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Dragon ball Ocs (played by Lady-Angiris)

Hey, It's nice to meet you. My name is Rose and I have just gotten back from a month long hiatus due to some family problems, My grandfather died and it affected me greatly. It stole a lot of my creativity away and for the longest time I have not had any want or drive to Roleplay. I have been roleplaying for almost 2 decades and it bothers me that something that had been apart of my life for so long is suddenly something that doesn't interest me.

This is my attempt to try to get back into it so just a heads up.

  • No Op Characters. (Gods, Super Saiyan Gods or otherwise) (Universe 13 Arc only)
  • 2+ Paragraphs Please
  • 3rd Person Rpers
  • Ability to Communicate in a separate chat. ( I have had many rps die because they didn't like something I did and didn't speak up.)
  • Help control the story.... Make NPCs or something to help drive the story don't expect me to do it all.... It burns me out quickly.

Below are two Plots I have made but these are simply suggestions If you have an idea that you want to rp or suggest send it my way.

Universe 13 Timeline

*The Past 7 years ago*

Kuri’s brow furrowed as the battle raged outside causing the ship to shake violently as a stray blast clipped the shields, “Frieza!!!” An angry voice rang out and seconds later flashes of light erupted through the ship's window causing a small stream of light to briefly flash on Kuri’s face, She had been following along with the outside battle for quite some time now. Ever since she was defeated in the battle for planet Qlintop she had been able to sense people and how strong they were, It was like seeing without actually seeing.

From what she could tell Bardock a male Saiyan she had met long ago during one of Frieza’s mission had learned what Frieza had planned for planet Vegeta and was attempting to save the planet and their race from utter extinction. Sadly. . . This wasn’t meant to be.

“Come out and Fight me!” Bardock had taken out dozens of Frieza’s men on his rampage towards the ship and was now calling Frieza out to fight him, Little did Bardock know Frieza was thousands of times stronger than any of the current Saiyans. He could train for a decade and not get close to Frieza’s full power, Kuri had witnessed it and still had nightmares about it. She would never admit it to people but just thinking about that terrifying power made her hands shake in fear and sheer excitement.

She could sense a powerful attack race across the vacuum of space towards Frieza who by this points power was growing tremendously fast, So much so that Kuri could feel her hair stand on end and goose bumps begin to form all over her body. This was the moment that her race’s fate had been decided, A massive Blast the size of a small moon raced towards the planet and almost instantly the fight was over, The molten Ki destroyed Bardock along with frieza’s own men and the planet.

Seconds later the planet exploded the flash erupted through the ship's window into her healing tank, It was that very moment Kuri’s eyes shot open and her power raged around her. “What's going on! Kuri what are you doing! You’ll destroy the machine!” A Soldier named Pli Pli raced over in an attempt to calm her down but as soon as he reached the tank a blast had already formed in her palm of her hand, Moments later she unleashed it, The Ki beam melted through the tanks glass and disintegrated the man within an instant.

“Huh. . . I’ve gotten stronger, Interesting. . . I’ve got no time to sit around flexing my new strength.” She couldn’t sense anyone from the planet anymore, No life or power levels nothing at all. . . Everyone she had known or cared about was dead, Wiped out by a power hungry tyrant. Quickly she raced over towards a locker and punched through the lock, Pulling the door free she saw a new type of Saiyan armor she had never seen before. Within moments she had put the damn things on and running down the hall towards the escape pods.

The lights turned red as the alarm went off alerting people to the sudden attack from the inside, Dozens of guards raced out of the halls only to be disintegrated by her blasts, She wished she could preserve a few of them as she had grown fond of them but knew they were loyal to Frieza and since he destroyed Planet Vegeta and her race she figured she was next on his list. . . She wasn’t about to let that happen.

After a few minutes of running she saw the doors to the escape pods and as she approached her hand flew out firing another blast through the door melting the metal within seconds, After she ran in she raced towards the pod and hopped in. Her hands danced over the controls punching in a random planets coordinates and after a few seconds of humming the pod dropped into space then raced off in a random direction. . . She had escaped.

*Present time*

Beep Beep Beep
An alarm went off causing Kuri to open her eyes, Kuri had been traveling for almost 7 years now from planet to planet searching for Prince Vegeta. She must have visited over 300 planets by this point each one of them had been previous Saiyan bases used in the wars against the planet's inhabitants, Each time she found a small bit of information on the prince and she had learned that the Saiyan had gone to planet earth. . .Where he got defeated by a Saiyan who had been raised on earth.

What was worse was the fact that not 2 years later she learned that very same Saiyan who beat Vegeta had killed Frieza and the Ginyu force. . . He had also become the Legendary Super Saiyan, That pissed her off to no end. The Prince deserved to become the legend and if he wasn’t up to the task then she would, Only high-class warriors should be able to attain that power and a low-class meat-shield had achieved it.

Due to that disgusting news she was now headed off to earth to team up with Prince Vegeta and to kill that bastard who became the legend. It's been almost a full month since she left the planet she had been hanging on, If she recalled correctly it was Frieza planet 419. . . Nobody ever went there for some reason. Anyway she was now crammed into a small pod with only a small window in front of her for entertainment, She had to watch herself fly through the cosmos where her pod constantly kept smashing into rocks and that's when it happened, The pod smashed into something sharp and it caused her to fly out into utter darkness. The pod flashed red and a voice she had never heard cried out. “Hull Integrity damaged Emergency landing required, In Order to preserve Oxygen Hibernation mode shall engage immediately. “ A thick blue mist began to seep into the pod through the small vents and her eyes grew heavy, after a few minutes of breathing the gas in she passed out.

Kuri snapped out of her trance as a large rock smacked against the windshield of the pod causing a small crack to form.“Hull stability critical, Emergency protocols activated. Crash imminent, Prepare for landing.” She didn’t have time to think, She couldn’t question how long she had been out or how far she had traveled. The only thing she was allowed to do was save herself. The pod shook violently as it veered off its normal course aimed for this blue and green planet she could see in the distance, Was that her destination? “How long till we land?”

“Approximately 16 minutes and 38 seconds” Kuri reached over and began pulling open compartments to trying to find some kind of mechanism or button to help her during this situation but she only found a green scouter, normally she would use these but she no longer needed them. The viewport suddenly erupted into flames as it entered the atmosphere of the planet, Sweat began to form on Kuri’s brow as the pod grew incredibly hot. She only saw the forest below her for a second before the pod slammed into the ground, the impact created a crater the size of a small city.

Pain surged through Kuri’s body as the pod slammed into the ground causing her to surge forward slamming into the pods interior. She felt as if she got hit by a truck, everything she had ached with a dull pain but she knew it would quickly pass.. Kuri reached forward pressing a button on the inside of the pod and a second later the door wooshed open, Slowly she stood up out of the pod and looked around at the planet. “I am here Prince Vegeta. . . Time to reclaim our honor as Saiyans. . . "

Little did the woman know she was no longer in her universe.... during the 7 years of travel she had been transported into another universe to help progress a villainous plot.

Evil Timeline

(Main Timeline or Timeline (A) 2 years After The Tournament of Power)
Location: (Between Universes 6 & 7)

Mezca stood before the planet-sized dragon balls, it had taken her a full year to track them all down and gather them here between universes. “Finally the time for my revenge has come.” A single tear began to form on the corner of her eye as she felt him die, once at the hands of Beerus the Destroyer and another at the hands of Xenos the king of Everything. She stood there for a long moment rage building inside her snuffing out the sadness and replacing it with rage. “ Master Zamasu I promised to avenge you and I will finish what you started.” She took a step back on the small platform she had created in this void between universe 6 & 7 and began to speak the words in the language of the gods. “Come forth, Dragon of the Gods — Grant my wish, pretty peas!"

An Explosion of light erupted from the planet-sized dragon balls that nearly blinded the Kai as she stood there eyes forced closed waiting patiently for the dragon to appear. After a few moments the light ceased allowing her to open her eyes and when she did she nearly choked the sheer size of the thing was ridiculous. She had never witnessed something like this ever in all her hundreds of years...had Zamasu really stood before this monstrous thing?

The dragon began to roar so loudly she thought her eardrums were gonna burst, the Shell around the dragon shattered and it began to soar into the heavens growing and tripling in size until it dwarfed the hundreds of galaxies before it. She felt like an atom before the beast it was so terrifyingly huge it could swallow an entire galaxy within seconds. She closed her eyes then disappeared reappearing across the galaxy until she stood on an asteroid in front of its face. She stood there for a long moment taking in fully what she was about to do, Reassuring herself that she would succeed where her master had failed and once she was finally ready she began to speak in the language of the gods once again. “Oh, Great Shenron Please grant my wish! I wish for the body of a great female Saiyan, One with the potential to finish what my master started!”

The dragon's eyes began to glow crimson and a second later she felt her body begin to tingle, it felt as if every molecule in her body was vibrating then a second later her body disappeared. Her skin was now tan no longer a purplish hue, her hair was no longer pink or long it was short and black. She could even feel a slight twitch in her lower back as if she now had some kind of extension of her body an appendage that she didn’t have before.

The dragon roared once again shrinking by the second its job had been completed and it wished to return to its slumber, After a few seconds, it returned to the balls it had come from and they surged throughout the galaxy once again hiding amongst the stars of the twin universes. She reached up feeling her now long black hair and grinned wickedly, this body would do nicely she could already tell it was stronger than her old one now it was just a matter of disposing of her old body but first things first she had one last thing to do before she could Finish plan Zero.

Timeline: (2 Minutes Prior to the Wish being made Timeline (B) Was just created by Saiyan Mezca)
Location: (Between Universes 6 & 7)

Mezca held up her hand, her ring began to glow as she shot herself back into another timeline and appeared right next to a copy of herself just as she was about to make the same wish. At first her past self-took a stance clearly startled and aggravated by the sudden intrusion but noticed the clothing the Saiyan wore. “So it's going to be like that eh?” Mezca burst out laughing, finding humor in the irony Zamasu had done the exact same thing that they were doing now hopefully they didn’t meet the same fate. “They do say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. This time, however, we are not going to make the same mistakes he did.”

They both turned towards the great dragon in unison, Both speaking at the exact same time both in the language of the gods. “ We wish for immortality.” They wanted to laugh but watched as the dragon gave the Kai an immortal body. The Kai turned towards Mezca “How do we tell if it's?” She never got to finish her sentence as a blast fired through her chest creating a large cavity, The Kai dropped to the ground, for a moment Mezca (Saiyan) thought she had just killed herself but the hole started to heal itself and she stood back up. “I guess it worked but what do I call you, if we are both Mezca it's gonna get confusing.” The Saiyan took a step back bringing a finger to her chin as she thought of an idea. “How about this, We find out the name of this bodies current resident and then kill them, After that, I will assume their name. Sound good?”

Timeline: (Timeline B 2 years After The Tournament of Power)
Location: (Universe 6, Planet Unknown)

They both closed their eyes feeling out with their senses and after a few seconds locked on the girl and disappeared, After a few moments they both appeared on a barren wasteland of a planet, a girl stood before her but instead of having the body of a Kai it was an exact replica of the one Mezca now possessed.

Mezca's eyes narrowed in annoyance, This was the girl that showed so much promise? She didn’t look like much then again the super dragon balls wouldn’t go against her wish. She might not look like much but she had the potential to be something great and that greatness was about to be snuffed out. “You girl what is your name?”

Kuri stood there for a long moment confused as to why there was another person who looked exactly like her, she stood up from the rock she had been sitting on and walked towards the two strangers. “Its Kuri what of it? Why do you look like me and who the hell is that with you?”

Her questions never got answered, nearly seconds after she stated her name Mezca had appeared in front of the girl her hand shoved through her chest her fingers piercing her heart. Mezca slowly leaned in and pressed her lips against the Saiyans ear whispering intimately to her as if she was a past lover of hers. “Thank you for your body and the name, Be proud it shall be known throughout time and space. Now visit the rest of your failed species in hell.” She opened her hand, feeling the blood and guts shift inside the girl and released a ki wave so large it engulfed the girl erasing her from existence.

The new Kuri took a step back away from the crater she had just created and jerked her hand to the side quickly causing the blood to fly off her hand and onto the ground. “Now that's taken care of where shall we begin? Mezca?”

The Kai grinned wickedly and took a few steps towards herself wrapping her arms around her pulling her into a hug. “I think you already know the answer to that question Kuri.” They both stayed like that for a long moment then disappeared once again as their rings glowed sending them once again through time.

Timeline: (Timeline C)
Time Period: Unknown
Location: (Universe 7, Planet Earth)

A woman dressed in a black armor and a Kai dressed in white instantly appeared from thin air hovering over a large city, it had been millennia since they had been here. They remembered watching the barbaric humans hunt and could even recall the life forms that started it all by crawling out from the water. “This brings back memories, to bad we are about to erase them.”

They hovered over the city staring at it for as long as they could burning the image into their minds, The city looked quite beautiful and technologically advanced, they even began to wonder what time they were in but figured it didn’t matter at all. Their plan was to wipe out all mortals, it didn’t matter where or when they were from they would all die.

"This is a perfect place to enact plan Zero." they both said in unison, They both held their hands out palms open facing towards the center of the city. “This is for you my Master.” A moment later energy began to form in the center of their palms creating small red orbs, then as quickly as it was made it fired like a dart towards the city racing down towards the center; the moment it hit the orb expanded wiping out the entire city in an instant. The blast looked like a nuclear explosion and it sounded like one too, a bright light erupted illuminating the night the night sky making it appear as if it was day; then disappeared as quickly as it had come. "A pity... I do enjoy hearing them scream.” Mezca said as she turned towards Kuri. “ Maybe the next city I'll take my time instead of blowing it up straight away... might as well enjoy ourselves."

Kuri turned her head towards a city in the distance feeling a very familiar energy, Mezca also felt it and turned her head as well. “It appears there is another of us in this timeline. Have we already chosen to enact plan zero?” Kuri closed her eyes feeling out the energy out for a long moment. “No it's just me or well a copy, their energy is similar to mine however they are a lot weaker then I am.”

“What should we do then? They could aid us in our plan.” Mezca turned towards the Saiyan, she wasn’t too sure about the whole idea of having some weaker version of her sticking around. It wasn’t something they could afford especially if they had already drawn attention to themselves.

“Let's deal with this now, We will dispose of this copy but first we must know what time we are in. It could… post useful.” They both vanished within an instant appearing a moment later beside the copy, they both stared at each other for a long moment then they all smiled. It was true there was a copy of them here the question was why was she alone?

Location: West City

The copy turned towards the pair, she was surprised to find her selves here but worst-case scenario she just gained two more allies. “Did you guys just arrive?”

The pair looked at each other then looked at the copy, they should kill her but the longer they stood here the more the memories came flooding back. This was the time Zamasu was from, this was where it all began however it was much earlier then they had expected to arrive it. The planet was untouched and from what they could sense none of the people who had defeated Lord Zamasu were around? Was this timeline changed somehow based on their actions?

They both began to speak in unison as they both realized that the timeline they were in was a completely unique timeline that hadn’t existed moments ago. “Yes, we did, However…” They both floated together each one outstretched their arm and opened their palms. “Now that we know just how interesting this timeline is we would prefer not having a lesser version of us running around.” They both unleashed a massive wave of Black and Red Ki at the copy.

The copy locked her arms together in an X in an attempt to shield herself from the blast however she was sent flying through some nearby buildings hard causing the ground to shake. Pain laced through her as she laid their shocked at what her counterparts were doing, Why were they going to kill her? She was them she was their ally! She didn’t have time to think of an answer. They were on her in seconds one firing Ki blasts from a distance the other up close and personal, their teamwork was outstanding then again she expected it to be considering they were one and the same thing was she knew their moves as well.

The copy summoned her energy and fired a dozen Ki waves at Mezca sending her flying through a few buildings then focused her attention on Kuri, she raced at her and they each began exchanging blows so hard that each strike sounded like cannon fire. “Why are you doing this!” Her only answer was a smile and a punch in the gut. “Because we have no need for a weaker version of us if we are to enact plan Zero.”

Kuri spun and kicked her towards the ground, the moment she hit a crater formed causing dust to fly up and the ground to shake once again. “We know this is the timeline is completely untouched by Lord Zamasu.” Kuri shouted at the top of her lungs, a moment Mezca appeared beside her. “We shall pave the way to his ascension, We will wipe this universe clean and present it to him as a gift.” They both opened their palms one final time, Crimson energy forming in the centers of their palms. “Watch us Finish what he started from the afterlife.” They both unleashed blasts stronger than the ones before. The blasts obliterated the copy instantly, she screamed but it couldn’t be heard over the earth splitting crack as the blast created a building-sized crater. Not a single trace remained of the person who had just been there.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

I think I’d be interested in this, though can I use characters I haven’t created pages for?
Dragon ball Ocs (played by Lady-Angiris) Topic Starter

I'd prefer they have a sheet I can look at before we rp, It helps me determine if they are gonna be broken or not.
ragemachine wrote:
I think I’d be interested in this, though can I use characters I haven’t created pages for?

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