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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Lab (IC)

Jarod Brick (played by Burrito)

He yawned as he continued on his route, blocking out the guards' panicked noises due to fatigue.
Ace bender (played by Maddyakebena)

Ace pants softly. He would hear her voice. Calming down slightly. He spoke out loud, and then began to cry.

"I want to be in the cage with you again...I want to protect you, from that..beast, I can't be alone, or I will go insane."
Hearing her last lines before she casually disappeared in the blink of an eye, Alex looked back to the table and wondered quietly. "..Poor Jules..." He said on his mind, standing up from his place then placing his hands onto his pockets, beginning to walk away from the area they were once in. "..I need.... brr.. to find that book..." He said to himself, beginning to slowly glance around the corners, places, where it could be hidden, keeping his walking in a slow pace as he walked around the facility for it. Having a couple of ideas on his mind, maybe finding it wasn't going to be so hard. Though he never came across a single once of Jules' appearances in a room with the giggle, even if it happened, he wouldn't be paying too much attention to it. Knowing the situation at hand.
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Clyde!" She yells from down the hall. "You've been looking for me?" She tilts her head
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

Clyde ran to her. "What's wrong with Jules? What happened?" he grabbed Alyson by the shoulders
Tyra and pan (played by Kungfu6453)

Pan went to get his sister and brought her to ace cell and opened the cell and she walked to ace. Before closing the door. Tyra “ relax ace. Your not alone. I’m safe I promise.” She said in a calm voice.
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"I've heard from the grapevine she has been changed into a child. Well shes now like 6 years old. Shes scaring a lot of the staff here... but shes nearly impossible to find. Shes like a ghost! Everyone's looking for her book of spells but it's not so easy to locate." She sums it all up. "I'm worried... if we dont get her back to her normal self... she may revert back to her old ways." She knits her brows.
Tyra and pan (played by Kungfu6453)

Pan “ I think I could help I mean I do control shadows. So it be a lot easier for me to find it.”
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

"I think I know how to stop the kid" he went into her cell and put down some chocolate, before waiting for her. "Come here, Jules. I brought you a treat.."
The chocolate begins to burn and bubble before exploding. All that could be heard was a echo of a child's laughter.
Jarod Brick (played by Burrito)

The explosion snapped him out of his tired stupor, as he rushed towards the room.
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

"Bad idea" he wiped the chocolate off of his face. "Come here... Jules... Or you won't get to play outside... and you'll get a time out, maybe a spanking," he said, moving slowly.
She giggles some more as red wide eyes appear from the shadow in the corner. "I can do whatever I want! You cant catch me!" She says creepily as things begins flying around the room. Then everything drops and the eyes vanish along with her.
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

He tried to tackle her while she was talking, did he catch her?
Jarod Brick (played by Burrito)

He entered the room just in time for a chunk of metal to hit him in the head. He let out a cry of pain and surprise, looking around the room for the source of the metal.
She went right through his fingers as if she was a ghost before disappearing
Ace bender (played by Maddyakebena)

Ace would hug her tightly. Softly resting his head on her shoulder. The male would then sigh heavily.

"Don't leave..."
"Where could... brr... this book be.." He wondered as he paced the halls, already had walked in some rooms and out, yet still no trace of Jules' book. Still, there were many places it could be, he knew that. So he kept on trying to look for it, now taking in count of the oblivious places where it could be at this point.
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

He ran into the cell door and got up, his head bleeding. He shambled around, trying to find Alyson as he hoped Jules wasn't in the mood for murder
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"What an unfortunate time to come in Brick." She hands him a piece of cloth in case it was bleeding. "You just missed Jules. Need any ice?" She raises a brow

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