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Forums » General Roleplay » The Rose Affiliation

Lilly Crow (played anonymously)

"I think pink will work. Unless your going with a more serious look them I'd go with the floral pattern."

Lilly sat in her seat and looked at both of the papers.

"What do you think lemon?" Lilly asked looking at her.
Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

Lemon dazed off for a moment. She was so puzzled and felt as if she had upset Yuri. However, as Lilly said her name she snapped back with a smile plastered on her face. “Pink, that looks sweet but I think the Floral wouldn’t go over with our schools males,” she drums her hand on the desk, “we need to also advertise on our clubs social media pages”
Lilly Crow (played anonymously)

"Oh, yeah I guess your right. Maybe like a blue color then? I think that might work?" Lilly raising a eyebrow. "Yuri what's your take on the color?"
Yuri Satomura (played by Murkysoulwaters) Topic Starter

Yuri hummed, drumming his fingers against the desk as he thought. It was true that he needed to think of the whole gender spectrum and there did seem to be a lot of ideals about colors and gender. He liked to think of pink and red and white as the pure colors of love, but they were also feminine and flowers a gift to girls. Apparently anyway. "I see. Maybe purple or blue would be better then? Lavender roses mean enchantment. They have a level of mystic, but less feminine allure. How would a white paper with such roses sound?"
Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

Lemon claps her hands “ oh Yuri that sounds perfect” Lemon whipped out her computer and started pecking away quickly adding the flower into the background. “And print” she closes her computer with a giddy grin “it should print right across the hall, I’ll grab it” she stands up and runs across the hall scooping up the papers and as she ducks back in the classroom she sees her ex with the freshman “asshole” she looks over her shoulder motioning Yuri and Lilly to be quite as he tries the hear the conversation of her ex
Lilly Crow (played anonymously)

Lilly nodded and decided to listen as well. "I wonder what about between them?" She wispered to Yuri. "Also, if you would like, I can ask some of my other friends or classmates if they would like to join as well."
Yuri Satomura (played by Murkysoulwaters) Topic Starter

Yuri didn't quite understand why Lemon motioned for them to be quiet. "Between who?" he craned his neck, trying to see whatever damped Lemon's bright demeanor. It must have been quite something considering she seemed to bounce off the walls, except for when she first entered the classroom. Was this really a symptom of love problems?

Looking back toward Lilly, he nodded his head. "That would be appreciated. Also, mention this to any couples you know or anyone currently seeking a partner. Now that we have members and plans, we also need clients. I'm afraid I don't have any friends myself to ask." He adjusted his glasses, looking not the least bit bothered by that fact.
Lilly Crow (played anonymously)

"okay. Well I'll be your friend Yuri. And I will I promise."

Lilly walked back to her seat and sat down. She pulled out a notebook and started to write something on a piece of paper.
Yuri Satomura (played by Murkysoulwaters) Topic Starter

A faint smile flitted over Yuri's lips. It was barely a curve, but far more than he usually gave. "Thank you, Lilly. I think we will make grand friends and anyone you choose to introduce here will be grand as well." He glanced toward the door again, still curious about Lemon, but he settled down to brainstorm other dating notes, as if he didn't already have enough impersonal research.

After another minute, he paused and set his pen down. "Do you think it would be wise to go out on a, uh...test date? As a club? We would want to make sure anything we suggested to clients would end in an enjoyable experience. It seems natural to try it all ourselves."
Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

Lemon listens I n closely on the conversation in the hallway between her Ex and the freshman. The male leans over the girl pinning her to locker “ I’m so happy, I got rid of that mob rat.” The girl starts to giggle and has she runs her hands along his chest “ she’s lucky to even be in this school.” They start to make out. Full of hate Lemon slams the door shut sulking into her seat next to lily. She grumbles under her breath a bit. “I’m not a mob rat, more like a don asshole” She sakes her head and starts trying to follow the conversation.

“There is the gas station guy , I think his name is joe and he is crazy about Sarah in class 3-B. so he waits at the gas station for her to pass everyday and she takes the long way home to see him standing in the gas station. we could help them get together. “ she is trying but she still has a Scowl across her face.
Yuri Satomura (played by Murkysoulwaters) Topic Starter

Yuri squinted his eyes, trying to make sense of the off-color comment that Lemon let slip. Mob rat? Of course a pretty girl like her would be no such thing. But then, he knew almost nothing about his new friends. Maybe he needed to do a little personal research of his own.

"Ah, I see. It indeed sounds like that pair could use our help. If you could bring one of them here tomorrow, maybe we can help plan a proper confession. Although a gas station is a rather unromantic location for such a thing," he added with wrinkle of his nose. He couldn't see the appeal himself, but he also couldn't deny that Lemon's story could only be read as young love. "And we should all take some of the surveys and hand them out."
Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

Lemons whole demeanor changed but she tried to force a smile “There need to be a box outside the door where the surveys can be dropped off tomorrow” she scoops up a handful of the surveys “I’ll get one of them in here tomorrow, one way or another, but I think the gas station has a sweet charm. Like it’s the quintessential high school meetings in movies “ this statement softens lemon’s sour attitude.
Yuri Satomura (played by Murkysoulwaters) Topic Starter

"Thank you, Lemon. You've been very helpful," Yuri acknowledged with a small nod of his head. Though she still seemed off, he was glad to see her at least trying to smile. "I will...consider the gas station, and perhaps some of these 'quintessential' high school movies. It will be worthy research." Standing, he stacked all his papers and slid them into his bag. "Since it seems like we all have something to think about now, I'll call this meeting adjourned. Please have a good rest of your day, both of you. Ah, and Lilly, if I could have a private word before you go?" he added, trying to look as nonchalant as he could.
Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

Lemon scoops up her papers and stocks toward the door with a mumbled good bye to the group. As she opens the class room door a large man in all black stands there and escorts her off school property to a sleek black town car. As Lemon gets in the car she takes a look up at her two new, well she wouldn’t say friends more like almost friends. As the car drove to her fathers office she wondered if her new almost friends knew who her family was if she would still be allowed in the club.
Yuri Satomura (played by Murkysoulwaters) Topic Starter

((*tries to breathe life back into rp*))

After his brief talk, Yuri didn't feel much better about his new friends and how little he knew about them. It seemed that they were either unwilling to talk, or maybe he just never paid anyone besides himself enough attention before now. Sure he always put all his effort into helping others, but he had a hard time seeing them as they truly were. Just another thing to work on. He'd long missed Lemon's exit, but he found himself wandering the school halls after the end of their club meeting, wondering if he should ask about her. But who would he ask? He had no friends. Even at home, things were...difficult. He loved his siblings so much, but the haunting image of his father's wife made him want to stay away. Really, why did things have to be so difficult?

When he reached the fountain in front of the school's campus, Yuri sat and just stared into the late afternoon's blue sky. At least it was mostly quiet outside now. He pulled out his phone and opened Netflix. He might as well do his research here since he didn't think he would get interrupted. Probably.
Jessica Saraiva (played anonymously)

Jessica had seen some flyer blow by on the ground, coming to a stop hy her feet as she sat by the edge of the campus fountain. She picked it up and read it... Tonight at 'Off-Campus' the songs of Jefferson Airplane as played by Baxter's Crown.

She turned it over and saw someone wrote on the back in pencil something about a Rose Appreciation. No Jess remembered seeing a poster that said spmethign like that. She decided to go see what it was all about. She kept the flyer as she may go and see the band later too.

Walkign up to the door that had the Rose Affiliation poster on it. She pushed it open and went in and sat down. The door closed behind her and she smoothed out her blue silk blouse and checked the hem of her skirt before she took out her notebook. She wasn't sure what the Rose Appreciation was, but sher did appreciate roses, and it was quiet there, so she thought she would study and see if anyone else would come in the room.
Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

After a long meeting with her dreadful meeting with her father lemon realized she left her calculations for the compatibility surveys in the club room. With a loud moan she told the driver to stop back by her school. In a whirlwind of long golden hair whipping behind her Lemon booked it across campus hoping the doors would still be open she was in such a rush she didn’t see Yuri on the bench. Finally as she slides into the small club room she sees a studious looking girl with a notebook. The shock of someone in the room scared Lemon causing her to let out a small scream. She grabs her chest while trying to calm herself from the shock of the girl. Finally she flings golden locks of hair over her shoulder and smiles a warm inviting smile. “Hello, welcome to the rose affiliation, there is some whole opening line but I can’t quite remember it all, dang where is Yuri when you need him, I am Lemon vanderson the executive assistant” Lemon talked a mile a minute hardly breathing.
Neiko Varda (played by Murkysoulwaters) Topic Starter

Neiko strode across the high school's campus, his head held high even as his fingers tapped a discordant melody against his leg. He couldn't help it when it felt like galaxies of energy surged through his veins. The reason? A particular note tucked inside his jacket pocket--the one with the lavender flowers embroidered against the pockets and lace at the back. It as exactly the sort of jacket that would make people stare, but it was after school anyway, so he was just making a show all for himself and whoever wrote him the note and left it in his locker. 'Come meet me by the fountain,' it said, signed with the name Forever. Neiko had no idea who sent it, but he was excited to find out.

When he reached the fountain, he saw only two people sitting there. Everyone else he passed by seemed to be in a hurry. He'd nearly collided with a blonde girl rushing back inside, but for now, he focused his energy on those sitting at the fountain. He decided to approach the guy watching something on his phone first.

"Hey!" Neiko called out with a dramatic flip of his hair. "Are you Forever, by any chance?"
Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

Lemon rings her hands waiting for the girl to respond she looks around her smile starts to wavier she really needs someone else here to help her explain everything. Something catches her eye out the window. “Yuri” she shouts loudly. She waves the girl toward the window as she swings it open “ that’s the present I’ll holler at him he can help you more then I can. “Yuri, yuri” but as she Hollers b she sees a dapper looking man loom over Yuri who seems to be oblivious.
Yuri Satomura (played by Murkysoulwaters) Topic Starter

"Ah...what?" Yuri blinked up at the stranger who had approached him. For a second, all he could do was stare. Forever? What kind of name was that? Honestly, the people around him were getting weirder and weirder. "I'm sorry. I have no idea what you're talking about. Have we met before?" He opened his mouth, about to say something else when a shout from above caught his attention.

Yuri turned to see Lemon leaning out a window. Hadn't she left earlier though? Strange. He turned back to the stranger. "If you're looking for someone, maybe I can help you out,, as you heard, my presence is needed back at my club, so if you'll excuse me." He bowed his head in a short, stiff farewell before slipping past, intending to figure out what Lemon wanted. He hoped she hadn't gotten herself locked in the room or something.

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