She turned her head at the sound of footsteps and smiled when she realized it was Alex and she waved to him.
Quetzalli smiled and she walked into the cafeteria, she got her food from there and she walked over “Is it ok if I sit with you?”
"It's always okay." She smiles. "And like I said, I have my ways." She chuckles mischievously.
Quetzalli smiled and she sat with her, looking at the food and she chuckled softly “Your magic must be powerful if you can summon things.”
Alex noticed a hand come up and wave from one of the cells in the corner of his eye. So he stopped to see who it was, then took out his left hand and waved over to Shadow. "..Hey Shadow." He said calmly, then his hand came down to his side. "Why aren't you... with the others..?" He asked as he slowly walked over then stood by the cell, looking down at her.
she drinks more wine
She shrugged. " I dunno... I just don't feel up to it"
"...Not because you're.. shy, right?" He said with a small hint of tease.
"Well yeah. My magic has always been a bit... how can i put this... over the top I suppose you could say." She chuckles. "Before I had a handle on them I was... well hated by many since I had no control of my powers." She shrugs. "But now I can just" She snaps her fingers and a dragon plushie appears that resembles Q in her form as well as a Kitty that looks like Red and a dragon whom looks like Karma. "Snap my fingers and create whatever." She smiles. "But do not tell anyone. I don't want people asking for favors."
liza brought a blizzard in from outside by accident
"Pfft obviously"
Alyson wrote:
"I'll make it quick and easy and as painless as possible." she smiles as she delicately and quickly places them in her eyes.
He calmed her down. Though to hurt it dried her eyes out, pan puts eye drops in.
"Hm.. you're better than that..." He points out with a small shrug.
Quetzalli looked at this in awe and smiled, then nodded “You have my word Jules.”
She sighed, while brushing hair from her face. "Fine maybe I'm a little shy"
"You can have these you guys. I like them but I think you guys should have them." She smiles. "Thank you."
"ummm guys, i made a blizzard"
"I see that, should I melt it?" She asks. "Why did you make a blizzard?"
"How does it feel Tyra?" She asks wamly
"i was practicing with my snow ability, the bracelet made it stronger than i thought"
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