‘Why does today seem dull?’
"..Say the truth.." He said quietly, his right hand reaching over the bars to move a strand of her hair, gently, to the back of her left ear. He showed a small smile while doing this.
‘I need something to do.’
she radiates heat off her to melt the snow around her. "Well it worked indeed. Just be carful in here with snow. It can get people sick and make Alysons job just a bit more difficult." She chuckles
Venom makes the water start to float, and sends it to his water bowl.
She allowed him to do this, surprising herself when she realized she didn't mind it. " I'm not a big talker around most people I'm not... used to it I guess" She spoke normally but her voice was still very quiet.
‘I’m learning new abilities by the day.’
"well i dont wanna pelt people with ice by mistake"
"Well nobody wants that." She chuckles.
Quetzalli smiled “Thank you!” She had a little bit of it. Watching the blizzard dissipate, she hummed slightly
Alyson wrote:
"How does it feel Tyra?" She asks wamly
“ it drying my eye out. So it hurts a little.”
He looked at her, a little surprised. "Really... you do seem like.. you would like to talk..." He retrieved his hand back and onto his pocket as he also slowly looked away. "...I'm not, like that.." He admitted quietly, then shuddered a bit due to the- "Still cold..." feeling he'd just said randomly.
"i just really wanted more snow cones"
She shrugged. "I might seem like it but I'm not really talkative that much sometimes" She noticed him shuddering and she frowned wanting to make his cold feeling to away.
"Well it just takes time to control and master." She says as she makes a paper cone and swirls her hand as a snowball forms on top the paper cone. She smiles softly and hands her the cone.
she noms it
"...Sometimes.. hm..?" He said as he looked back at her, then noticed how she looks slightly sad. Figured it was due to the fact he's just said the word quietly again. "..Cheer up, Shadow... Here, want to go... for a walk..?" He offered as he took a step back from the door of the cell.
She stood up and exited her cell to stand beside him. "Sure"
"I could probably make them less irritating! That way you wont need the drops so often." She smiles.
Alyson wrote:
"I could probably make them less irritating! That way you wont need the drops so often." She smiles.
“ please do it hurts.” Pan comforts his twin.
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