((Ok, see you later!))
Quetzalli nodded, smiling. “O-Ok. It might take some getting used to.” She looked up at her
Quetzalli nodded, smiling. “O-Ok. It might take some getting used to.” She looked up at her
she nods"and you are adorable either way" she hugs q tightly
Quetzalli smiled, “T-Thanks!” She hugged her a little more and seemed really happy. Thinking for a moment, she asked, “S-So um, are there any rules I need to follow? T-the families who gave me back a-always had rules.”
She glares at him. "Did I now? As I recall someone robot was firing bullets quite loudly near me and noticeably and someone decided to come save a demon child who has the ability to heal. Sooo logically, I did not kill you, your robot did. I suggest you stop saying I killed you unless you actually want me too." Her cold gaze does not waver. "Let's also not forget who called me a bitch for no reason. Now I have forgiven you for that, but tell me i killed you one more time and i actually might." She clenches her fist as smoke simmers off her hair.
"just be yourself, whether that be a demonic child or a good one, i will love you either way"
she puts q down for a second and goes and hugs jules"calm down, it is all right" she looks at clyde"i was the one who collected your soul so it could be returned, if it were not for me, you would have not been sitting here talking, only two of us have that ability and one was unable to do it, so next time you think about being mean to her, remember that"
Quetzalli nodded. “O-Ok, I will.” She smiled, then watched her as she went off and stayed there in case Roman needed more medical attention.
Jules Geist wrote:
She glares at him. "Did I now? As I recall someone robot was firing bullets quite loudly near me and noticeably and someone decided to come save a demon child who has the ability to heal. Sooo logically, I did not kill you, your robot did. I suggest you stop saying I killed you unless you actually want me too." Her cold gaze does not waver. "Let's also not forget who called me a bitch for no reason. Now I have forgiven you for that, but tell me i killed you one more time and i actually might." She clenches her fist as smoke simmers off her hair.
"Maybe if you didn't aggravate my robot in the first place..." he calmed down. "I forgive you, Jules. I'm sorry for blaming you" he looked guilty
She lightly pushes off Karma. "Please... I'm not in a good mood right now... and Clyde I did nothing wrong. I was protecting.... nevermind. I dont know what I should say right now but I dont want to accept you apology at the moment." She sighs. "Just... everyone leave me alone for awhile."her head droops down a little as she disappears into the shadows. She teleports to the outside away from everyone and stares up at the sky. She reaches up and closes her eyes. "I'm the monster all over again... I tried to be good... i try all the time but i just end up the monster all over again... Damn you Satan... why... did you do this to me..." she covers her face as silent tears trickle down her cheeks.
she blinks and slams the wall with her fist"look at what you have done now, clyde, you hurt her feelings, should i put a burn in your chest for doing that so you never do it again" both her gauntlets turn white due to being heated up to that temperature
"Karma please. She is hurting because of all this too and Clyde blaming her didnt help. So dont go hurting people over a misunderstanding. We have all suffered enough for one day." She sighs watching everything that transpired.
"Also, thank you Karma. I am very grateful that you saved his soul." She bows .
Alyson wrote:
"Karma please. She is hurting because of all this too and Clyde blaming her didnt help. So dont go hurting people over a misunderstanding. We have all suffered enough for one day." She sighs watching everything that transpired.
He frowned. "It's just....I... just..." he got up. "I'll be in my office" he walked away
she growls"i have the inability to do anything else, i am pissed and he is now my target, if he knew how to keep his mouth shut and be nice, i would not be pissed, it was not her fault that any of this happened she was not herself, the young me would have already murdered all of you without remorse, i do not kill out of just pure want to kill now, i kill because i cannot stop, if anyone knows the past is the past it is me, because as you can see, i killed no one in here, in fact, i kept him alive which ended up hurting me, making me cough up my blood, his robot attacked and he assumed that it was her fault, tell me again WHY i should calm down now, Jules is one of the few things that keeps me calm and he made her run away" her eyes turn pure red now
"Clyde... at least thank her for saving your soul!" She sighs. "I should go talk to him. Hes been through a lot too... probably very traumatized." She waves them off and follows him.
she puts karma on ice"god damn, it has been a while since i have seen this much blood lust in her"
He went to his room, sighing as he sat down and went through his computer files. He seemed annoyed and somewhat traumatized
She knocks on the door. "Clyde? Can I come in?" She asks softly.
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