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Forums » Looking for RP » Recalling Gunslinging Sleazies </3 (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Hey there's a nifty gadget for finding RP I can just reuse:
As hosted by Iphis
Concept: A young girl (me!) accidentally demonstrates a hidden talent for gun handling she never knew she had! Bounty Hunter/Hitman/CIA Agent/Ninja?/Pirate?!/Gunslinger/Outlaw/Criminal/Hero (YOU!) Picks her up as an apprentice in crime fighting or rebellious criminal activity.. Whatever really floats your boat. Adventure, Training, teasing, horseplay, fun, friendship and maybe even romance ensues (or doesn't, works for me.)

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

So like, seriously this time. Please don't back out without telling me;;
This is my second or third jab at this plot. Don't let me down, okay? A<;;

If someone wants to rp with their own specific character and am simply looking for a rp partner, let me know and Ill whip up a character just for you. <3

I apologize again for not telling people this sooner, it was my own fault, and I hope people will forgive me for not being specific sooner. >_<;;;;;;

Much. much obliged wark.";
Ricin (played anonymously)

No, really. Take a look at Ricin's profile and see if he's someone you'd like to mess around with ^3^
Reinage Topic Starter

Ricin wrote:
No, really. Take a look at Ricin's profile and see if he's someone you'd like to mess around with ^3^
Ricin (played anonymously)

So what exact thingy are we going with? Assassin or bounty hunter or what? Ricin can do basically anything.
Reinage Topic Starter

I was mostly thinking Bounty Hunter, to be honest :3
Ricin (played anonymously)

Alrighteh then!
You start?
Reinage Topic Starter

Hm, can do!
(I do have to leave in 20 minutes though, *cry*)
Will edit this post with link, so watch out.
Edit: BLAM!
Ricin (played anonymously)

(Eh, so do I xP)

Okie dokiez!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Recalling Gunslinging Sleazies </3 (closed)

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