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Forums » Looking for RP » Apocalypse RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Eurydice (played anonymously)

A simmer of late summer distilled to dull yellow glow, thickening air like honey as mud daubers and dust motes drifted above like moments unmoored from time, and the world and the sun aligned, grew still.
A sigh with an endless serenity, she sat under the sun that must’ve had a childhood as clear as a water drop. Tutoring was over, there were no ballet rehearsals at the academy, and no practices for her volleyball street team, nor any community events that called upon her talent and the dojo was sure to be closed at such an hour. Her chest rose and sank. Twice. Sighs.
Stillness was not for her. Her fingers graced over the cracks in the concrete bench, she hadn’t left the school yet. So she sat, suffused with apathy and sullen expectation. Very few were still on campus by now, and those of them were inside so she sat, watching the landscape of the campus in its emptiness.
Hot sun hanging over her head—close enough to hold and grab like a fruit, wispy baby hairs and full dark locks pulled high and flowing low like the river styx, the gold shouldered girl let out a loud groan. That desperation attracted something though. There was a breeze. Something felt— wrong. Eyes darting like a gazelle. What do they behold? They behold a person. A person who strolled closer and closer. Strolled? Wobbled. Wobbled closer and closer. Her heart beat in her chest like a pestle pouring plantains. Why? Something felt— wrong. As the body moved closer it appeared to be a fellow student, though that didn’t soothe her nerves. She had no trouble getting along with the students at her high school, she was known as the best dressed, quite but polite, and funny on the occasion she opened her mouth to make remarks. Though, something felt— wrong. The body, a male, looked like he had dragged himself out a wasteland, claiming intensely towards her with moans of bloodied mouth. As he got closer, he trembled up to her faster and stretched his hand out with a lunge. She fell back, she saw his eyes, she saw nothing. Blankness. Darkness. Death. Something was— wrong. She jumped up with a quickness he followed instinctively as though he was in search for her, his groans loud, vicious and attracting more of his decaying peers. Her chest rose and sank. Twice. Three times. Four. She ran and found, he ran after her, his howls encouraging the other wasteds to follow in suit. It embittered her gut. ‘What the **** is going on?’ Was the immediate thought in her mind as she struggled to make it to the schools theater. Though his flesh seemed like it would fall off the bone, he fought the closing door strongly, and to her luck, unsuccessfully with the loss of that said arm. How sweat stuck to her skin, trembling, the question of humanness or lack of it in her mind. “The undead aren’t real.” She said to herself, society’s absolute definition of who was human and who was not sticking to her words. It really was that simple, right? Except some people were not quite one thing or the other his eyes said, peering at her with snarling, rotten teeth behind the window of the door. There was a bang. Twice. He was hitting the door. They all began to. There was a bang. This time, her heart against her rib cage. Quivering limbs as she went down the steps and entered the theater, making sure to securely shut the second metallic door. She could not accept the fact there were actual zombies outside. Her chest rose and sank twice. This was not right.
• • •

Hi everyone!
Sorry if the intro is long.

So for this RP my character, who is typically not a completely human OC, will be completely human for this! An 18 yr old high school senior. I would also like someone who is completely human, though it doesn’t matter whether your character also attends the same school, a different school, or is older and graduated.
I would also like for this to be a long term RP, but please inform me beforehand if you don’t wish to continue instead of leaving me hanging.

In concerns to the plot it will have a certain amount of action and drama as it is an apocalypse, but I will not accept gore. If you would like romance to be involved we can talk about that a little more in detail.

Pm me if your interested!
Magic 00%
No magic at all.
Technology 50%
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

I’m interested!!
Eurydice (played anonymously) Topic Starter

FallingSTARISH wrote:
I’m interested!!
Great! PM me so we can discuss !
I would love to join this as well! Apocalypses are right up my ally!
Eurydice (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Ktyria wrote:
I would love to join this as well! Apocalypses are right up my ally!
Cool ! PM me !

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