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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Lab (IC)

Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"what are you doing"
((Ok, I will!))

Quetzalli smiled “I-I was just walking and talked with someone named Scar. And you?”
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"just wandering around, thought about meeting the new scientists, one is a dragon, i can smell two dragons now though, one appeared from thin air"
“R-Really?” She looked at her curiously, “I-I wonder who it is.”
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"based on it not smelling right, a revived family member, but it also has a robotic smell"
“M-Maybe they had to replace parts?” Quetzalli hummed slightly, “E-Either way it just seems odd, coming back from the dead.... I-I would think it would be pretty weird.”
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"coming back from hell is disorientating"
Quetzalli nodded softly, “I-It must be hard to adjust back to this world, e-especially when in time you’d probably have to go back. I-Is it true that it’s different for each person, l-like reliving their worst moments over and over again?”
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"your worst fears come true if you are one of the poor souls sent there and you have done plenty of wrong, I have not seen anyone who has not been tortured in some way, shape, or form"
Quetzalli nodded softly “I-I see.... well hopefully I-I won’t go to hell when I-I die. I-It sounds kind of silly saying it but I-I don’t like torture.” She looked up at Karma with a slight chuckle, “I-It just seems like something so obvious to most that I’ve observed.”
appears from nowhere"i was not tortured, i literally had nothing happen to me"
Quetzalli jumped in surprise from the sudden appearance but looked at her and nodded slightly “O-Oh?” She tilted her head, almost cat like, in curiosity
"of course, you quite literally have to be fearless"
Quetzalli nodded softly, “S-So you don’t fear anything at all then?” She looked curious, “I-Interesting, I’ve never heard of anyone w-who didn’t have a fear.”
"well once i got to go to hell, i had no fear of losing my sister, because i was already in hell, and i knew that, also i cant really go mentally insane, i am mostly muscle after all"
“A-Are you saying that your muscle keeps your mind from being damaged?” She looked confused, “I-I’m sorry I’m asking so many questions, I’m just curious. You don’t have to answer them I-if you don’t want to.” She realized she might be too invasive with the questions
"i just dont think much"
Quetzalli nodded, “I-I see. Well that’s always a-a good protection against that stuff.” She then smiled at her in a friendly manner, “I-I’m Quetzalli by the way, I’m sorry I-I forgot to introduce myself.”
"i can read your mind, but thanks for the introduction anyway, i am cyra"
“Nice t-to meet you.” She smiled, internally she really hoped she couldn’t see too much though. Having thought about that nightmare she had most of the day she quickly pushed it from thought now that she realized there were mind readers there.

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