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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Lab (IC)

Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She looks up hearing Clyde's voice. "Oh hello. My names Alyson." She says as she looks at the cube with smile. "What's your name?" She asks softly.
The Cube (played anonymously)

It was silent for a moment, before speaking. "I was not given a designation by my creators, though some of the people here have begun calling me 'Cubey'"
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

"I started it" he admitted
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Cubey? Well that's a name... personally I like Blu or something more... wellnot related to your shape." She chuckles. "Why dont you pick a name? Something you like perhaps." She says with a bright smile as she tucks the pen behind her ear.
The Cube (played anonymously)

"Hm. Very well, allow me a moment to contemplate." It said, the reddish blue color returning to a bright cyan. "Would the name Acom be acceptable?" ((And yes, I just thought up some random letters, don't judge me.))
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"If you like it, then of course we can call you Acom." She says sweetly before looking at Clyde. "Dont be too sad he didnt choose Cubey." She giggles and kisses his cheek. She then looks back at Acom. "Are you shadowing Clyde here?" She asks softly .
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

He frowned, but smiled as he kissed her cheek
The Cube (played anonymously)

"I suppose so." It said, and would have shrugged if it could. "He is assisting me in gathering knowledge, so yes, that term would be appropriate."
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Well be careful. We have some violent ones here if you trigger them." She warns. "If you need any help. Please let me know!" She says edith a bright smile.
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

He smiled. "Isn't she pretty?" he asked Acom
The Cube (played anonymously)

"As i've told you, I have no sense of sight, so I am unable to determine the physical looks of the one you call Alyson." It said in response to Clyde.
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

The Cube wrote:
"As i've told you, I have no sense of sight, so I am unable to determine the physical looks of the one you call Alyson." It said in response to Clyde.

He nodded. "I think she's pretty. Really pretty" he said, before saying. "ANd I look like a garbage can
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She blushes softly. "Clyde, you are going to make me blush." She says with slight embarrassment.
The Cube (played anonymously)

"Truly? I've come across many constructs in my time, but never a garbage can." It said, completely serious.
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"You do not! You are very handsome to me!" She says before kissing his cheek. "Well, Acom. Welcome aboard." She says with a smile.
The Cube (played anonymously)

"Thank you. I am.... glad to be here."
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

"If she says i'm handsome, then I guess I am"
The Cube (played anonymously)

"Hm. That's a lot of stock to put into a subjective opinion."
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

"Yep..." he said softly
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"I mean my word is good." She says as she smiles. "Well I will see you both around. Oh and stay safe." She says softly.

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