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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Lab (IC)

Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

He smiled. "I-I love you Alyson"
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"As do I love you Clyde." She smiles and kisses his cheek. "Now go lay down for a bit okay? You need some rest." She smiles warmly.
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

He nodded and wrapped his arms around her, pressing his chest against hers
Morana (played anonymously)

The bird landed on Clyde. “ do I need to carry you again?”

( well it is a spirit familiar to a grim it not by any means a normal bird.)
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She giggles. "This doesnt look like resting. Also, you do know we're not alone. " she whispers as she hugs him back
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

He nodded as he pulled away from her body, though it was clear he didn't want to and went to lay down
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

Before he went to lay down she gave him a quick kiss and then turns to everyone there. "Looks like the lab is popular today huh?" She chuckles softly.
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

He smiled as she kissed him, before closing his eyes
Redstar (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

“Yep” she giggled and she started to purr once more, “Your hair is warm and soft Alyson” she added as she purred loudly
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Well I'm glad you like it." She smiles warmly as she sits on front of a heater. This typically helps her relax. The heater would warm her legs mostly. She wasnt stressed at the moment thanks to everyone's help but she needed to heat up her legs from her previous episode.
Redstar (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

She purrs at Alyson once more and she yawns a bit, trying not to fall asleep on Alyson’s head.
Damian (played anonymously)

((Yo, anyone wanna help dunk this dud in there? It's Nobody's creator btw, just wanted to keep both characters as played by anonymous, makes me feel better))
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"You can fall asleep if you want! I'll wake you up in a few." She says as she gently pets Red.

((Lemme check him out more closely! Then I'll try to help))
Morana (played anonymously)

The spirit bird leaves Clyde as it senses something off and went to find Damian. “ hello?”
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

((Lol well there ya go XD ))
Redstar (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

She slowly fell asleep on her head and she curled up in a ball while on her head as well.
Damian (played anonymously)

((Oooooookkkkkkkk..... I'll, dunk em' in and communicate with this girl XD))

A young male stood, being dragged in by a bunch of guards, with him not fighting at all, eye sad and dull as the colour seemed to have been dragged from it, not veing able to tell what color it had originally been. His half broken horn and half little semi-circle showing off what he'd once been. What he still was, and what he'd be for as long as he lived. His other eye was hidden, if at all there, by his bangs of long hair, reaching his shoulders. Whatever skin was uncovered was littered with scars, exept his face, that seemed to have only a couple, one on his lip, another on his eyebrow, one on his left ear, Several on his neck. He saw the bird, and his impassive expression remained the same as he answered, "Hello" His voice quiet and deep, soft and somehow still tired.
Morana (played anonymously)

“ what wrong? How can I help?” The bird asked softly. “ my mistress needs more friends.. do you need a friend?” The bird seemed really nice and had a calming presence.
Damian (played anonymously)

"It's... nice of you... to want to help... but what they did to me can't be fixed" He said softly, raising a shackled hand and petting some of her feathers softly, barely grazing them. He gave the slightest and smallest of smiles, "Thank you for the offer... however, a friend would be... nice" He said, taking small deep breaths as he took another step, as the guards seemed to be getting impatient.
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She stands up being extra careful with Red on her head. "Afol, Clyde and everyone in here, I'll be be back. I am going to get a coffee." She smiles and walks down the hall with Red on her head still

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