Information on the looking for RP forum. This is not a closed RP but we already have a few people signed in playing different roles. So they get priority in terms of OCs with high ranking roles.
Two years ago, the Pure-Ones had returned to the St. Aggies canyons without so much as a cheer of welcome, or a word of warning. The former inhabitants had been few and small. The only notable ones were a large family of burrowing owls that had spread themselves thin like frost over the canyon, making it easy for Fionnbharr and his guard to remove them without so much as a peep traveling on to the next nest. The Pure-ones had spent the last two years in the shadows, building themselves up and spreading the rumor of their return. They had grown to be a formidable size of five hundred Tytos strong with Snowys and pale Greys dotting the ranks here-and-there as unusual exceptions. But, this was nothing compared to the thousands drawn up by queen Nyra. Fionnbharr assured them that one day the Pure-ones will continue to grow, and that now they only had to be patient and wait. They just had to wait.
The egg-snatching and chick-napping had started two moons ago. Fionnbharr had ordered it to begin as a small-scale raid on a few nests in The Kingdom of Tyto to test its success. It went off without a hitch, with only one owl returning with so much as a scratch. And, the around the clock guard with Snowys patrolling the canyons during the day, and mixed parties of Grays and Masked owls patrolling all throughout the night kept away all the vigilantes that thought they could "save the night and dupe the Pure-Ones." Those who still felt brazen enough to attack were done away with swiftly with fierce brutality, and dropped throughout the Kingdom of Tyto, making known the wrath of the Pure-Ones. It was only a small talonful of owls, maybe three in total, but that was all in the early stages of this scheme. In the first moon, nobody knew just how powerful the Pure-Ones had rebirthed themselves, and everyone thought they could be a hero. But now... Now, that just didn't seem to be the case. Fear had settled back into the hearts of the Southern Kingdoms.
Now, Moonlight poured over the cold stone walls of St. Aggies Canyon, washing them silver. Nedeljka watched from the ledge of her and Fionnbhar's roost. Gythe stepped in from the hall and looked up to Nedeljka, watching as the snowy's day-light eyes narrowed and widened as she struggled to see through the night. Nedeljka turned to Gythe, her eyes as deep yellow and striking as burning stars. Nedeljka turned away to peer into the canyon, and Gythe stepped up to join her. The small barn owl was easily dwarfed by the snowy owl, but stood beside her with a matching amount of confidence and power. Gythe saw a owls, specifically barn owls, flying in and out of a little cavern on the right wall and assumed thats where they were keeping Fionnbharr. Four nights ago, his health had worsened. Now, Gythe never knew Fionnbharr to a healthy owl, just a powerful and charismatic one, but, she also had never seen him this sick before. They all knew what was coming, and it made Nedeljka nervous.
"When will they hatch?" Nedeljka asked in a low voice. Her voice was deep and rich. It was pleasing to Gythe's ears. She spoke with power no matter the situation, and no matter how anxious she was.
Gythe turned to the small nest of three eggs just behind them and tilted her head up. The eggs were here instead of the Arena - actually just a hatchery cleverly named to avoid intruders. The Guard barracks were called the Eggorium to help in this confusion - as Fionnbharr refused to let his children be scalded, or blinked, or anything at all so he did not let them be hatched in the fleck-laden nests of the Arena. Personally, Gythe agreed. Being such an experimental clutch, Gythe wanted as few variables as possible when it came to whether or not they would hatch. Gythe could hear the soft heart-beats with in their shells and knew that day would be soon, but turned back to Nedeljka with a witty remark, "Well, never if you don't keep them warm."
Nedeljka was a young owl. She was only barely an adult when Fionnbharr took her on, and she was still only barely an adult now, a year later. Yes, she had all the poise, control and seeming confidence an authority figure like her needed, but Gythe saw that through that better than anyone. The pacing, the tapping, the fidgeting. Nedeljka was scared of what becoming the only reigning queen of the Pure-Ones would mean for her. She was scared of what it would mean for her when they caught on that she was still struggling to see in the night despite the year of practice. She was scared of what it would mean if the eggs didn't hatch, or if they did. But, silently, she turned and walked to nest and carefully settled into it.
((There's more but I'm cutting Nedeljka and Gythe off here until someone else posts because its getting comparatively long for this roleplay. This next bit is a lot more open to replies as its in a public area in the Kingdom of Tyto))
And elsewhere, in the kingdom of Tyto in a grogtree was a grass owl. A pretty little gal by the name of Marleen. She wore a sharp, sturdy pair of battleclaws and sat at a table of Great Greys and a few Sooties, laughing and regaling them with stories. She sipped on her second cup of bingle juice and decided it would be her last. The Great Grey beside her looked like he should've stopped a while ago, but his friend egged him on and they all laughed about it.
"Nuh-now let me tell you something about Sparrows! The wet poopers! Las' White Rain one landed in my hollow and squeezed himself real good into a li'l crag in my tree. Got stuck! /Got stuck!/ 'Course Levi and I weren't gonna have this any, so we call up Lavender and we think of ways to pull this little idi't out without snapping his neck..!" The drunken grey went on, hooting wildly about this sparrow and this Lavender, who seemed to be the voice of reason and intelligence between Levi - the grey beside him, cheering him on - and himself. Marleen churred and nursed her drink, glancing out towards the opening of the hollow.
The egg-snatching and chick-napping had started two moons ago. Fionnbharr had ordered it to begin as a small-scale raid on a few nests in The Kingdom of Tyto to test its success. It went off without a hitch, with only one owl returning with so much as a scratch. And, the around the clock guard with Snowys patrolling the canyons during the day, and mixed parties of Grays and Masked owls patrolling all throughout the night kept away all the vigilantes that thought they could "save the night and dupe the Pure-Ones." Those who still felt brazen enough to attack were done away with swiftly with fierce brutality, and dropped throughout the Kingdom of Tyto, making known the wrath of the Pure-Ones. It was only a small talonful of owls, maybe three in total, but that was all in the early stages of this scheme. In the first moon, nobody knew just how powerful the Pure-Ones had rebirthed themselves, and everyone thought they could be a hero. But now... Now, that just didn't seem to be the case. Fear had settled back into the hearts of the Southern Kingdoms.
Now, Moonlight poured over the cold stone walls of St. Aggies Canyon, washing them silver. Nedeljka watched from the ledge of her and Fionnbhar's roost. Gythe stepped in from the hall and looked up to Nedeljka, watching as the snowy's day-light eyes narrowed and widened as she struggled to see through the night. Nedeljka turned to Gythe, her eyes as deep yellow and striking as burning stars. Nedeljka turned away to peer into the canyon, and Gythe stepped up to join her. The small barn owl was easily dwarfed by the snowy owl, but stood beside her with a matching amount of confidence and power. Gythe saw a owls, specifically barn owls, flying in and out of a little cavern on the right wall and assumed thats where they were keeping Fionnbharr. Four nights ago, his health had worsened. Now, Gythe never knew Fionnbharr to a healthy owl, just a powerful and charismatic one, but, she also had never seen him this sick before. They all knew what was coming, and it made Nedeljka nervous.
"When will they hatch?" Nedeljka asked in a low voice. Her voice was deep and rich. It was pleasing to Gythe's ears. She spoke with power no matter the situation, and no matter how anxious she was.
Gythe turned to the small nest of three eggs just behind them and tilted her head up. The eggs were here instead of the Arena - actually just a hatchery cleverly named to avoid intruders. The Guard barracks were called the Eggorium to help in this confusion - as Fionnbharr refused to let his children be scalded, or blinked, or anything at all so he did not let them be hatched in the fleck-laden nests of the Arena. Personally, Gythe agreed. Being such an experimental clutch, Gythe wanted as few variables as possible when it came to whether or not they would hatch. Gythe could hear the soft heart-beats with in their shells and knew that day would be soon, but turned back to Nedeljka with a witty remark, "Well, never if you don't keep them warm."
Nedeljka was a young owl. She was only barely an adult when Fionnbharr took her on, and she was still only barely an adult now, a year later. Yes, she had all the poise, control and seeming confidence an authority figure like her needed, but Gythe saw that through that better than anyone. The pacing, the tapping, the fidgeting. Nedeljka was scared of what becoming the only reigning queen of the Pure-Ones would mean for her. She was scared of what it would mean for her when they caught on that she was still struggling to see in the night despite the year of practice. She was scared of what it would mean if the eggs didn't hatch, or if they did. But, silently, she turned and walked to nest and carefully settled into it.
((There's more but I'm cutting Nedeljka and Gythe off here until someone else posts because its getting comparatively long for this roleplay. This next bit is a lot more open to replies as its in a public area in the Kingdom of Tyto))
And elsewhere, in the kingdom of Tyto in a grogtree was a grass owl. A pretty little gal by the name of Marleen. She wore a sharp, sturdy pair of battleclaws and sat at a table of Great Greys and a few Sooties, laughing and regaling them with stories. She sipped on her second cup of bingle juice and decided it would be her last. The Great Grey beside her looked like he should've stopped a while ago, but his friend egged him on and they all laughed about it.
"Nuh-now let me tell you something about Sparrows! The wet poopers! Las' White Rain one landed in my hollow and squeezed himself real good into a li'l crag in my tree. Got stuck! /Got stuck!/ 'Course Levi and I weren't gonna have this any, so we call up Lavender and we think of ways to pull this little idi't out without snapping his neck..!" The drunken grey went on, hooting wildly about this sparrow and this Lavender, who seemed to be the voice of reason and intelligence between Levi - the grey beside him, cheering him on - and himself. Marleen churred and nursed her drink, glancing out towards the opening of the hollow.
A large barn owl, wings in almost pristine condition and beak sharp and pointed, was soaring through the trees in the forest. The beat of his large speckled wings barely audible as he glided gracefully through the air. His eyes narrowed as he scanned the forest floor for any signs of movement. The tiny scuttle of a mouse, or the telling squeak of one of the other small rodents that lived among the wildlife.
This owl's name was Rook. He was one of many simple owls who made their homes in these great forests. He had grown up here, was taught how to live his life here. Hunt, hide, survive his parents had always said. Hunt for what you can, never for what you can't. Hide from threats you simply can't handle, it's not worth the risk. Survive, at all costs, survive... his father's words rung through his head as he flew. These statements, that he had lived by for so long, they had only recently begun to change in the forest. It seemed chicks were getting snatched up every day, owlets going missing. It no longer became about fending for yourself, it was more about protecting the community, making sure everyone made it through another day. The threats that faced them, only known as the pure ones, drove fear into the hearts of all in his area. Stories of mothers returning to find empty nests, save for the few feathers left behind in the ensued struggle. These were the only stories that seemed to be going round in these dark times. Well, besides the stories of the guardians. But even though some claimed to see these majestic warriors of the night, Rook had never laid eyes upon one. Mirages of grievance he had always passed them off to be. No one can save us but ourselves. It's up to us to protect the chicks, protect ourselves.
Rook shook his head, dismissing the tales, phrases and thoughts from his head as he focused on what he was doing. Movement, that's all I need to see. suddenly, a flash of grey caught in the corner of his eye. A mouse! The barn owl stooped into a dive, wings folded in as he pelted toward the ground. At the last second, he unfurled his wings, slowing his speed as he homed in on the rodent, talons outstretched, ready to make a kill.
A large barn owl, wings in almost pristine condition and beak sharp and pointed, was soaring through the trees in the forest. The beat of his large speckled wings barely audible as he glided gracefully through the air. His eyes narrowed as he scanned the forest floor for any signs of movement. The tiny scuttle of a mouse, or the telling squeak of one of the other small rodents that lived among the wildlife.
This owl's name was Rook. He was one of many simple owls who made their homes in these great forests. He had grown up here, was taught how to live his life here. Hunt, hide, survive his parents had always said. Hunt for what you can, never for what you can't. Hide from threats you simply can't handle, it's not worth the risk. Survive, at all costs, survive... his father's words rung through his head as he flew. These statements, that he had lived by for so long, they had only recently begun to change in the forest. It seemed chicks were getting snatched up every day, owlets going missing. It no longer became about fending for yourself, it was more about protecting the community, making sure everyone made it through another day. The threats that faced them, only known as the pure ones, drove fear into the hearts of all in his area. Stories of mothers returning to find empty nests, save for the few feathers left behind in the ensued struggle. These were the only stories that seemed to be going round in these dark times. Well, besides the stories of the guardians. But even though some claimed to see these majestic warriors of the night, Rook had never laid eyes upon one. Mirages of grievance he had always passed them off to be. No one can save us but ourselves. It's up to us to protect the chicks, protect ourselves.
Rook shook his head, dismissing the tales, phrases and thoughts from his head as he focused on what he was doing. Movement, that's all I need to see. suddenly, a flash of grey caught in the corner of his eye. A mouse! The barn owl stooped into a dive, wings folded in as he pelted toward the ground. At the last second, he unfurled his wings, slowing his speed as he homed in on the rodent, talons outstretched, ready to make a kill.
Gythe turned from the balcony and approached, "They'll hatch soon, my queen. You worry too much," She cooed softly to her. She stopped in front of the nest and began to carefully fix and tuck-in twigs and feathers back into the weave of the nest.
Nedeljka stared past the little barn owl. She stared back into the night, watching as a night patrol returned to the canyon in the distance. No raids had been let out tonight, or the three nights previous. Fionnbharr wanted to be there for consultation as plans were made, but could not do so in his failing health. Nedeljka knew that would be her job soon.
"How do we know this is going to work?" Nedeljka asked in the same emotionless way she had asked countless times before.
Gythe answered in the same cool and collected way she always had in return, "Yes, can't you hear their heartbeats?"
"That might not mean anything."
"It means everything. Trust me, Nedeljka," Gythe sighed, examining a crumpled bit of fluff she had pulled from the nest.
What had been done was an affront to Glaux. The creation of abominations. Fionnbharr was the only one who dared to see them as anything else. These owlets were half Barn owl and half Snowy owl, created with powerful nachtmagen provided so generously by the hagsfiend witch that stood in front of Nedeljka, fussing over her nest like a sedulous little maid. Fionnbharr saw them as recreations of the great Glaux himself. Glory and power incarnate. Pure white children of pure, holy gizzard.
Nedeljka saw them as, simply, the second step towards the recreation of the Pure-Ones. Maybe this stemmed from her lack of love for Fionnbharr, maybe she just wasn't the motherly type, but these were not her children. They were just as they were- abominations and unnatural creations. She could feel nothing for them, even if she tried. Nedeljka did not bother to guilt herself with this fact, either. A strong owl did not let herself feel guilty by the talons of something as primitive and wild as emotions.
The plans were that the eldest would be groomed to be the next rightful king, and the other two would be his knight, and general. They would be large, strong owls by nature. Gythe predicted they would be as large as Nedeljka, and at least as powerful as her. All they had to do was develop and polish that power, that glory. They would be three of the Pure-Ones' mightiest soldiers. They would have to be, or else this would be a simply failed experiment and there would be no way to try again without Nedeljka taking on a new mate.
Suddenly, battle claws swiftly clicked up from the hall. Gythe stepped out to the side, sitting up straight. Nedeljka did not turn from the balcony. A large, pale barn owl came in. He had unsettlingly wide, black eyes. A scar ran up the middle of his facial disk, creating a ravine where feathers did not grow. It gave the flesh around his beak a strange, receded look. The large, bulging nature of his eyes and the receded appearance of beak made him look as if the feathers and skin of his head had been all snatched up in the back and pulled, drawing him taunt and strained. This was Asa, the official general of the Pure-Ones. He was Fionnbharr's closest confidante, other than Nedeljka.
He looked strained, more so than usual. He breathed heavily as if he had ran here instead of flying. Understandable, given the narrowness of the tunnel that ran between Nedeljka and Fionnbharr's chamber. "Queen Nedeljka!" He gasped softly, bowing his head. Noticing Gythe sitting with her head tilted expectantly at him. He supplemented this with a simple, respectful, "And Gythe." This got a little churr from the other barn owl.
"Yes?" Nedeljka asked quiet, but still solid and powerful voice. Never once did Nedeljka ever waver.
"The High Tyto has passed," Asa announced seriously.
Gythe turned to Nedeljka, almost looking quaintly surprised. Nedeljka nodded curtly, still peering out into the darkness. Nedeljka sighed as if this was a simple pest, an nonserious bother that held no power. "Call in Harlow to come and watch the nest. We'll arrange his Final Ceremony. Take his body to be prepared, and have my officals meet me in the Conference room," Nedeljka said, dawning her postion as the now reigning queen of the Pure-Ones with grace and elegance.
Asa nodded and turned, quickly clambering out of the room.
Gythe watched him leave, remarking under her breathe about how he was such a noisy git. Then, with a faint, amused expression. She bowed her head, "My queen, our new High Tyto."
"And, a-and we finally get this little sod out of my floor, and h-he has the nerve! The absolute gall to insult me! He said I was fool to live in such a 'rotted old pit,' like the idiot didn't shove himself into my floor! My floor!" The grey howled bitterly, raising a talon to order another cup of bingle juice. The bay owl serving them simply give him a hard look before swiveling her head away and moving on. The grey scoffed and turned to Levi, mumbling drunkenly about horrible service.
Marleen churred, "Maybe she's just looking out for you. You're utterly wasted, Sawyer," She said, the little Elf Owl beside her hooting in agreement.
This Sawyer scoffed. "You're yoicks," He mumbled, staring into his empty cup and staring at the smallest amount of binglejuice that remained swirling around the bottom, taunting him like the villain it was.
The Elf owl churred and looked to Marleen, shaking her head. Marleen churred with her. The Elf Owl sipped at her cup, her first and only one of the night. After a moment she asked, "So, Marleen, you said you came back to the forest recently?" Her voice was high, but little and sweet. Marleen enjoyed listening to her talk, and knew this owl's name to be Eirunn.
Marleen nodded. "Oh, yah. Just last moon when my sister, Britta, laid her eggs. They're due to hatch any day now," She said with a proud gleam in her eyes.
The Elf owl cooed, "Awe! Send my congratulations to her! I remember my sister's first brood. It was so exciting! They're all grown now. Angie even has a nest of her own to make me feel old with," The elf owl churred sweetly, setting aside her cup. She then pointed to the back entrance of the hollow, "Look at her!" She gasped, immediately enchanted by whatever she saw.
Marleen turned and caught sight of the most beautiful Lesser Sooty she had ever saw. Her feathers are neatly preened, and reflected bright, lovely silver in the moonlight that shown into the hollow, the speckles across her back looking like little, shiny stars. Her narrow, tapered facial disk was near-white, and her brilliant, black eyes were shadowed by black, smoky markings. A thick, black line ran up the ridge of her beak, and crossing it was a long, narrow scar that only barely missed either of her eyes and now joined them like a pair of spectacles. On her head, was a silver circlet. On either end of the circle was a small, rosy flower, and wrapped around it was glorious, leafy ivy.
Marleen and Eirunn both were almost breathless as the Sooty turned to talk to the Bay owl. Sawyer and Levi turned to see what had captivated Marleen and Eirunn's so deeply. Both of the greys churred to each other, one much more obviously slurred than the other. "Oh that right there is Eirdis. She comes here every other week to sing," Levi explained lightly, watching as the Bay Owl went around to a blind, old Barn Owl sitting in the corner enjoying a drink. Levi knew this Barn Owl to be the manager of the grogtree.
"A gadfeather!" Eirunn cooed. "Hellooo~!" She called out to Eridis, revealing to Marleen that she had likely drank more than previously thought.
Sawyer nodded. Eridis did not notice them, likely not hearing them over the sound of the grogtree's rather unusually large crowd. Yet, that did not stop Sawyer from singing her "A damn good one, too! She has a strong, strong! Powerful voice. She sings like victory! Like a goddess!" He raved to Eirdis' glory.
Marleen laughed and seeing the Bay owl was free, rose a talon to catch her attention and bring her over to the table. She asked if they had bangle juice, or could maybe water down a drink for her. While the bay owl was there, Sawyer begged her to bring him another cup. The bay owl complied easily to both of them, a little unhonestly as Sawyer took a single sip and complained about being brought bangle juice. It was a good laugh for every owl at the table.
Nedeljka stared past the little barn owl. She stared back into the night, watching as a night patrol returned to the canyon in the distance. No raids had been let out tonight, or the three nights previous. Fionnbharr wanted to be there for consultation as plans were made, but could not do so in his failing health. Nedeljka knew that would be her job soon.
"How do we know this is going to work?" Nedeljka asked in the same emotionless way she had asked countless times before.
Gythe answered in the same cool and collected way she always had in return, "Yes, can't you hear their heartbeats?"
"That might not mean anything."
"It means everything. Trust me, Nedeljka," Gythe sighed, examining a crumpled bit of fluff she had pulled from the nest.
What had been done was an affront to Glaux. The creation of abominations. Fionnbharr was the only one who dared to see them as anything else. These owlets were half Barn owl and half Snowy owl, created with powerful nachtmagen provided so generously by the hagsfiend witch that stood in front of Nedeljka, fussing over her nest like a sedulous little maid. Fionnbharr saw them as recreations of the great Glaux himself. Glory and power incarnate. Pure white children of pure, holy gizzard.
Nedeljka saw them as, simply, the second step towards the recreation of the Pure-Ones. Maybe this stemmed from her lack of love for Fionnbharr, maybe she just wasn't the motherly type, but these were not her children. They were just as they were- abominations and unnatural creations. She could feel nothing for them, even if she tried. Nedeljka did not bother to guilt herself with this fact, either. A strong owl did not let herself feel guilty by the talons of something as primitive and wild as emotions.
The plans were that the eldest would be groomed to be the next rightful king, and the other two would be his knight, and general. They would be large, strong owls by nature. Gythe predicted they would be as large as Nedeljka, and at least as powerful as her. All they had to do was develop and polish that power, that glory. They would be three of the Pure-Ones' mightiest soldiers. They would have to be, or else this would be a simply failed experiment and there would be no way to try again without Nedeljka taking on a new mate.
Suddenly, battle claws swiftly clicked up from the hall. Gythe stepped out to the side, sitting up straight. Nedeljka did not turn from the balcony. A large, pale barn owl came in. He had unsettlingly wide, black eyes. A scar ran up the middle of his facial disk, creating a ravine where feathers did not grow. It gave the flesh around his beak a strange, receded look. The large, bulging nature of his eyes and the receded appearance of beak made him look as if the feathers and skin of his head had been all snatched up in the back and pulled, drawing him taunt and strained. This was Asa, the official general of the Pure-Ones. He was Fionnbharr's closest confidante, other than Nedeljka.
He looked strained, more so than usual. He breathed heavily as if he had ran here instead of flying. Understandable, given the narrowness of the tunnel that ran between Nedeljka and Fionnbharr's chamber. "Queen Nedeljka!" He gasped softly, bowing his head. Noticing Gythe sitting with her head tilted expectantly at him. He supplemented this with a simple, respectful, "And Gythe." This got a little churr from the other barn owl.
"Yes?" Nedeljka asked quiet, but still solid and powerful voice. Never once did Nedeljka ever waver.
"The High Tyto has passed," Asa announced seriously.
Gythe turned to Nedeljka, almost looking quaintly surprised. Nedeljka nodded curtly, still peering out into the darkness. Nedeljka sighed as if this was a simple pest, an nonserious bother that held no power. "Call in Harlow to come and watch the nest. We'll arrange his Final Ceremony. Take his body to be prepared, and have my officals meet me in the Conference room," Nedeljka said, dawning her postion as the now reigning queen of the Pure-Ones with grace and elegance.
Asa nodded and turned, quickly clambering out of the room.
Gythe watched him leave, remarking under her breathe about how he was such a noisy git. Then, with a faint, amused expression. She bowed her head, "My queen, our new High Tyto."
"And, a-and we finally get this little sod out of my floor, and h-he has the nerve! The absolute gall to insult me! He said I was fool to live in such a 'rotted old pit,' like the idiot didn't shove himself into my floor! My floor!" The grey howled bitterly, raising a talon to order another cup of bingle juice. The bay owl serving them simply give him a hard look before swiveling her head away and moving on. The grey scoffed and turned to Levi, mumbling drunkenly about horrible service.
Marleen churred, "Maybe she's just looking out for you. You're utterly wasted, Sawyer," She said, the little Elf Owl beside her hooting in agreement.
This Sawyer scoffed. "You're yoicks," He mumbled, staring into his empty cup and staring at the smallest amount of binglejuice that remained swirling around the bottom, taunting him like the villain it was.
The Elf owl churred and looked to Marleen, shaking her head. Marleen churred with her. The Elf Owl sipped at her cup, her first and only one of the night. After a moment she asked, "So, Marleen, you said you came back to the forest recently?" Her voice was high, but little and sweet. Marleen enjoyed listening to her talk, and knew this owl's name to be Eirunn.
Marleen nodded. "Oh, yah. Just last moon when my sister, Britta, laid her eggs. They're due to hatch any day now," She said with a proud gleam in her eyes.
The Elf owl cooed, "Awe! Send my congratulations to her! I remember my sister's first brood. It was so exciting! They're all grown now. Angie even has a nest of her own to make me feel old with," The elf owl churred sweetly, setting aside her cup. She then pointed to the back entrance of the hollow, "Look at her!" She gasped, immediately enchanted by whatever she saw.
Marleen turned and caught sight of the most beautiful Lesser Sooty she had ever saw. Her feathers are neatly preened, and reflected bright, lovely silver in the moonlight that shown into the hollow, the speckles across her back looking like little, shiny stars. Her narrow, tapered facial disk was near-white, and her brilliant, black eyes were shadowed by black, smoky markings. A thick, black line ran up the ridge of her beak, and crossing it was a long, narrow scar that only barely missed either of her eyes and now joined them like a pair of spectacles. On her head, was a silver circlet. On either end of the circle was a small, rosy flower, and wrapped around it was glorious, leafy ivy.
Marleen and Eirunn both were almost breathless as the Sooty turned to talk to the Bay owl. Sawyer and Levi turned to see what had captivated Marleen and Eirunn's so deeply. Both of the greys churred to each other, one much more obviously slurred than the other. "Oh that right there is Eirdis. She comes here every other week to sing," Levi explained lightly, watching as the Bay Owl went around to a blind, old Barn Owl sitting in the corner enjoying a drink. Levi knew this Barn Owl to be the manager of the grogtree.
"A gadfeather!" Eirunn cooed. "Hellooo~!" She called out to Eridis, revealing to Marleen that she had likely drank more than previously thought.
Sawyer nodded. Eridis did not notice them, likely not hearing them over the sound of the grogtree's rather unusually large crowd. Yet, that did not stop Sawyer from singing her "A damn good one, too! She has a strong, strong! Powerful voice. She sings like victory! Like a goddess!" He raved to Eirdis' glory.
Marleen laughed and seeing the Bay owl was free, rose a talon to catch her attention and bring her over to the table. She asked if they had bangle juice, or could maybe water down a drink for her. While the bay owl was there, Sawyer begged her to bring him another cup. The bay owl complied easily to both of them, a little unhonestly as Sawyer took a single sip and complained about being brought bangle juice. It was a good laugh for every owl at the table.
It was over quickly. Not even a squeak as the mouse was snatched up, crushed in flurry of sharp talons. Even the ground bore no signs of a struggle, just the abrupt ending of tiny paw prints in the soft dirt. As if the mouse had simply vanished from existence. A perfect kill.
Carrying the mouse in his claws, Rook flew back upwards into the night, the moon shining down on him and outlining his large silhouette as he went. The moonlight seemed to reflect off his back, causing it to almost shine in the darkness. It was truly beautiful, at night. From the gentle chirp of crickets, to the way the moon danced over every smooth surface, like it was doing just now with his own body. He sighed softly to himself as he glanced over the midnight forest. It was hard to believe that in a place this beautiful, the threat of the pure ones was forever constant.
Finally spotting a nice place to perch, Rook stooped into yet another dive, landing gracefully on a large, bare branch. Folding his wings in, he scoured the surrounding area, making sure he was alone before tucking into his prey, holding it down with one talon while he tore off strips of flesh, swallowing them down with a satisfied gulp. When he was done, he cleaned off his talons before settling in a standing position, allowing his eyes to slowly fall closed as he listened to the sounds of wildlife all around him. He always did this, sit and listen. It helped him relax, keep him calm when the stresses of helping protect the community got to him. The danger he faced had never really dealt him any physical trauma but it sure got in his head. Having never been a parent, he could never imagine the pain of having a chick snatched away from his care. He imagined it must be awful though, he could tell from the grief he had seen on the face of a young grass owl, two days past. She had been one of the many victims of the chick snatchings and being a young mother, had been harshly impacted by the whole ordeal. Rook could never wish that upon anyone. It was one of the many reasons he felt so bad after each snatching. As if he could have done something. In truth though, the pure ones were large, powerful owls. Although he could certainly put up a good fight, he was no match for thier vicious talons. If he got there in time that is...
Suddenly, the noise of distant churring caused the large barn owl to blink open his eyes, gazing off in the direction of the noise. Those grogtree owls still up? I mean, some of them do tend to spend whole nights there so it's not exactly a surprise he thought to himself, tapping his claws on the branch as he considered joining them. A small amount of bingle juice never hurt any owl he concluded, taking off into the night once more.
Approaching the grogtree, Rook could hear the various jolly hootings from inside. It was certainly a bright and vibrant atmosphere within the hollow, no one could disagree on that. He just found it a bit loud personally. Landing at the entrance, he folded his wings in, scanning the room before stepping in, instantly spotting the beautiful lesser sooty that was Eridis. It was impossible not to notice her, she seemed to be the center of focus for the whole grogtree really. I wonder if she'll be singing Rook thought to himself, beckoning over the bay owl and ordering a round of bingle juice as he took his place in the corner, surveying the scene.
Carrying the mouse in his claws, Rook flew back upwards into the night, the moon shining down on him and outlining his large silhouette as he went. The moonlight seemed to reflect off his back, causing it to almost shine in the darkness. It was truly beautiful, at night. From the gentle chirp of crickets, to the way the moon danced over every smooth surface, like it was doing just now with his own body. He sighed softly to himself as he glanced over the midnight forest. It was hard to believe that in a place this beautiful, the threat of the pure ones was forever constant.
Finally spotting a nice place to perch, Rook stooped into yet another dive, landing gracefully on a large, bare branch. Folding his wings in, he scoured the surrounding area, making sure he was alone before tucking into his prey, holding it down with one talon while he tore off strips of flesh, swallowing them down with a satisfied gulp. When he was done, he cleaned off his talons before settling in a standing position, allowing his eyes to slowly fall closed as he listened to the sounds of wildlife all around him. He always did this, sit and listen. It helped him relax, keep him calm when the stresses of helping protect the community got to him. The danger he faced had never really dealt him any physical trauma but it sure got in his head. Having never been a parent, he could never imagine the pain of having a chick snatched away from his care. He imagined it must be awful though, he could tell from the grief he had seen on the face of a young grass owl, two days past. She had been one of the many victims of the chick snatchings and being a young mother, had been harshly impacted by the whole ordeal. Rook could never wish that upon anyone. It was one of the many reasons he felt so bad after each snatching. As if he could have done something. In truth though, the pure ones were large, powerful owls. Although he could certainly put up a good fight, he was no match for thier vicious talons. If he got there in time that is...
Suddenly, the noise of distant churring caused the large barn owl to blink open his eyes, gazing off in the direction of the noise. Those grogtree owls still up? I mean, some of them do tend to spend whole nights there so it's not exactly a surprise he thought to himself, tapping his claws on the branch as he considered joining them. A small amount of bingle juice never hurt any owl he concluded, taking off into the night once more.
Approaching the grogtree, Rook could hear the various jolly hootings from inside. It was certainly a bright and vibrant atmosphere within the hollow, no one could disagree on that. He just found it a bit loud personally. Landing at the entrance, he folded his wings in, scanning the room before stepping in, instantly spotting the beautiful lesser sooty that was Eridis. It was impossible not to notice her, she seemed to be the center of focus for the whole grogtree really. I wonder if she'll be singing Rook thought to himself, beckoning over the bay owl and ordering a round of bingle juice as he took his place in the corner, surveying the scene.
Eridis scanned the crowd as she walked to a little rise in the hollow’s floor that had been unofficially and non-verbally labeled as the stage. Before catering to Rook, the Bay owl brought Eridis a little cup of, presumably, bingle juice. Eridis took a healthy drink from her cup and set it aside. She hummed to herself for a moment before beginning to sing.
“There will come a soldier/ Who carries a mighty sword/ He will tear your city down, oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lord!”
Her voice filled the hollow with ease. It was deep and heavy, coming over the grogtree’s crowd like a thick blanket. Eridis did not sing at the top of her lungs, calling for all to turn and pay attention to her alone. No, her volume was reasonable, but so many fell silent, letting her song ring through. She didn’t sing some unique, never heard before song. It was a common, easy one, with no showy dance or vocal tricks. But, all in the hollow turned to listen anyways. Maybe it was just the sight of live music, but there was no doubt that Eirdis was simply truly captivating.
“There will come a poet/ Whose weapon is his word /He will slay you with his tongue, oh lei oh lai oh lord!”
Marleen and Eirunn listened intently, proof that Eridis was most certainly enchanting in her own right. Levi and Sawyer were more amused by their dazzled little friends. Sawyer turned and coughed, clearing his throat and looking back to Levi. “Ever wonder where she got that circlet she wears on her head?”
Levi shook his head. “Nah, not ever. I’m more curious on how she got that close-cut of a scar there between her eyes,” He hooted softly, not trying to get too much louder than just barely heard, not wanting to distract anyone or talk over the music.
Sawyer nodded and sipped his bangle juice, not quite pleased with it but still prone to drinking anything put in his talons just to pass the time. He noticed Rook out of the corner of his eye and turned to him, the Great Grey’s little, yellow eyes observing Rook from the distance. “Hey- Hey! Whose that li’l fellow over there, Levi? The li’l Barn Owl in the corner over there,” He said, prodding at Levi who softly grunted at him to stop.
“Likely just another passerby. Don’t stare, Sawyer you blarin twit,” Levi said, teasing him with a sharp poke back.
“Hey, H-hey! You there, Barnie!” Sawyer called, much to the humor of the rest of the group as they all turned to see the poor soul Sawyer had sic’d his interest on. “You’re looking lonely, come-- Come on over!”
Marleen churred, tilting her head to the side and wondering if Rook would really join them. She imagined the barn owl would simply give Sawyer an odd look and ignore him, so Marleen simply brushed Rook off and turned back to Eirdis at the stage.
“There will come a soldier/ Who carries a mighty sword/ He will tear your city down, oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lord!”
Her voice filled the hollow with ease. It was deep and heavy, coming over the grogtree’s crowd like a thick blanket. Eridis did not sing at the top of her lungs, calling for all to turn and pay attention to her alone. No, her volume was reasonable, but so many fell silent, letting her song ring through. She didn’t sing some unique, never heard before song. It was a common, easy one, with no showy dance or vocal tricks. But, all in the hollow turned to listen anyways. Maybe it was just the sight of live music, but there was no doubt that Eirdis was simply truly captivating.
“There will come a poet/ Whose weapon is his word /He will slay you with his tongue, oh lei oh lai oh lord!”
Marleen and Eirunn listened intently, proof that Eridis was most certainly enchanting in her own right. Levi and Sawyer were more amused by their dazzled little friends. Sawyer turned and coughed, clearing his throat and looking back to Levi. “Ever wonder where she got that circlet she wears on her head?”
Levi shook his head. “Nah, not ever. I’m more curious on how she got that close-cut of a scar there between her eyes,” He hooted softly, not trying to get too much louder than just barely heard, not wanting to distract anyone or talk over the music.
Sawyer nodded and sipped his bangle juice, not quite pleased with it but still prone to drinking anything put in his talons just to pass the time. He noticed Rook out of the corner of his eye and turned to him, the Great Grey’s little, yellow eyes observing Rook from the distance. “Hey- Hey! Whose that li’l fellow over there, Levi? The li’l Barn Owl in the corner over there,” He said, prodding at Levi who softly grunted at him to stop.
“Likely just another passerby. Don’t stare, Sawyer you blarin twit,” Levi said, teasing him with a sharp poke back.
“Hey, H-hey! You there, Barnie!” Sawyer called, much to the humor of the rest of the group as they all turned to see the poor soul Sawyer had sic’d his interest on. “You’re looking lonely, come-- Come on over!”
Marleen churred, tilting her head to the side and wondering if Rook would really join them. She imagined the barn owl would simply give Sawyer an odd look and ignore him, so Marleen simply brushed Rook off and turned back to Eirdis at the stage.
The barn owl began to sip slowly at his bingle juice, taking his time as he leant slightly against the wall of the hollow. Rook was not one to down multiple drinks in a night, as some of the other owls in the hollow seemed to be doing. Although he enjoyed a good drink, he didn't want to be swerving around, crashing into every tree in forest before finally arriving home. Looking down at the bottom of his drink, he noticed that there wasn't much left. Must've drank more than I thought in my absent-mindedness the large barn owl concluded, swirling, his drink carefully before placing it down, turning his gaze back to the hollow.
Heads seemed to be turning to the grogtree's stage as the audience's attention turned from their alcohol to the dazzling figure of Eridis as she stepped up, surverying the crowd. Rook adjusted his own positiom slightly, straightening himself up as he watched. The lesser sooty always knew how to capture a room, even without starting her act yet. When she did begin though, that's when she truly became a spectacle to behold.
As the general noise of the grogtree began to quieten, all eyes that weren't already glued to the stage began to turn, and Eridis was aware of this. She drew herself up before beginning to sing. Her voice was smooth, natural. She never seemed to strain it or even need to. She had that raw talent that allowed her to wow almost everyone watching with simply speaking in a richer and more melodic voice, it was breathtaking.
Rook was listening to the lyrics closely, enjoying the gentle flow of the music as it drifted throughout the hollow. It relaxed him. Reminded him of the gentle songs his mother used to hum to him as an owlet. He closed his eyes slightly as he began to tap out the rhythm on the hard wooden floor, allowing the music to flow through him.
Suddenly though, he was interrupted by a loud 'Hey Barnie!'. He could tell by the slurred edge to the call, that whoever was calling for him must have at five or six drinks in them, if not more. Turning around, he spotted the source of the call. A large great grey, sitting at a table with a few other owls who looked a lot more sober than their companion. Yup, wasted. Just as I thought Rook noted with a quiet churr to himself. He picked his cup up and began to swirl the remaining liquid, thinking that the grey would just move on in his drunken state. He was surprised however, when he was invited over to the table, looking up to see all four pairs of eyes fixed on him. He shifted awkwardly as he thought about joining them. It would be rude to refuse an offer, even if one of them was only half present. He even entertained the idea of striking up a conversation with the drunk owl and his friends. Eventually deciding to join them, Rook downed the rest of his drink before placing his cup down and making his way over to the small group.
As he approached, Rook turned his attention to the rest of the group at the table. Another great grey as well as an elf owl and a pretty grass owl. All of whom seemed to be churring at thier friend.
"Little drunk are we?" Rook replied when he finally reached the group, churring lightly himself before addressing the rest of the group. "I couldn't help but accept such a generous invite so I came over to say hello" the barn owl joked lighty, raising a talon as he ordered his second and likely last round of bingle juice.
Heads seemed to be turning to the grogtree's stage as the audience's attention turned from their alcohol to the dazzling figure of Eridis as she stepped up, surverying the crowd. Rook adjusted his own positiom slightly, straightening himself up as he watched. The lesser sooty always knew how to capture a room, even without starting her act yet. When she did begin though, that's when she truly became a spectacle to behold.
As the general noise of the grogtree began to quieten, all eyes that weren't already glued to the stage began to turn, and Eridis was aware of this. She drew herself up before beginning to sing. Her voice was smooth, natural. She never seemed to strain it or even need to. She had that raw talent that allowed her to wow almost everyone watching with simply speaking in a richer and more melodic voice, it was breathtaking.
Rook was listening to the lyrics closely, enjoying the gentle flow of the music as it drifted throughout the hollow. It relaxed him. Reminded him of the gentle songs his mother used to hum to him as an owlet. He closed his eyes slightly as he began to tap out the rhythm on the hard wooden floor, allowing the music to flow through him.
Suddenly though, he was interrupted by a loud 'Hey Barnie!'. He could tell by the slurred edge to the call, that whoever was calling for him must have at five or six drinks in them, if not more. Turning around, he spotted the source of the call. A large great grey, sitting at a table with a few other owls who looked a lot more sober than their companion. Yup, wasted. Just as I thought Rook noted with a quiet churr to himself. He picked his cup up and began to swirl the remaining liquid, thinking that the grey would just move on in his drunken state. He was surprised however, when he was invited over to the table, looking up to see all four pairs of eyes fixed on him. He shifted awkwardly as he thought about joining them. It would be rude to refuse an offer, even if one of them was only half present. He even entertained the idea of striking up a conversation with the drunk owl and his friends. Eventually deciding to join them, Rook downed the rest of his drink before placing his cup down and making his way over to the small group.
As he approached, Rook turned his attention to the rest of the group at the table. Another great grey as well as an elf owl and a pretty grass owl. All of whom seemed to be churring at thier friend.
"Little drunk are we?" Rook replied when he finally reached the group, churring lightly himself before addressing the rest of the group. "I couldn't help but accept such a generous invite so I came over to say hello" the barn owl joked lighty, raising a talon as he ordered his second and likely last round of bingle juice.
“Apparently,” Marleen teased, looking down to the Elf owl beside. Eirunn had already distracted herself with Eirdis and the Sooty’s music.
Eirunn stopped bobbing her head absentmindedly to the music and perked up. The little elf owl turned to Marleen with an amused little scoff. “Hey, Marleen! One cup for you is like five for me! ‘M not that big at all!” She beeped with an innocent bit of defensiveness to her tone. Marleen churred and poked at her playfully.
Levi churred and leaned on Sawyer as the other, larger grey sipped boredly at his bangle juice. “Sawyer’s got a bit of a problem here with bingle juice. He tends to drink a bit too much. Don’t mind him,” He told Rook as if he wasn’t almost directly responsible.
Sawyer scoffed loudly, shrugging Levi off his wing, “Don’t you tell him that. I’m fine as I am! I might as well even be sober!” He declared as he tried to catch the attention of the Bay Owl as she walked past him to serve Rook. Sawyer groaned and turned to Levi with a look of genuine disappointment.
“Levi’s been encouraging him. Don’t pretend you’ve not been,” Marleen said, setting her cup aside. She turned to Rook with a friendly glint in her eyes. “Hey there, friend. What’s your name?” she asked, tilting her head to the side. “I’m Marleen,” she introduced herself pleasantly.
Eirunn stopped bobbing her head absentmindedly to the music and perked up. The little elf owl turned to Marleen with an amused little scoff. “Hey, Marleen! One cup for you is like five for me! ‘M not that big at all!” She beeped with an innocent bit of defensiveness to her tone. Marleen churred and poked at her playfully.
Levi churred and leaned on Sawyer as the other, larger grey sipped boredly at his bangle juice. “Sawyer’s got a bit of a problem here with bingle juice. He tends to drink a bit too much. Don’t mind him,” He told Rook as if he wasn’t almost directly responsible.
Sawyer scoffed loudly, shrugging Levi off his wing, “Don’t you tell him that. I’m fine as I am! I might as well even be sober!” He declared as he tried to catch the attention of the Bay Owl as she walked past him to serve Rook. Sawyer groaned and turned to Levi with a look of genuine disappointment.
“Levi’s been encouraging him. Don’t pretend you’ve not been,” Marleen said, setting her cup aside. She turned to Rook with a friendly glint in her eyes. “Hey there, friend. What’s your name?” she asked, tilting her head to the side. “I’m Marleen,” she introduced herself pleasantly.
Rook churred slightly at the casual teasing of this group. Marleen to Eirunn, Levi to Sawyer. The group as a whole seemed to be incredibly light-hearted and cheerful. The relief the barn owl needed after a whole night's flying and contemplating. Combined with the beautiful music of the sooty ringing in thr background, it was a perfect way to relax, in a sense.
As Levi leaned on Sawyer, speaking of the great grey's supposed drinking problem, Rook turned to listen before replying. "As if that wasn't apparent" he said, churring. "How many has he got in him tonight? 5? 6? Certainly seems like a lot more" he added, a teasing tone accompanying his words as he spoke to the two large owls.
Receiving his round of bingle juice, he nodded politely to the bay owl before taking a small sip and turning back to Sawyer. "Maybe she's got the idea too" he said with a light churr, placing down his cup. "But hey, Sawyer was it? I may not finish this so if you're lucky, you may get a tiny bit extra" he teased, though his offer held some credibility.
Turning away from the males as Marleen spoke, the barn owl picked up his cup, taking another sip as he listened. "I wouldn't be surprised" he responded with a light churr, taking one more sip before setting his cup down. "But yes, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Rook" he introduced, returning the friendly vibe to the grass owl before turning to the whole group. "You guys regulars here?" He asked. "I don't usually come here often but there is a pretty pleasant atmosphere. I may consider coming more often."
As Levi leaned on Sawyer, speaking of the great grey's supposed drinking problem, Rook turned to listen before replying. "As if that wasn't apparent" he said, churring. "How many has he got in him tonight? 5? 6? Certainly seems like a lot more" he added, a teasing tone accompanying his words as he spoke to the two large owls.
Receiving his round of bingle juice, he nodded politely to the bay owl before taking a small sip and turning back to Sawyer. "Maybe she's got the idea too" he said with a light churr, placing down his cup. "But hey, Sawyer was it? I may not finish this so if you're lucky, you may get a tiny bit extra" he teased, though his offer held some credibility.
Turning away from the males as Marleen spoke, the barn owl picked up his cup, taking another sip as he listened. "I wouldn't be surprised" he responded with a light churr, taking one more sip before setting his cup down. "But yes, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Rook" he introduced, returning the friendly vibe to the grass owl before turning to the whole group. "You guys regulars here?" He asked. "I don't usually come here often but there is a pretty pleasant atmosphere. I may consider coming more often."
“Somewhere around that, maybe more. Sawyer’s a big owl, he can handle it,” Levi cooed playfully. Sawyer churred, but both looked up and gave Rook a strange look over his condescending remark. Levi howled in amusement after a moment, Eirunn joining him as she realized what exactly Rook at suggested.
“I’d think I’ll pass…” Sawyer said, “Maybe just be a big boy and finish your cup, ol’ chap?” He cooed with a special sort of condescending tease. He hooted softly, quite amused with himself.
Marleen churred at the boys. Her metal-clad talons tapped on the floor absentmindedly as she took a quick sip from her cup. “Hello, Rook. I’m Marleen,” She chirped as she set her cup back aside. “I used to frequent here a while ago, this is my first time back in a while,” She told him. She was pleasant and polite in an untrained, sincere way.
Then, Eirunn piped up, “I’m Eirunn! Levi, Sawyer and I are here at least once every week. Lavender comes too, sometimes, but she’s been busy lately with her nest. She’s doing it just about all alone, now that East has gone and, uh, whatever happened to him?” She asked innocently, looking up to Sawyer and Levi.
“Got ate,” Sawyer hiccuped casually.
Levi nodded. “Picked a fight with a black bear ‘n’ lost. Always was a brazen li’l idiot. Glaux rest his soul,” He said, not particularly feeling anything for this lost owl.
Eirunn nodded and turned back to Rook with a simple, matter-of-fact, “He got ate,” as if couldn’t have heard. She looked back to Eirdis as her song ended and she prepared to begin a new one. “Anyways, Levi and Sawyer live out on the outskirts of the forest. I live down near the River Hoole. I’m originally from the Desert of Kuneer. Warm little place, ever been there?” She churred sweetly.
“I’d think I’ll pass…” Sawyer said, “Maybe just be a big boy and finish your cup, ol’ chap?” He cooed with a special sort of condescending tease. He hooted softly, quite amused with himself.
Marleen churred at the boys. Her metal-clad talons tapped on the floor absentmindedly as she took a quick sip from her cup. “Hello, Rook. I’m Marleen,” She chirped as she set her cup back aside. “I used to frequent here a while ago, this is my first time back in a while,” She told him. She was pleasant and polite in an untrained, sincere way.
Then, Eirunn piped up, “I’m Eirunn! Levi, Sawyer and I are here at least once every week. Lavender comes too, sometimes, but she’s been busy lately with her nest. She’s doing it just about all alone, now that East has gone and, uh, whatever happened to him?” She asked innocently, looking up to Sawyer and Levi.
“Got ate,” Sawyer hiccuped casually.
Levi nodded. “Picked a fight with a black bear ‘n’ lost. Always was a brazen li’l idiot. Glaux rest his soul,” He said, not particularly feeling anything for this lost owl.
Eirunn nodded and turned back to Rook with a simple, matter-of-fact, “He got ate,” as if couldn’t have heard. She looked back to Eirdis as her song ended and she prepared to begin a new one. “Anyways, Levi and Sawyer live out on the outskirts of the forest. I live down near the River Hoole. I’m originally from the Desert of Kuneer. Warm little place, ever been there?” She churred sweetly.
Rook churred along with Levi and Eirunn as they burst into howls of laughter, though he was quieter. More of a hummed chuckle as he turned back to Sawyer, giving the large grey a playful wink as he raised his cup. "You got it boss" he replied, lifting his drink and downing the remaining liquid. "Right, that's me for the night" Rook said with another small churr. "I would prefer to get home without smashing my face into multiple trees."
He turned to look at Eirunn as she spoke. "Nice to meet you, Eirunn" he replied politely before silently listening as the three owls discussed the recent death. It did scare him, death by a bear was no way to go. But who would be so reckless as to fly into one's path? Rook shook his head, dismissing the thought. He hadn't heard of this owl anyway. "You guys know him?" he inquired.
As the conversation switched away from the dark tone of death, Rook relaxed slightly. "I just live around the forest, been here my whole life. Couldn't even imagine going to the desert. It's so different from here! I doubt I'd last long" he joked with a soft chuckle.
Turning back to Marleen, the barn owl set the empty cup down, giving her a friendly nod. "It's nice to meet you too Marleen" he replied with a polite dip of his head. "I can't exactly say I'm a regular here either, what's the occasion?" He asked, turning his full attention to the grass owl.
He turned to look at Eirunn as she spoke. "Nice to meet you, Eirunn" he replied politely before silently listening as the three owls discussed the recent death. It did scare him, death by a bear was no way to go. But who would be so reckless as to fly into one's path? Rook shook his head, dismissing the thought. He hadn't heard of this owl anyway. "You guys know him?" he inquired.
As the conversation switched away from the dark tone of death, Rook relaxed slightly. "I just live around the forest, been here my whole life. Couldn't even imagine going to the desert. It's so different from here! I doubt I'd last long" he joked with a soft chuckle.
Turning back to Marleen, the barn owl set the empty cup down, giving her a friendly nod. "It's nice to meet you too Marleen" he replied with a polite dip of his head. "I can't exactly say I'm a regular here either, what's the occasion?" He asked, turning his full attention to the grass owl.
“Oh, East? Yeah, he was Lavender’s mate. Kind of blairn, but Lavender and him got along well enough,” Eirunn chirped as she looked down into her cup. She brushed the thought of East off her wing and churred softly, “And, the desert ain’t all that bad once you get used to it. A bit cold during the nights, and broiling hot during the day, not even the lizards can handle it. But, growing up in a cactus was quite fun! And a bit sharp!” Eirunn said with a girlish giggle. She sighed fondly and then glanced to Marleen as Rook talked to her.
Marleen’s eyes twinkled warmly. She liked that he seemed friendly. She tapped her talons against the floor and shrugged lightly, “I’m out here to help my sister protect her nest. She’s worried about the egg snatchers, especially with the rumor of the Pure-Ones returning,” she explained. The light in her eyes began to fade, but it managed to remain a struggling flicker of hope. She was worried, but Marleen trusted herself to be stronger than that, “I honestly think it’s nothing,” she announced to her little group, “Just a bunch of blow-hards popping up at a very, very convenient time for them,” Marleen said, puffing up her chest with self-assurance and pride.
Eirunn and the Greys fell quiet. There was no disagreement from them. Instead, they all tried hard to just not respond. In the back of the hollow, Eirdis started another song, something more wordless. Marleen looked slightly disheartened, but she sparked back up with a laugh. She looked to Rook, “So..! What brought you here yourself?” She asked him.
Marleen’s eyes twinkled warmly. She liked that he seemed friendly. She tapped her talons against the floor and shrugged lightly, “I’m out here to help my sister protect her nest. She’s worried about the egg snatchers, especially with the rumor of the Pure-Ones returning,” she explained. The light in her eyes began to fade, but it managed to remain a struggling flicker of hope. She was worried, but Marleen trusted herself to be stronger than that, “I honestly think it’s nothing,” she announced to her little group, “Just a bunch of blow-hards popping up at a very, very convenient time for them,” Marleen said, puffing up her chest with self-assurance and pride.
Eirunn and the Greys fell quiet. There was no disagreement from them. Instead, they all tried hard to just not respond. In the back of the hollow, Eirdis started another song, something more wordless. Marleen looked slightly disheartened, but she sparked back up with a laugh. She looked to Rook, “So..! What brought you here yourself?” She asked him.
"Ah, I see" Rook replied quietely, glancing down at his empty cup. "She must have been upset." He dropped the subject however, when it was apparent that Eirunn had brushed it away. After all, death wasn't the most pleasant thing to be discussing. "But yeah, the cold I may be able to deal with, never been a fan of hot weather though" the barn owl explained, churring softly at her joke before turning back to Marleen.
As the grass owl spoke of the infamous egg snatchers, Rook's light-hearted demeanour changed to a much more serious tone. He had been helping out many an owl with trying to defend their nests but his lack of battle experience meant he wasn't as confident, should he meet one face to face anyway. Added to which, many believed the recent events had been related to the thought-to-be-dead pure ones which was a terrifying prospect. He would never be able to stand up to one of those fearsome warriors, not least because he didn't own a pair of battle claws. He would give it a good shot though. Yes, he would.
"Ah, that's very good of you, your sister must be grateful!" Rook chirped, trying to keep the atmosphere light despite such dark topics being brought up. "I myself have been attempting to help out, protecting nests and that. Although I don't know what use I would have in an actual fight, I'm hardly a battle hardened soldier." He shifted his position slightly as she spoke before replying once more. "I hope you're right though, and it is just nothing. The pure-ones are dangerous owls and seeing them back? That wouldn't bode well for the future."
As another song started up behind them, Rook tried to relax again, letting the music drift through him, pushing away all thoughts of the pure-ones, the eggs being snatched away from nests all around the forest. He took a moment to think before replying to Marleen. "I'm not entirely sure. I live around these parts. Just finished a hunt actually and thought I'd get something to wash it down. Plus, the atmosphere around here always seems to be so vibrant and light-hearted. Makes a change from soaring through the night skies alone."
As the grass owl spoke of the infamous egg snatchers, Rook's light-hearted demeanour changed to a much more serious tone. He had been helping out many an owl with trying to defend their nests but his lack of battle experience meant he wasn't as confident, should he meet one face to face anyway. Added to which, many believed the recent events had been related to the thought-to-be-dead pure ones which was a terrifying prospect. He would never be able to stand up to one of those fearsome warriors, not least because he didn't own a pair of battle claws. He would give it a good shot though. Yes, he would.
"Ah, that's very good of you, your sister must be grateful!" Rook chirped, trying to keep the atmosphere light despite such dark topics being brought up. "I myself have been attempting to help out, protecting nests and that. Although I don't know what use I would have in an actual fight, I'm hardly a battle hardened soldier." He shifted his position slightly as she spoke before replying once more. "I hope you're right though, and it is just nothing. The pure-ones are dangerous owls and seeing them back? That wouldn't bode well for the future."
As another song started up behind them, Rook tried to relax again, letting the music drift through him, pushing away all thoughts of the pure-ones, the eggs being snatched away from nests all around the forest. He took a moment to think before replying to Marleen. "I'm not entirely sure. I live around these parts. Just finished a hunt actually and thought I'd get something to wash it down. Plus, the atmosphere around here always seems to be so vibrant and light-hearted. Makes a change from soaring through the night skies alone."
((hfhfhf this is so short sorry //wheeze))
Marleen brightened up at the acceptance of her subject change. She tapped a talon against the floor and hooted in agreement. “It’s always been pretty great here!” She chirped, almost too chipper. Marleen just found herself caught up in the need to shift the tone completely and inadvertently just hammed it up.
Marleen coughed under her breath and churred softly. “I used to come here when I was younger. Britta and I both, and we would drink until the deep gray. We amassed a little group of friends, but I’ve either missed ‘em today, or they all went and grew up,” She chuckled, tapping her metal talons across the floor again. “How’s hunting?” She asked casually to keep the conversation going.
Marleen brightened up at the acceptance of her subject change. She tapped a talon against the floor and hooted in agreement. “It’s always been pretty great here!” She chirped, almost too chipper. Marleen just found herself caught up in the need to shift the tone completely and inadvertently just hammed it up.
Marleen coughed under her breath and churred softly. “I used to come here when I was younger. Britta and I both, and we would drink until the deep gray. We amassed a little group of friends, but I’ve either missed ‘em today, or they all went and grew up,” She chuckled, tapping her metal talons across the floor again. “How’s hunting?” She asked casually to keep the conversation going.
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