or not is fine with me. JUST NO GODMODDING (Mary Sues MAY have an exception. It really depends. Please check with me if it falls into that category. If you have no clue what the terms are I would recommend you look it up) I just don't want to wander too far that it would become illogical.
    It may be a bit gory if you are not familiar with the anime itself. If you have a weak stomach. I would recommend to switch RPs.
    Please don't obsessively ship yourself with other characters. That is all I ask. I understand Levi is within range but it kills the mood for me.

It was a while ago but still clear as day when I was in the crowds. I could barely see but I saw a red meaty hand grasping the top of the wall. I was in shock seeing the hand crumbling the wall which we thought we were safe in for all these years. That thought of being safe was now shattered just like that wall. Next thing I knew, the wall was busted open. People pushed people past and some were, unfortunately, left behind for dead. I made it to Wall Rose and boarded the ship. After what happened, I decided to enlist in the corps to fight against the beasts that had broken through.

You can either be on that same boat or have your own story of how you got enlisted. It is up to you. :) Be creative!
PM me if interested. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you on the battlefield ^-^
Magic 00%
No magic at all.
Technology 10%
Bronze age
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Attack on Titan RP~? (closed)

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