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Forums » Introductions » Hello RPR Community!

I hope everyone is having or has had a nice weekend! Yesterday, the sun was marvelous and I'll tell you why.

I stepped outside of my workplace after a rough shift, feeling kind of down, worn out, and tired about a lot of things. But then I walked out into the sunlight. I stopped in the middle of the parking lot and... just stood there. Its beaming warmth felt like a greeting from an old friend. All of the negative energy I harbored inside had vanished in its presence. For five or six seconds, I felt at peace with myself. I didn't sweat the small stuff, I was just... sweating. So I hurried to my car to get the AC going. The last thing I needed was to get a heatstroke at my job.

But it got me thinking. As I drove home, I thought about stuff that made me feel like those five or six seconds of peace out in the sun. Sleep is always the first thing that comes to mind, but the second thing that came after that, okay, but the third thing definitely was writing.

I love to create worlds and share them with people, but I don't just want people to just read them, I want them to write and create with me! I'm sure everyone here feels that way. While I often find myself wanting to write to escape RL, it's the places I'm escaping into, and who I'm escaping with, that really matter. Whether I'm running and gunning in a Lovecraftian sci-fi dystopia , burning an ice cream shop into the ground in a Slice of Life, or describing my character's hair when the wind blows through it for the thousandth time, it's all for naught if I don't have fellow storytellers to share it with.

If you read all of that then bless your heart. I try not to have big expectations, but I do hope to have that moment in the sun with many of you!

Great interduction and username. Hello and welcome to RPRepository. Have fun and enjoy your stay.
That's a really pretty way to introduce yourself!! I hope you have fun here! Welcome to Roleplay Repository! Be sure to check out the roleplay forums once you're ready!
Keke Moderator

What a beautifully written intro! You really painted your feelings with words, and it was a delight to read!

Welcome to the RPR—I think you’re going to like it here! Writing is such a wonderful creative escape. If you need any help, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Happy writing!
Hullo! o/

I agree with the others, a lovely sentiment in an intro! I think writing definitely brings that moment of peace for most of us :)

Welcome to RPR! :D
What a lovely introduction to not only introduce yourself, but to show us how you write and paint pictures with your words. :)

Welcome to RPR! I hope you find lots of friends to write fun games and stories with. Also, your user name is nice!
RisingoftheSpirit Topic Starter

Thank you all for your lovely replies! You know how to make a newcomer feel welcomed :)
Hi there Rising, welcome to RPR! As you can see, the community is fun, friendly, welcoming and helpful! If you haven't yet, we recommend browsing the tutorial, it's got a ton of helpful tips and guides for all sorts of different RP-related subjects, from making characters to looking for RP partners--even experienced roleplayers may find things they hadn't thought of, I know I sure did. :) And if you're still not sure about something on the site after checking out the tutorial, feel free to ask questions of the mods and anyone else who offers to help.

If you're hankering for some specific kind of RP, we have an awesome Find RP tool that has a bunch of neat filters and stuff you can use to look for particulars. If you just wanna browse, you can go straight to the Looking For RP forum and see if anything there catches your eye, or even post ideas of your own! :)

Or if you just wanna chat for a bit as you decide what kind of characters you want to make, we have a place for Smalltalk too!

And above all...hope you have fun and stick around a while to make a bunch of RP friends! These people being friendly sure helped me decide to stay, too, when I was new!

I would like to chime in and agree with the others, that was a beautiful introduction, love the imagery it painted! ^_^

I noticed your tastes are pretty varied--I think that's awesome! But are there any particular ones that just set fire to your imagination and fuel your energy for writing more than any other can? :)

Welcome! Good intro, and if you write RP anything like it you are a wordmaster!
May you enjoy RPR and find many a writing partner and readers of your stories!
RisingoftheSpirit Topic Starter

That's very kind of you Ranger. Thank you for the warm welcome!
Subtleknifewielder wrote:

I noticed your tastes are pretty varied--I think that's awesome! But are there any particular ones that just set fire to your imagination and fuel your energy for writing more than any other can? :)

Hello and thank you for the helpful info! But most importantly, thank you for that question -- it's a great question, and really got me thinking. What truly fascinates me are fantastical concepts that put characters in positions they've never encountered before. A compelling problem or near impossible dilemma interests me a lot, and I like to create characters that tango with inadequacy/feeling out of their depth. Science Fiction, Fantasy (Traditional and Asian-inspired), Westerns, Steampunk, Cyberpunk, Horror, Slice of Life, Drama, Romance... I'm drawn to whacky ideas that are grounded with some type of element of humanity to it. Stranger Things is a perfect example that comes to mind.

What about yourself, Subtle, and anyone else that would like to answer that question as well. What kind of tastes drive your imagination to write more than others? I'm very curious to see what keeps this great community inspired :)
That is a good question to turn back on others. I am a huge fan of Science fiction, Fantasy, Steampunk, and other genres that encourage world-building. It is a challenge to build a world from scratch, but very, very rewarding when done well. To imagine how the technology or magic works, how different people within societies and how the larger societies in general view it or aspects of it. And especially, how it would shape the development of those societies.

And of course, I love adventure. The thrill and challenge of exploring the world, looking for that thing that could save someone or something important to the character(s).
Sanne Moderator

Welcome to the site, RisingoftheSpirit! (Do you have a particular nickname or abbreviation that you like people to use? :) )

Can I just say that this was a lovely piece of writing to read? If that's your roleplaying style as well, I'm certain you'll find a bunch of like-minded writers to play with! :D
RisingoftheSpirit wrote:
What about yourself, Subtle, and anyone else that would like to answer that question as well. What kind of tastes drive your imagination to write more than others? I'm very curious to see what keeps this great community inspired :)

I've always used roleplaying as a coping mechanism for depression and anxiety, and also as a way to explore how people function and operate. I have relied on RP to teach me about social skills and interactions, because it's really difficult for me to foster these skills in real life. I felt like I always operated differently from others but didn't know why, or how, so living different lives through a wide range of different characters and getting to experience other people's characters contributed tremendously to my social and personal growth. I'm now 31 years old and looking at a potential ASD/ADHD diagnosis with my therapist, which explains this a bit further, but I can't imagine the person I'd be today, if I hadn't had roleplaying to help me out!

Roleplaying is also what helped positively impact how I learned English, as it's not my first language but it's the one used on the site I discovered when I was 13 or so. That's also where I learned what roleplaying was, and without it I probably wouldn't sound like a regular old American lady today. ;)

Although I've been reading books even since before I could read, and this is likely why I can't step away from fictional writing in any capacity, I don't think my love for stories would have been big enough on its own to motivate me to RP, strangely enough. I'm very driven to absorb all the information and learn new things, which is something that never stops happening as long as you RP. :)

Welcome to rpr! We are so happy you are here
Welcome to RPR!

RisingoftheSpirit Topic Starter

Thank you Cherry and Starwarsfan!
‘Subtleknifewielder’ wrote:
That is a good question to turn back on others. I am a huge fan of Science fiction, Fantasy, Steampunk, and other genres that encourage world-building. It is a challenge to build a world from scratch, but very, very rewarding when done well. To imagine how the technology or magic works, how different people within societies and how the larger societies in general view it or aspects of it. And especially, how it would shape the development of those societies.

And of course, I love adventure. The thrill and challenge of exploring the world, looking for that thing that could save someone or something important to the character(s).

It’s amazing how detailed worlds can be, how lively they can become when players interpret them through the characters they make. Cultures, society, but really history lore is my favorite source to read from. It really lays a nice ground work for the imagination. I think we as RPers don’t give ourselves enough credit for the artistry we’re capable of with words. Thank you for sharing!
Sanne wrote:
Welcome to the site, RisingoftheSpirit! (Do you have a particular nickname or abbreviation that you like people to use? :) )

Can I just say that this was a lovely piece of writing to read? If that's your roleplaying style as well, I'm certain you'll find a bunch of like-minded writers to play with! :D
RisingoftheSpirit wrote:
What about yourself, Subtle, and anyone else that would like to answer that question as well. What kind of tastes drive your imagination to write more than others? I'm very curious to see what keeps this great community inspired :)

I've always used roleplaying as a coping mechanism for depression and anxiety, and also as a way to explore how people function and operate. I have relied on RP to teach me about social skills and interactions, because it's really difficult for me to foster these skills in real life. I felt like I always operated differently from others but didn't know why, or how, so living different lives through a wide range of different characters and getting to experience other people's characters contributed tremendously to my social and personal growth. I'm now 31 years old and looking at a potential ASD/ADHD diagnosis with my therapist, which explains this a bit further, but I can't imagine the person I'd be today, if I hadn't had roleplaying to help me out!

Roleplaying is also what helped positively impact how I learned English, as it's not my first language but it's the one used on the site I discovered when I was 13 or so. That's also where I learned what roleplaying was, and without it I probably wouldn't sound like a regular old American lady today. ;)

Although I've been reading books even since before I could read, and this is likely why I can't step away from fictional writing in any capacity, I don't think my love for stories would have been big enough on its own to motivate me to RP, strangely enough. I'm very driven to absorb all the information and learn new things, which is something that never stops happening as long as you RP. :)

Thank you Sanne for the kind words, but most importantly, thank you for sharing so much about yourself! That’s inspiring to know that you consciously use RPing as a tool the way you do, not only to learn a second language like English, which you are wonderful with, but also for social skills, and peering into different perspectives to self reflect and understand more about yourself and others.

Great points are brought up about absorbing information. Striving to research for a character is so motivating isn’t it? I don’t think I’d be knowledgeable/aware of half of the things I know if it weren’t for all of the research I’ve put in to craft a character.

Also, I think a good nickname to keep things short will be Rise :)

Thank you all for your insight.
Heya, welcome to RPR. I hope you find lots of great RP's and amazing new friends to write with :)
Welcome to the site, hope you have fun!
Kim Site Admin

Welcome, and thank you for that lovely intro. I can see you are fitting in beautifully already!

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