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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Lab (IC)

Shadow (played by Elisora)

She frowned, getting confused."why would she want me to leave my hometown?"
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

the daggers aim at sylvie
He looked away, sighing quietly. "...Dunno. There could be many things..." He took his right hand out, making a sign then with his finger he began drawing an object in the air with smoke that persisted there.
Sylvie (played by Elisora)

her eyes narrowed and she flicked her wrist and the ice shot higher, caging her near a corner.
(When the guards don't do anything and just watch. me lol)
Shadow (played by Elisora)

she looked at what he was drawing curiously and murmured."what are you exactly?"
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she smiles
Shadow (played by Elisora)

( i just noticed how impolite that sounded lol)
Sylvie (played by Elisora)

She tilted her head at this.
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

suddenly the daggers rain from the ceiling
Sylvie (played by Elisora)

she raised her hands straight up and an ice dome rose up to protect her from the falling ice.
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she was suddenly right in front of sylvie
He quietly continued to draw, until it came to shape seconds after she asked. The object was actually a replica of her own face, with every detail, and as a form of a.. dogtag. "...Me?" He said calmly, glancing over to her as the object that was smoke, became solid and fell down to his hand. "..Just a scientist. One, different from the other." He let the dogtag fall, as it suddenly hanged off his hand. How? There was nothing holding it before, until he dropped it. Then he took a step forward, and passed his hand through the bars to hand her the dogtag. "But... I'm Alex. Sorry I never introduced myself."
Sylvie (played by Elisora)

gasped and stumbled backwards.
(Idk why but I was just mindlessly typing when I saw you say "I realized how impolite it sounded." xD)
Shadow (played by Elisora)


Her eyes widened at this trick of his before she looked up."it's quite alright and it's nice to meet you Alex"
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she slices at slyvie's legs with a dagger
Sylvie (played by Elisora)

She cried out and fell.
"Likewise.." He said, a small smile visible on him, though he never noticed he was smiling. Then he retrieved his hand back and onto his right pocket.
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she calms down a bit as she knew she won

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