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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Lab (IC)

She frowned, for now, her question remained a mystery. She closed her eyes, attempting to fall asleep.
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

He let her brushing her hair a little to try to help her
She let out a small sigh, before falling into a deep, dreamless, sleep.
Nobody (played anonymously)

Nobody almost didn't have need for sleep, he only needed about 4 hours of sleep during a week, so he was just standing in the corner of his confinement, or whatever it was, looking like a shadow.
After the strang guard had left, she opened her eyes, pulling out the small red flower.
"It will be ok...We'll find a way out..." She whispered to it softly.
Liliath was sitting in her room growling and screaming
Nobody (played anonymously)

Nobody, after a while, fell asleep, his body relaxing, and low rumbles going through his body, second mouth open.

To anyone, it might've sounded like an angry and dangerous animal.
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

The guards continued to check for awake specimens
Aspen sat on her bed, staring at the small red flower in her hand.
Venom (played by BondJamesBond)

Venom gave up at the elemental gate because he kept getting electrocuted. ‘Hello. I haven’t seen your face before.’ He thought to aspen
Aspen jumped a bit, dropping the small flower.
"I-I'm new...I guess." She'd frown at the unknown creature, not being able to see him.
Venom (played by BondJamesBond)

‘I’m a dilophosaur. A formerly extinct creature. But I have telepathic powers. What species are you?’
"I-I don't know...I don't even know why I'm here..." She'd brush her long blond hair out of her face, frowning.
Venom (played by BondJamesBond)

‘I can sense you have a strong mental connection with plants. Why is that?’
She looked up at the ceiling. "They were the ones that raised me...I learned their ways after a while, or...They made me part of them. Of nature..." She smiled softly.
Nobody (played anonymously)

Nobody, less than an hour later awoke, as he felt refreshed and not ready to oversleep. He heard the girl he was talking to earlier, talking to... herself? It doesn't matter, talking to oneself is supposedly a sign of a healthy brain.
Aspen lay on the small bed, staring up at the ceiling. Questions flying through her mind.
Venom (played by BondJamesBond)

‘Hmm.. perhaps I have cloaked myself. I shall reveal myself to you!’ He thinks to them as he reveals himself.
She looked surprised at first, but then again this is probably normal in a place like this.
"Oh...I've heard of your kind before...They told me..."
Nobody (played anonymously)

Nobody just sits there, wondering what day it is still.

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