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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Lab (IC)

Quetzalli smiled softly and she hummed, finishing eating and she watched the others
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she makes a couple snow balls with her magic to try to take it slow and she throws them at people
Once she agreed, he softly nodded and turned to walk down the left hallway. Assuming Shadow followed by him. "...I assume your.. past, its not pretty." He said, his hands on both his pockets as he had the lab coat off, but hanging from his shoulders.
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Of course" She takes them out and and works her magic once more. She places her goggles on and begins. Once finished she moves them off her head which have left some red marks around her cheeks. "Alright these should be much better." She smiles and places them in.
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she hits alyson with one snow ball
Shadow (played by Elisora)

She nodded. "Some of it yes but not all of it was bad"
Tyra and pan (played by Kungfu6453)

Alyson wrote:
"Of course" She takes them out and and works her magic once more. She places her goggles on and begins. Once finished she moves them off her head which have left some red marks around her cheeks. "Alright these should be much better." She smiles and places them in.

“ that better.” Tyra nodded. Pan put drops in Tyra eyes. Tyra “ it better.”
she catches some and they evaporate in her hand. "Pretend you are gently holding something precious and placing it softly in their bed. Right now you are throwing your baby at people." She chuckles. "Which I just murdered I suppose if that analogy were real but you get what i am saying."
As they walked, Alex took out his right hand and, randomly with his finger, began drawing something like before. This time in a slow fashion since they were walking. "..Can't say mine is good... brr.." He shuddered a little, but kept his composure like nothing happened. "But, how was yours..?" He asked as his gaze is set on the drawing.
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"wait, babies?" she looks around now"i see no babies"
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Good I am glad to hear." She smiles softly.
Shadow (played by Elisora)

She pressed close to him so that their shoulders touched and she at least tried to warm up his right side and watched him draw. "I had a happy childhood it was when I hit my teens that changed"
"I was talking about your magic. Treat it as if it is something you cherish or befriend rather than fighting it. Otherwise its not easily controlled." She says
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"but now i wanna see wolf babies"
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

((Still how when the door is shut and locked... its whatever))

"Liza please not now. I'm doing some serious work right now." She says softly
At first he got flustered, even with a small blush on him, but he tried to focuz on the drawing, and onto listening to her. But... somehow he did fell less.. cold. Just hope she doesn't feel cold from her left side either. "H..happy I see... Well, mine was sorta.. interesting... But later on it became... rather weird." He chuckled lightly at the thought as he drew. "...But, what changed after your teen years..?" He asked calmly, glancing down at her as he said it, then back to the drawing.
Quetzalli listened to Jules and she hummed slightly, thinking to herself as she put her hand out a little and she focused a little. A small glow emitted and it looked like something was starting to form but it wasn’t strong enough
Shadow (played by Elisora)

She sighed softly. "Friendships changed"
"Sylvie included...?" He added after her.
Shadow (played by Elisora)

She nodded.

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