This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Alright, this is a new thing for me; I've never done an RP on Discord before, but I've heard plenty of good things about it and I'm hoping to try it out myself. Anyways, I'm hoping to do an RP or two on a new server I made up, preferably a small group RP that is. I don't have any real plots in mind, but down below you'll find the basic gist of them. All of them will more or less follow the plot lines of the main series games, just with us taking control of the characters that play along in the story. OCs and canons are welcome, before I throw down the plots and the like to the server, I've got a few rules to share.
- Not everyone is going to be able to post everyday, so patience is very much appreciated. Please give people at least a day between posts.
- Romance is welcome, but keep it at a PG-13 level. Any NSFW stuff should be private.
- Excessive gore is not allowed; a few cuts and scrapes here and there are fine, but excessive bloodbaths are not welcome.
- Excessive swearing is not allowed; a few words here and there are fine, but I don't want posts filled with them.
- One liners aren't allowed; we'll need at least 3 lines.
- All starters chosen will be a first come, first serve basis.
- Spoilers might lurk within the stories, so enter with caution.
- Trainers are allowed to have up to one legendary or mythical Pokemon.
- Looking for 3-5 players to join me in each RP.
- Most importantly, have fun
Here's the Discord server if you're interested in joining.
And now onto the gists of the RPs. Along with those, I'll also be posting my character's future team, though their goals will be determined in the stories, though both the teams and goals might change as the RP progresses. If you'd rather not RP through Discord, please PM me.
New Beginnings: Kanto
Take a trip back to when there were only 151 Pokemon, back when the villains were just a bunch of gangsters. We'll be exploring the nostalgia filled region of Kanto. As expected, this'll play similarly to the Red, Blue, and Yellow games. So, I'd ideally like 2-3 people to join me for this one, with each of us claiming one of the available starters (Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander, and Pikachu) as we travel about Kanto, taking on the gyms, Team Rocket, and filling up the Pokedex. We could also include some of the stuff introduced in FireRed and LeafGreen, like the contests and Battle Frontier if that's more your style.
Kanto Starters:
Bulbasaur - CLAIMED
Charmander - OPEN
Squirtle - OPEN
Pikachu - OPEN
Eevee - OPEN

New Beginnings: Johto
Fast forward a few years and you'll find yourselves in the quiet, but beautiful region of Johto. Now with 251 Pokemon and a Team Rocket with new ambitions, we'll find ourselves with a brand new adventure to explore. As expected, this'll play similarly to the Gold, Silver, and Crystal games. In addition to the gyms, we can include the Pokeathlon and the Battle Frontier introduced in HeartGold and SoulSilver. Ideally, I'd like two people to join me for this one, with each of us claiming one of the available starters (Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile) as we travel about Johto in order to complete our goals.
Johto Starters:
Chikorita - OPEN
Cyndaquil - CLAIMED
Totodile - OPEN

New Beginnings: Hoenn
Fast forward once again and we'll find ourselves in the tropical, water filled region of Hoenn. A beautiful, tropical place that's currently under the threat of destruction thanks to Team Magma and Team Aqua. As expected, this'll play out similarly to the Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire games. In addition to the gyms, we can take on the contests, Battle Frontier, and eventually the Delta Episode (Spoilers may lurk within it) if we want to. Ideally, I'd like two people to join me for this one, with each of us claiming one of the available starters (Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip) as we travel about Hoenn in order to complete our goals.
Hoenn Starters:
Treecko - OPEN
Torchic - OPEN
Mudkip - CLAIMED

New Beginnings: Sinnoh
We're once again fast forwarding in time to the chilly region of Sinnoh. A cold, but beautiful region full of a unique culture, but unfortunately, it's being threatened by the vile Team Galactic. As expected, this'll play out similarly to the Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum games, we'll be taking on the gyms, Team Galactic, the contests, the Battle Frontier, and whatever else I've missed. Ideally, I'd like two people to join me for this one, with each of us claiming one of the available starters (Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup) as we travel about Sinnoh to complete our goals.
Sinnoh Starters:
Turtwig - OPEN
Chimchar - CLAIMED
Piplup - OPEN

New Beginnings: Unova
Move ahead nearly five years and we'll end up in Unova. In this heavily populated, yet intriguing region, we'll be taking on the Unova League as we deal with Team Plasma (we can discuss whether it'll be N's Team Plasma in B/W or the Neo Team Plasma in B2/W2). As expected, this'll play out similarly to the Generation V games, though whether we go for in the story in Black and White or Black 2 and White 2 is up for discussion. Ideally, I'd like to get two people to join me for this one, with each of us claiming one of the available starters (Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott) as we travel about Unova to complete our goals.
Unova Starters:
Snivy - OPEN
Tepig - OPEN
Oshawott - CLAIMED

New Beginnings: Kalos
Go ahead nearly three years and we'll wind up in Kalos, a region full of beautiful sights and interesting people, but like most of the other regions, they're under the threat of Team Flare. Man, the police force in this world are terrible, aren't they? Anyways, as expected, this'll follow X&Y, we'll take on the Kalos League, fight Team Flare, and we could add the Pokemon Showcases from the anime to give us a little something extra to play around with. Ideally, I'd like two people to join me for this one, with each of us claiming one of the available starters (Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie) as we travel about Kalos as we complete our goals.
Kalos Starters:
Chespin - OPEN
Fennekin - CLAIMED
Froakie - OPEN

New Beginnings: Alola
Nearly twenty years since Red and Blue were released and our journey finally comes to a close as we visit Alola. The tropical location is filled with all kinds of unique locations, a unique locale, and a goofy team of gangstas. We'll travel about Alola as we take on the Island Challenge, fight against Team Skull and the Aether Foundation, among so many other things. Obviously, this'll follow the Generation 7 games, and ideally, I'd like two people to join me, with each of us claiming one of the available starters (Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio) as we travel about Alola to complete our goals.
Alola Starters:
Rowlet - OPEN
Litten - OPEN
Popplio - CLAIMED
- Not everyone is going to be able to post everyday, so patience is very much appreciated. Please give people at least a day between posts.
- Romance is welcome, but keep it at a PG-13 level. Any NSFW stuff should be private.
- Excessive gore is not allowed; a few cuts and scrapes here and there are fine, but excessive bloodbaths are not welcome.
- Excessive swearing is not allowed; a few words here and there are fine, but I don't want posts filled with them.
- One liners aren't allowed; we'll need at least 3 lines.
- All starters chosen will be a first come, first serve basis.
- Spoilers might lurk within the stories, so enter with caution.
- Trainers are allowed to have up to one legendary or mythical Pokemon.
- Looking for 3-5 players to join me in each RP.
- Most importantly, have fun

Here's the Discord server if you're interested in joining.
And now onto the gists of the RPs. Along with those, I'll also be posting my character's future team, though their goals will be determined in the stories, though both the teams and goals might change as the RP progresses. If you'd rather not RP through Discord, please PM me.
New Beginnings: Kanto
Take a trip back to when there were only 151 Pokemon, back when the villains were just a bunch of gangsters. We'll be exploring the nostalgia filled region of Kanto. As expected, this'll play similarly to the Red, Blue, and Yellow games. So, I'd ideally like 2-3 people to join me for this one, with each of us claiming one of the available starters (Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander, and Pikachu) as we travel about Kanto, taking on the gyms, Team Rocket, and filling up the Pokedex. We could also include some of the stuff introduced in FireRed and LeafGreen, like the contests and Battle Frontier if that's more your style.
Kanto Starters:
Bulbasaur - CLAIMED
Charmander - OPEN
Squirtle - OPEN
Pikachu - OPEN
Eevee - OPEN

New Beginnings: Johto
Fast forward a few years and you'll find yourselves in the quiet, but beautiful region of Johto. Now with 251 Pokemon and a Team Rocket with new ambitions, we'll find ourselves with a brand new adventure to explore. As expected, this'll play similarly to the Gold, Silver, and Crystal games. In addition to the gyms, we can include the Pokeathlon and the Battle Frontier introduced in HeartGold and SoulSilver. Ideally, I'd like two people to join me for this one, with each of us claiming one of the available starters (Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile) as we travel about Johto in order to complete our goals.
Johto Starters:
Chikorita - OPEN
Cyndaquil - CLAIMED
Totodile - OPEN

New Beginnings: Hoenn
Fast forward once again and we'll find ourselves in the tropical, water filled region of Hoenn. A beautiful, tropical place that's currently under the threat of destruction thanks to Team Magma and Team Aqua. As expected, this'll play out similarly to the Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire games. In addition to the gyms, we can take on the contests, Battle Frontier, and eventually the Delta Episode (Spoilers may lurk within it) if we want to. Ideally, I'd like two people to join me for this one, with each of us claiming one of the available starters (Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip) as we travel about Hoenn in order to complete our goals.
Hoenn Starters:
Treecko - OPEN
Torchic - OPEN
Mudkip - CLAIMED

New Beginnings: Sinnoh
We're once again fast forwarding in time to the chilly region of Sinnoh. A cold, but beautiful region full of a unique culture, but unfortunately, it's being threatened by the vile Team Galactic. As expected, this'll play out similarly to the Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum games, we'll be taking on the gyms, Team Galactic, the contests, the Battle Frontier, and whatever else I've missed. Ideally, I'd like two people to join me for this one, with each of us claiming one of the available starters (Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup) as we travel about Sinnoh to complete our goals.
Sinnoh Starters:
Turtwig - OPEN
Chimchar - CLAIMED
Piplup - OPEN

New Beginnings: Unova
Move ahead nearly five years and we'll end up in Unova. In this heavily populated, yet intriguing region, we'll be taking on the Unova League as we deal with Team Plasma (we can discuss whether it'll be N's Team Plasma in B/W or the Neo Team Plasma in B2/W2). As expected, this'll play out similarly to the Generation V games, though whether we go for in the story in Black and White or Black 2 and White 2 is up for discussion. Ideally, I'd like to get two people to join me for this one, with each of us claiming one of the available starters (Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott) as we travel about Unova to complete our goals.
Unova Starters:
Snivy - OPEN
Tepig - OPEN
Oshawott - CLAIMED

New Beginnings: Kalos
Go ahead nearly three years and we'll wind up in Kalos, a region full of beautiful sights and interesting people, but like most of the other regions, they're under the threat of Team Flare. Man, the police force in this world are terrible, aren't they? Anyways, as expected, this'll follow X&Y, we'll take on the Kalos League, fight Team Flare, and we could add the Pokemon Showcases from the anime to give us a little something extra to play around with. Ideally, I'd like two people to join me for this one, with each of us claiming one of the available starters (Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie) as we travel about Kalos as we complete our goals.
Kalos Starters:
Chespin - OPEN
Fennekin - CLAIMED
Froakie - OPEN

New Beginnings: Alola
Nearly twenty years since Red and Blue were released and our journey finally comes to a close as we visit Alola. The tropical location is filled with all kinds of unique locations, a unique locale, and a goofy team of gangstas. We'll travel about Alola as we take on the Island Challenge, fight against Team Skull and the Aether Foundation, among so many other things. Obviously, this'll follow the Generation 7 games, and ideally, I'd like two people to join me, with each of us claiming one of the available starters (Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio) as we travel about Alola to complete our goals.
Alola Starters:
Rowlet - OPEN
Litten - OPEN
Popplio - CLAIMED

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
This is still open!
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Discord Pokemon RP (closed)
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus