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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Lab (IC)

((Probably a question for mango but if everyone else is ok with it I’d be cool with it! I kind of want to put pics as well lol))

Quetzalli smiled as well, then chuckled softly “I can turn into a small snake when need be or my original dragon form but that’s about it for shapeshifting.” She gently scratched the top of Red’s head then chuckled softly as she whispered as to not wake her “We should probably put her to bed huh?”
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"no, she is staying with me"
“Ok.” She hummed
((I dont think he'll mind but i shall ask him when he gets on))

"I can shape shift into pretty much anything living. I won't say how I get my forms though. Well... many anyway." She smiles a little.
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"the rest of my family is more odd than what you see here"
Redstar (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

She kept purring in her sleep and she slightly curled up in a ball in Karma's hands.
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she smiles
Tyra and pan (played by Kungfu6453)

Alyson wrote:
She observes them and smiles. "I can make them contacts. They would be comfortable, wont burn and you'd only need to take them out like once every few months for some cleaning stuff! This is a piece of cake!" She excitedly grins. "Is this something you would be interested in? Or any questions?" She tilts her head.

Tyra “ that would work but we need to make so if I have I can use my powers on my friends if they need my help. “ pan “ she blind so we don’t need to worry if she can see out of them.”
She thinks for a moment. Family huh? Besides my children what family do I really even have... She blocks her thoughts so no one can read it
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"my family is full of dragons that each have different powers"
Quetzalli nodded, smiling. “That’s cool! My magic isn’t strong enough yet to transform into other creatures.” She then looked at Karma curiously
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Please, I can do just about anything. I can make her see out of them. I can make her see heat so she can tell who her friends are, I can make a scan that sends waves to her brain that tells her who is around her and heighten her senses. I can do just about anything!" She smiles quite proudly.
"Well, perhaps with some training I could help with that." She smiles. "That sounds pretty cool. To have family with a whole lot of different skill sets." She smiles softly.
Tyra and pan (played by Kungfu6453)

“ she completely blind but heightened senses would work.”
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"sparing with the ones that can harden thier skins to be unbreakable is fun"
Quetzalli smiled “That would be great, thank you!” She then nodded in agreement
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Perfect! This way she can get a general sense of who people are around her. They can also tell her who someone is before they even introduce themselves if you'd like." She smiles with excitement.
Redstar (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

She slightly covered Karma's hand with her soft tail.
"Perfect! we can now or later when it physical time." She smiles.
Quetzalli smiled “Either is fine.”

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