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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Lab (IC)

Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

((that is just mean alex, remind me to leave you a scar for later))
((Man, Q rn feels like she's on a mental cage, not sure if to help, or not. Doesn't even know what's the right or wrong choice anymore. Zoinks.))
((Sowwy Winter xD))
((Poor karma lol))
((Venom sounds so determined lol))
((Please no more deaths XD))
((Agreeeed xD))
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

((agreed, until i must kill, XD))
((Ill think of something XD but ill send the symbol and for you gamers out there, you will know XD))
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

((I kinda have like an rpg vibe. Where Jules is like the main person in this, all of us are our different personas in the game grouped up to do this quest that requires 4 people to complete xD))
((nOw WaIt A mInUtE.. *Thonking intensifies*))
((yeah but its a saying excluding the firefly part :3))
((Also fun fact, Jules has this tattoo on her right chest!))
((Here is Jules I made ages ago XD it shows more of her features like horns and tats
11550bf975c627ff805a8fa3194d48be.jpg ))
(( :0 Now dat's a drawing.))
Karma (played by Serpentina_Winter)

((oh no, it is even more hot*nosebleed*))

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