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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Lab (IC)

Quetzalli nodded, sighing “Even a family curse?”
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she nods and looks at shadow
She gazes at it. "This is the best gift I have received in a long time... thank you! Both of you!" She smiles sweetly as she places it on her finer and looks at them as she holds out her arms. "C-Can I hug you both?"
Quetzalli nodded as well and hummed in thought as she practiced her magic more. The flowers curled around her arm and she smiled softly, watching them bloom and change colors
Shadow (played by Elisora)

She gave Liza a little wave.
Redstar (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

She stands up on her four paws and she walks over to Quetzalli, "Hewo, how are you today so far?" she asked, softly purring to her.
Tyra and pan (played by Kungfu6453)

Jules Geist wrote:
She gazes at it. "This is the best gift I have received in a long time... thank you! Both of you!" She smiles sweetly as she places it on her finer and looks at them as she holds out her arms. "C-Can I hug you both?"

They both nod. “ good luck unlocking it secret.”
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she smiles
Quetzalli smiled, “Hey Red. I-Im doing well, how are you?” She asked, “I-I’ve just been practicing magic. Jules helped m-me figure out how to summon magic instead of using it on already existing things.”
Redstar (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

"I'm great and that's awesome..." she purred as she hops on Quetzalli's head once more and she purrs softly at her, "Warm" she purred.
She hugs them both squeezing them into her ladies unintentionally. (XD) "I love this! Thank you guys!" She lets go and smiles wide. "I can't wait to find out the secret! Any hints?" She tilts her head oblivious as to what she did.
Quetzalli smiled “T-Thanks!” She then gently reached up and petted her a little, keeping her head still so she wouldn’t fall off
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she watches everyone else
Redstar (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

"Quetzalli, did you know your hair is soft and warm, just perfect for me" she purred
Tyra and pan (played by Kungfu6453)

Jules Geist wrote:
She hugs them both squeezing them into her ladies unintentionally. (XD) "I love this! Thank you guys!" She lets go and smiles wide. "I can't wait to find out the secret! Any hints?" She tilts her head oblivious as to what she did.

“ only if red glow may blue die and when yet you can’t let blue die but red but thrive to show you purple and you will learn the secret.”
Shadow (played by Elisora)

She tuned everyone else out as she held out a hand open palmed and summoned a ball of fire and she narrows her eyes on concentration and the flame started to intensify and turn blue.
"So I take it I need to have a healthy mix in order to open this? Like blue and red make purple?" She smiles. "I really enjoy this!"
Quetzalli smiled “T-Thank you! I-I’m glad you like my hair.” She hummed, “Y-You’d probably like my feathers as well.”

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