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Forums » Looking for RP » Starting a Saga (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

The Dungeoneer (played anonymously)

Starting a Saga. Hmm.. you probably clicked on this topic out of curiosity or just for your day-to-day Repository browsing. Whether that be the case or the latter, I'll get to the point.

Starting this Saga will incur a series of "quests" or "objectives" which all fall into place for a Bigger Scheme. So you can paint the picture better if you're lost already despite how brief I'm making this post, refer to the anime 'Devil May Cry' as an example and how they chained each episode together for a finale. Me, personally, will not have a static character for the usage of these segments as I will do what my name describes. I'll be your guide, if anything. The one who modifies the terrain, creating points of interest, giving plot dialogue. This would mean that key NPCs are under my control.

This RP DOES have an ending! So don't just expect we'll get to the point where we're walking around in circles spewing the same nonsense and 'trying' to re-invest a dieing subject/topic/etc/etc.

The Saga will be Semi-Open with a party cap of 3 (maybe 4[not including myself]) At the same time that I'm typing this I'm a bit at cross-roads on whether to disclose the general layout of this roleplay, because I do want to keep some twists and what-not a surprise for those of you that participate.

KNOW that the types of areas the roleplay will be sourced around holds no real consistency. You will find yourself roleplaying sailing a ship, trekking barren lands, delving into unmapped caves and even a few goodie 'events' that happen to spice things up a bit and give a key villain to thwart. An example of an event that's been toiling in my mind was for each of the party members awaken inside a moving train, no occupants, but the party members themselves. Each train car is embedded with a 'Reflector' rune to keep inhumane escape. This locomotive harbors a key item that will be of use later in the Saga, however so long as the Artifact remains onboard the runes will remain powered.

Please Note: If you are apart of a duration of the 'Episodes'; say you complete one or so with the rest of the group, but then you feel as though you don't feel like you don't want to continue on. Do let me know as soon as possible so I can find a replacement or possibly even incorporate the loss of a party member as a part of the story plot.

If you've made it this far into the post then read my Profile so you know just how I will go about being your Dungeoneer!

Questions? Feel free to ask
Suggestions? Willing to hear out all the voices.
Participation? Message me or post here which character you'd like to use and I'll message you with the location of the thread (when made)

Roster 1: Aranel, Zaida(TheLily), Aearion, Libertine - FINALIZED -> Crow will be moved to this party shortly
Roster 2: Ruawyn - (1 of 4)

EDIT(2) [This is really for after the party has been finalized, but read anyway) If in any event a theme or something makes you feel uncomfortable, I'll be sure to make modifications to better suit your comfortability. If you want to throw in a bit of romance to get some inter-party drama/excitement/whatever, by all means. However do not let it become some core focus that gets YOU as a person thrown out of whack and will no longer be able to continue due to 'emotional issues'. I want this to be enjoyable for all to participate and even read!

EDIT(3) Just so everyone is aware. The theme will revolve around the transition between Medieval and Steampunk eras. So in some cases you may see horses, others you may see some ridable mechanical vehicle so you get an idea.

Link for Roster 1 Thread

Link for Roster 2 Thread

Note: If you would like for your character to develop abilities along this story that are canon, please let me know so I don't suddenly suggest that your character is imbued with abilities due to the completion of an objective.";
Aranel Galeantara (played anonymously)

I'm really surprised no one else has bombarded you with "PICK ME" comments and stuff. This is a wonderful idea. :)

Edit: Picked muh char! :D

I've seen this and I've been debating, but I think that I would have a lot of fun with this.
sounds interesting
Aearion (played by Pirate)

So I was clicking through titles to get my day-today RPR browsing, and then I stumbled across a very interesting idea. I'd love to join in on this.

EDIT: I picked my character too. Every good party needs a bard!
If there is a need for another character, I will gladly enlist one my characters for the cause.
The Dungeoneer (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Feel free to either message me the character links to the characters you'd like to use in this adventure or post them here. I'm only taking up the first three or four I get. Also, keep prying over the initial post for EDITS. The Saga begins when the third or forth member is decided.
Ruawyn (played by Sweetyceltic)

Hmm.. i would use Ruawyn
Well i'm generally a villain, not sure if you might want to use my character.
The Dungeoneer (played anonymously) Topic Starter

I could use a villain, but the only problem with that is that you wouldn't be in consistent contact with the others unless we assigned you another member, OR, I allowed you to work with the NPCs I use and the like. Say, I gave you a horde of minions to send forth and attempt to eliminate the party for example. It's more for me to work with honestly, but I won't turn down complexity. Give me a day. Still haven't filled the last slot or two for the party so I can try to work in a villain.
The Dungeoneer (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Additionally, I would like to have this roleplay started by Saturday evening if possible. If you're the sort that goes out during the weekends, let me know so I don't create the thread without you. There really won't be a posting order as some instances a person may need to respond to prompts more frequently than others varying from situation to situation.

So long as I am not at work, I can be here and respond as quickly as needed.
I should be able to post whenever I'm not at work. And since I work part-time, you can count on frequent posts, but I do think I should tell you I won't be able to post starting from next Thursday to Sunday. I'll be without internet on those days, but the days afterwards I'll be able to post daily once more.
Jayce Willow (played by Freyya)

I'm interested, if you still have room for an opportunist who goes for the biggest prize he can get :)
Ruawyn (played by Sweetyceltic)

Being dragged to a Bridle shower i think tomorrow *bleck*. But after that i should be on.. im always lurking the site so, i'll try and tell you when im here and when im not

I promise I will make a choice on a character tonight before I go to bed.
I might not have a full profile tomorrow, but I will have a start immediately after I get home from work!
The Dungeoneer (played anonymously) Topic Starter

With all of the submissions I'm possibly going to impose two separate Storylines and incorporate them into one at a later date for some sort of Finale. Opinions on this? Some points during either story I'd have the parties come across areas where the other party had already been, but for different reasons. Any input on this would be appreciated.

That sounds like a very diplomatic way of going about it. There is also the option of having an assistant dungeoneer to run a secondary game if it's too much for you to handle/would rather not run a second game yourself.
The Dungeoneer (played anonymously) Topic Starter

I wouldn't mind running a second one. Going to sort through the submissions and formulate the parties with in a bit.
Forming & combining a second storyline doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. I'd like to offer my character Takurasho as a potential antagonist. I wouldn't mind my posting being restricted to "intermittent", or he could initially be a member of the party who turns out to have ulterior motives. Hope there's still room.

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