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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Lab (IC)

Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she smiles more
Redstar (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

She smiles back
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she hugs reddy
Jarod Brick (played by Burrito)

((What all did I miss?))
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

Jarod Brick (played by Burrito)

Jarod Brick (played by Burrito)

((Could you sum it up?))
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

((i dont know how))
Redstar (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

She hugs her back
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she smiles
((Just depends where you last left off xD))
Redstar (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

((See ye Foxy.))
Venom (played by BondJamesBond)

‘Ah, Alex Pheonix. We have not met.’
Alex looks over to a Reptile known as Venom. They both haven't met, in which he showed a polite, yet small smile to Venom's way. "No.. we have not..." He said calmly. "How have you been... Venom..?" He asks.
((When did you last leave off Jarod? I can fill you in a little of what I know. Also I'm back!))
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she yawns
((And wb Rachel -.-/ ))
Venom (played by BondJamesBond)

‘Been great! And no newcomers activated my rage form yet!’
((I feel so welcomed XD))

"Just let me know when you are ready to start Q." She smiles.

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