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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Lab (IC)

Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"venom, i have his soul, you might not want to try that"
"W-Wait! Th-Theres a symbol on my bed... its a key part to opening it... I think. I dont know but you have to say the correct wording... I just dont remember what it is... but once you do the book will appear." She smiles a little as she watches him draw in the air.
((Please no more deaths XD))
((Agreeeed xD))
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

((agreed, until i must kill, XD))
Venom (played by BondJamesBond)

“Wait a second... I FORGOT THE MUSTARD!”
Quetzalli smiled “T-Thank you for telling us!” She then thought “There’s probably something a-around that would tell us the word right?” She looked at them
((Ill think of something XD but ill send the symbol and for you gamers out there, you will know XD))
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

((Ill send it once yins are in there))

"M-Maybe?" She tilts her head. "Ill keep thinking."

(idk why im gettin a game vibe where Jules is like a character who lost something and you guys are the charcters XD like a quest)
Alex's smile just won't ever go down it seems as Young Jules is actually providing many more hints and clues to the gang. He even chuckled quietly to himself, keeping quiet as they speak and he draws. There wasn't really anything to say anymore, or so he thought as that question of Quetzalli came in mind for a moment. "..Check around it.." He pointed out, mainly talking to the air as he drew. "Usually the... words are engraved around.. the symbols... If not, then inside.. the lines.."
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

she goes to jules's cell
She pouts. "Wh-whats so f-funny" She puffs out her cheeks with a little pink in her cheeks.
((Lol XD))

Quetzalli nodded, going with Karma to Jule’s cell. She carefully looked at the bed where Jules said the symbol was
((I kinda have like an rpg vibe. Where Jules is like the main person in this, all of us are our different personas in the game grouped up to do this quest that requires 4 people to complete xD))
((nOw WaIt A mInUtE.. *Thonking intensifies*))
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)


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