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Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for Roleplay Variety and Partners (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I've been on this site for a while now and I haven't exactly found- or looked -for any roleplays or RP partners. I'm looking for a multitude of different RP genres and characters. I like longer posts, but I can adjust my posts to any lengths you would see fit, and I also like detailed setting as well as characters. I like fighting fair and won't try to win every fight- if any - but that doesn't mean I won't put on a good show.

If you haven't seen I only have 1 character so far, I hope to make more but right now I lack the ideas, and I'm trying to be careful on how many I put up here, as I can only have 5.
Since I only have 1 character, I have tried to make him adaptable to many different settings.
Sanne Moderator

I'm a little busy for more RPs right now, but I wish you good luck!

On another note, every player can have 10 characters. More if you purchase more slots, but you're definitely not limited to just five! (What gave you that impression?)
Tashesto Topic Starter

XD My brain must have blanked, if you couldn't tell, it was a tad late when I wrote this. Thanks for the reminder! ^^
im always lurking around looking for RP
Tashesto Topic Starter

Lurking definitely is one way to find it! ^^ Well, if you'd like to and have a setting or character you'd like to play then go ahead and PM me! Unless you like the RPs on the forums which I don't mind either.
i dont mind eather way.. and i love to play all my chars ^_^ any ideas for a rp?
Tashesto Topic Starter

Hmn, well, since I have a sci-fi and modern RPs going on right now, whaddya think about a medieval-ish setting? I may as well tackle all three to see what I like. XD What character(s) of yours would you play in a setting like that?
Well iv learn to adopt my chars to any kind of setting.. ATM Kathual, Audric , Enya and Ru are my favorite chars. Kathual is an elf in medevil roleplays, Enya is a knight, "Audric a prince and Ru is a shapeshifter.
Tashesto Topic Starter

Okay, you could just PM me a starter paragraph and choose which character you'd like to play! ^^
I'd be interested. If you are looking to make more characters, I could definitely help out with that, if you have a vague idea of what you would want.
Tashesto Topic Starter

Hah, I never have an idea of what I want. The ideas just pass by and I write them down, it is usually inspired by something- or a couple things -but after the base ideas are down, I can refine and change whatever then. xD

Like earlier today for example, I just wrote about a psychotic character. Because everyone has to have at least one insane killer. If you have any ideas though that you'd like to share, I'd listen! ^^

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for Roleplay Variety and Partners (closed)

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