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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Lab (IC)

((Yep Lol))
Alex kept on drawing, though slowing down a little at a though that came in mind. "..Shadow... wouldn't it be weird if.. someone saw us this close..?" He calmly points out as well as asking. "I mean... we're going to give out the wrong idea..."
Quetzalli nodded, “I-If you want to, Sure. I could use the fresh air anyway.” She got up, her stutter and more quiet demeanor seemed to have come back the moment the yelling had begun.
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"they wanted to cut off my arms, my legs, my wings, my tail, my ears, and my nose, i was shaking and my hands slipped and the ball shattered" she cries more as she recalled the situation and curled up into a ball, scared
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"they said'what pretty little trophies you will make for us' and then they got closer to me"
"I didn't say I didn't get it, now did I? But--" She stops. She could feel her fists shaking. She knew it was an accident but her accident killed a whole planet. She gritted her teeth as her knuckles visibly grew white. "Threats are one thing kid... Torture is a whole different thing." She says as she walks out motioning Q to follow if she still wanted to train.
Shadow (played by Elisora)

Hurt flashed in her expression but she hid it almost Immediately and pulled away some. "I guess it would be... "
((Just a thought XD but could she not have just teleported out?))
(( ^ Honestly I was thinking the same thing xD))
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

((that was a hundred years ago, she did not have that power mastered nor did she know how to use it))
((Fair enough))
Quetzalli quickly followed after Jules, frowning and she looked at her. “A-Are you ok?” She asked as she had noticed the gritting teeth and white knuckles. Reaching out to offer Jules her hand, she wanted to try and help her but wasn’t completely aware as to how.
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

as she shakes her body begins to freeze, due to her placing the ball somewhere she could not touch for now as she did not want to break it in her mind
At closer inspection she can see tears filling her eyes as she quickly closed them and one fell down her cheek. "I'll be alright... I just... had a moment there... I can't be angry I suppose but it still... makes my blood boil a little. Perhaps I will research more about her crystal and see if I cant help that world she froze. It's the least I can do to help them move on... even if they are dead... their spirits are trapped in ice... I have to help if I can is all." She wipes her tear away and smiles with confidence as she takes her hand. "Now lets train." She says with a small smirk.
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"jules, please come here and look at this"
He didn't notice her expression since his gaze was still set on the drawing. But did felt the movement, and a random shiver came up almost instantly. "B-brr... cold.." He said mindlessly, not really wanting to say it, but he just can't help it. "...Hey Shadow.." He called, "can I ask you... something that'll sound... dumb..?"
Shadow (played by Elisora)

She shrugged. "Sure I guess"
Quetzalli listened to this and she frowned with a soft nod, “I-Its still pain..... If you need a moment we don’t need to train immediately. You’re very kind to think of the people who were on that world.” She offered a soft smile, then nodded. “Alright. If we need to stop though don’t hesitate to tell me ok? I-I don’t want to push.”
The drawing could be more understsndable as to what he's going for. Seems like.. a figure. No, a small 3D figure of someone. But it can't be identified just yet. "This.. will sound dumb, but..." He stopped drawing for a moment. "..You like me... don't you?" He glanced her way, no point in hiding the small blush he has after saying that. Then he casually glanced away as another shiver came up. "Brrr..."
"She's freezing over because she is scared to break it right? Perhaps she should turn that fear into a more positive energy like one of protection. Making it so that crystal ball is worth protecting no matte what. If she fears it her powers will consume her. It's like I said, we should not fear our power but rather embrace it and welcome it. Make it one with your soul. The only thing I can offer her is warmth, but then again so can you." She pauses then finally turns to look at them. "The only thing that will work is if she accepts her power at this point rather than fearing what it can do if it breaks. I do not know what you want me to do otherwise." She says as she looks at Liza. "Do not be afraid of something that is a part of you."

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