This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Hello everyone! I would like to start some new RPs. On the top of my head I don't have any plot ideas, I just know I want to to fantasy. There can be romance in the RP, but that is completely up to you. My characters background are 'empty' so they can fit in any story line/plot/setting. But they are mainly 'empty' because I can not find a good long term rp partner/game to update there back grounds and tell you what they have done in their worlds. (Maybe you could change that?)
I'm not the greatest with fighting scenes, so if we end up in a fight scene my writing will be a little weaker then normal. I would prefer paragraphs, but I understand how life is and sometimes you just can't do paragraphs all the time. Please try to do at least one paragraph. It makes it hard to reply when you give me a few sentences.
Anyways, like I said above I don't really have any plot ideas. I'm pretty open and go with the flow. We could do a school theme, kidnap theme, randomly find each other, end of the world, adult(18+), or if your character fits something else let me know! (:
I'm not the greatest with fighting scenes, so if we end up in a fight scene my writing will be a little weaker then normal. I would prefer paragraphs, but I understand how life is and sometimes you just can't do paragraphs all the time. Please try to do at least one paragraph. It makes it hard to reply when you give me a few sentences.
Anyways, like I said above I don't really have any plot ideas. I'm pretty open and go with the flow. We could do a school theme, kidnap theme, randomly find each other, end of the world, adult(18+), or if your character fits something else let me know! (:
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
SoftestMarshmallow wrote:
I'm interested ^^
Me! pick me!
Sweet_Little_Sock wrote:
Me! pick me!
I am intressed
Cookiesareyummie wrote:
I am intressed
Seasongriffen wrote:
I kinda take a few minutes to right a paragraph but I’m interested
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Long Term RP Partner (closed)
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