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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Lab (IC)

Theron set up his stuff at his desk, unaware of what was going on elsewhere in the facility.
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

"Valdis... why you.." he sighed, turning to Cessiar. "As much as I want to hurt you, I can't" he put the knife back. "Keep your temper, manticore," he said as he walked off. "I think Theron is here too"
She finished sorting the mail. All is where it should be. She stretched as she spread her wings. She heard a commotion coming from the kitchen and made her way down there.
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Goid morning Theron! Traffic get ya again?" She asks as she looks up from her paperwork.
Theron looked at Alyson and nodded, smiling a little. “Yeah... I swear, all of the traffic that I have to go through to get here is going to be the end of me one of these days,” he said.
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She chuckles. "Well, maybe one day you'll sprout wings and fly here." She smiles. "I know it would make for a quick commute." She gives a warm laugh.
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

He wanted to talk to Alyson, but he didn't want to bother his girlfriend over anything, so he kept his cool and looked at the specimens. (What if the guys talked about how hot Clyde was in front of Alyson XD)
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

(Guys do that toward other guys in casual convos? I mean guys who like guys do I'm sure, but I guess im out of the loop)
// Valdis doesn't drool over guards ;3
Theron giggled a little. “I wish I could sprout wings. That would be so cool,” he said, sorting some paperwork on his desk. “Have I missed anything interesting?”
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Hmmm I thought I had something good going in this experiment... but Valdis said I was all wrong. Can you maybe help me? See if you see what I cant?" She tilts her head as she holds out her notes
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

((Meh, tough crowd))

Clyde heard Jules and smirked. "Back so soon, bitch?" he asked, hearing her come over. He forgot to give sidearms to the scientists just in case, but he wanted to see her reaction
“Sure. I can try,” Theron said, walking over and taking the notes. “What’s the experiment for?” He asked as he looked over the notes.
"Dont test me boy." She says as she continues walking. "I mean if a potato can beat you up, I have nothing to fear." She smirks as she heads down the corridor.
Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros) Topic Starter

He pulled out his sidearm. "Maybe a .357 Magnum?" he smiled as he pretended to shoot her, before going to grab the sidearms for the scientist and knocking on the door. "Special delivery for some special scientists!" he yelled
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

(When you had no idea for an experiment and now I have to think fast 😅)

"Well... it's hard to explain... that's kind of a coverup experiment for what I'm actually working on but the science is all the same." She looks around. "Hiw do you feel about monsters." She asks. "Be honest!" She whispers since everyone there seems to hate them
She didnt flinch. "Guns dont frighten me boy." She days with a swift turn to her next destination.
Alyson (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Oh? Guns? What for?" She tilts her head.
Theron chewed on his lip a little as he considered his answer. “Personally... I don’t like calling them monsters. I honestly feel a bit bad for them. I mean, many of them probably didn’t ask to be who they are,” he whispered to Alyson.
Theron jumped a little at the sudden knocking. He felt confused, wondering what they needed guns for.

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